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Being captain or co-captain is a full-time responsibilty. Sometimes the squad gets together and votes for captains while on other squad the coach picks the captains. On most squads you have to be a returner, or not new to the team, to become or even qualify for the position of captains. Depending on the size of the squad and decision of the coach, there many be one two or sometimes even three captains on the team.

Qualites of a good captain

Leadership. A good captain must demonstrate good leadership qualties. The captains are leading the squad that leads the school. A cheerLEADer must have show strong leadership.
Sportsmanship. Captains and all cheerleaders must demonstrate good sportmanship at all times. Being a poor sport sets a bad example for fellow cheerleaders as well as giving the school a bad name.
Responsibilty. Captains have to be extremley responsible. Depending on the squad, captains are responsible for many things such as calling cheers, keeping a notebook, making sure all new cheerleaders have the cheers and routine down, and a lot most.
Not only should the captain lead, they must also know how to listen. Being a good captain is not only about leading the team but making sure everyones opions are heard, but the captain must know where to draw the line to make sure everything is accomplished during practices and meetings.

Some responsiblites of the captains

Keeping a notebook or binder of all the cheers and formations.
Making up new cheers and teaching them to the squad.
Helping squadmates learn new cheers if they are having a hard time.
Calling cheers during games and making sure squadmates aren't goofing off too much at games.
Picking out uniforms and making a calender of the uniforms and the games.
Making extra game posters.