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I caught the predatory glint in Simon's eyes as he let me into his room and tried not to smile. So I was right after least about Simon wanting me. As to whether Robert did as well, and the thing I suspected was between them, that was yet to be seen.

I watched as Simon, wearing only his jeans, sat down on the slightly rumpled bed. Either he'd been sleeping on top of his bed, or what I suspected had been going on...I shivered, delighted.

"Have a seat, Perry," he said, that full mouth curving into a slight smile. His eyes tried not to invite me to sit on the bed, but I did anyway, trying not to grin again at his slight look of surprise...and delight.

"So, tell me about this dream," I murmured. "It must have been something!"

As Simon regaled me with a nightmare we both knew hadn't happen, I thought of what had happened earlier. I'd purposely dropped that bottle opener, just as a test. Sure enough, they'd *both* taken the bait. Jason and Roger hadn't noticed them checking me least that I noticed anyway.

I nearly chuckled as Simon tried to inject the right mix of post-nightmare fear into his voice and his lust kept creeping back in. I tried to stay attentive--I really did--but my eyes kept searching the room for signs of Robert. I could almost feel him nearby.

Finally my eyes fell on a swatch of dark blue silk--Robert's shirt. A smile curved my lips as I reached down to pick it up.

"That's interesting, Simon. Say, when did you and Robert start sharing clothes?"

My bandmate yanked the shirt from my hands. "I borrowed it to try on," he said a trifle sharply. He slipped it on, his eyes matching his tone.

I swallowed back a gasp. He looked unbelievably sexy in that shirt. It was a little big for him, as Robert's build was huskier, but still...'Well Si, it would also seem you've taken to smearing his lipstick on yourself as well,' I wanted to say. I'd noticed the crimson streaks on his lips, his throat, and his chest. I bit back a moan that threatened to surface.

"It's a good fit, Simon," I told him, my voice huskier than I would have liked. His eyes went dark, turned slightly greenish, something I'd only seen when he was eyeing a pretty girl...or Robert.

He leaned closer, lips slightly parted. God, he was gorgeous...him and Robert both. My mind played out all kinds of erotic visions--their bodies entwined, writhing, hands caressing...mouths *everywhere*. I saw myself with them, and bit down hard on my lip to hold back another groan.

"Oh...really? And do you think we'd be a good fit?" Simon leaned closer, I leaned in to meet him.

God, his soon as his lips were on mine, his tongue licking and darting, I wondered how those lips would feel on my throat, moving down my chest and belly with agonizing slowness, my fingers tangling into that silky dark hair, urging him lower...

I moaned, parting my lips. Our tongues slid over each other, twining like snakes, his hand moving in my hair.

The sudden sharpness of teeth on my earlobe startled me, and I jerked away from Simon. Robert chuckled. He'd been here the whole time, and had sneaked up on me. "What's wrong, Perry?" His voice a breathy teasing whisper in my ear. "Changing your mind on us?" He reached around me to stroke lightly at my thighs...slowly...knee to hip and back again.

"Well, no, umm, I do, want it, but sometimes ideas are better than reality..."

Simon chuckled, pressing closer, pushing me against Robert. I was suddenly, amazingly hard hot for both of them. He reached up to stroke my hair before taking me for another kiss, and I saw the slight marks on his wrists...and the scarves still tied to the headboard.

'So that's what they were up to,' I thought, a shiver of lust running through me. Oh my...

"Just one kiss," Robert whispered in my ear before licking at it lightly. This time I did groan. "Kiss me, and if you still don't want to play, Simon and I will go back to what we were doing."

My mind played out all kinds of wonderfully obscene ideas on how that might be...I saw myself tied by the wrists instead then, Robert and Simon on either side of me, inflicting erotic tortures...I turned to Robert.

"Kiss me."

Smiling, Robert leaned in close. I shivered in anticipation of soft, full lips covering my own...they brushed mine, then were gone.

"What--? Robert..."

He chuckled, then wrapped an arm around my neck, pulling me closer. His lips slammed down on mine, tongue thrusting.

Startled, I tried to pull back from him, only to back into Simon pressing against me from behind. His arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly against him. I struggled briefly, suddenly afraid of the madness I'd gotten myself into, even though it was my wish.

"Relax Perry," Simon whispered. His breath was hot and most against my ear, sending a heated shiver down my spine. "We won't hurt you...unless that's what you like." He chuckled at my startled gasp and began to unbutton my shirt. A moment later, he and Robert worked together to pull it off me.

Robert kissed me again, tongue teasing at my lips as Simon pulled me back against him. Though he still wore Robert's shirt, it was open, his chest hair tickled my back. His hands stroked lightly at my chest and belly slowly closer to where I wanted them only to move back up at the last second.

I whimpered softly at the satin slide of Robert's tongue, allowing it to thrust into my mouth, his hand tangling into my hair. Simon leaned back, pulling me down with him so that I half reclined. Suddenly he bit down none too gently on the sensitive joining of my neck and shoulder, making me wince and squirm. His hands moved ever lower, at last lightly brushing across my straining cock.

"Ahh!" My hips bucked up to meet his hands but he pulled them away. "You can't tell me you don't want this, Perry," Simon taunted. "Maybe you just need a little more...convincing."

Robert pulled his mouth away from mine. Seeing the wicked glint in his eyes I bit my lip hard. He and Simon exchanged a look, then before I could react, they grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me flat on the bed.

"What...Robert, Simon, wait, what are you-"

"Seems you know what you want Perry," Simon teased. He leaned over me, his hair falling over my face. I wondered what it would feel like to tangle my hands into it while his mouth devoured my painfully hard cock. "But you need a little...control."

Robert grinned at me. "I think I know what he wants us to do, Si." He took my hand and kissed it, his eyes dark and smouldering.

"I think so too," Simon replied. He kissed my fingertips, his eyes never leaving mine.

I realized their intent a half second too late to do anything about it. My bandmates pulled my arms up over my head and quickly tied me down. "Wha--wait!" My protest was quickly cut off by Simon's mouth on mine, tongue thrusting into my mouth, his hands in my hair. I sobbed, I couldn't help it.

Robert bit sharply at my earlobe then flicked his tongue inside. "Mmmm..." I squirmed between them, then whimpered softly as he whispered, "Come on, Perry. It's your wish...we've seen you looking at us. Give over."

I shivered, groaning my surrender. Simon heard, and pulled his mouth away from mine. He licked at my lips, making me sob again, then turn to kiss Robert, who eagerly embraced his friend.

They kissed hard, almost savagely, hands in each other's hair. "Ahh, Simon..." Simon forced Robert's mouth open, then thrust his tongue inside. A shiver of lust wracked me as I caught brief glimpses of their tongues slithering together. Their groans of pleasure sent another heated shiver through me, and for one moment I feared they'd forgotten me.

I was wrong. With Simon still between us Robert leaned over and kissed me fiercely. Our tongues mated, parted, joined again as his nails dug into my back, bringing pain, giving pleasure. I groaned against his mouth, writhing against my bonds, vaguely aware of Simon squirming between us as he moved lower...

His hands were undoing my belt, and all I could do was lie there, galvanized with shock and desire. Robert kissed me again as Simon tugged at my zipper, making my need burn hotter. Sweat ran down my back, my chest, and Robert broke the kiss to run his tongue over my throat, pausing to nibble lightly at my collarbone.

"Ahhhh...God, Robert..." I tilted my head back as far as it would go, only vaguely aware of Simon pulling my jeans down, taking my underwear with them...of Robert's frustrated protest.

"Mmm, you look very tasty Perry," Simon purred up at me from between my thighs. "Let's see if you're as delicious as you look!"

"Simon! Ohhh..." Had I made that animal sound of ecstasy? His mouth was soft and sweetly liquid, making me think of warm honey. My back arched, then my hips bucked up to meet him as he tortured my cock with lips and tongue.

Robert nipped sharply at my neck, heightening my lust. "Ahh!" His hand tangled into my hair once more then suddenly he shivered, gasping out. "Si...yes, like that!"

'I know what he's doing ohhh Robert,' I thought wildly, my bandmate's lust heightening my own. Just the idea of Simon's hand sliding wetly over Robert's flesh was almost enough to send me over.

Through half-closed eyes I saw Robert's own face twist with delight, teeth sinking into his lip. A faint stain of crimson lingered upon his kiss-swollen pout, like forgotten wine. His gray-blue eyes were dark with lust. My eyes darted lower, and I saw he was as naked as I was."Beautiful," I thought, "so beautiful." Then his mouth was on mine again, our tongues twisting together, even as Simon had his way with us both.

We writhed in a passionate frenzy, Robert's nails raking my back, the scratches stinging all the more from my sweat. I tore my mouth away from his, panting harshly. I was close, so close...

"D-damn you, Simon!" I growled through clenched teeth as he pulled his mouth away from me.

Robert started to protest, then suddenly his eyes went wide. "Yes...oh yes, don't stop this time!"

I leaned as close as my bonds would allow and captured his lips in another fierce kiss, my tongue fucking his mouth. Robert grunted in surprise then crushed me to him once more, squirming madly against Simon's mouth.

Simon's long fingers wrapped around my slick cock, sending a stab of lust through me. His hand slid slowly up and down the length of it with agonizing slowness. I groaned against Robert's mouth, desperately wishing my hands were free so I could teach them both a lesson...

Before long though, Simon had brought us both to the edge again...and again. By now, Robert and I were both nearly mad with frustration as we kissed, writhing and biting, his nails tearing at my back in an animal frenzy, our groans and cries echoing in the room. Simon would take us both to the edge of climax then stop, then switch to either his mouth or his hands on us again. "Simon...oh god...p-please...let" Robert pleaded, his breath in harsh little gasps.

Simon's mouth devoured me once more. I arched up to meet his wicked mouth, hearing Robert's frustrated groans only vaguely as Simon moved harder, faster, my breath in harsh gasps. "Simon...oh god, yes, now oh please, please!"

Robert's mouth suddenly crushed mine once again, his tongue filling my mouth, muffling my scream. The savage kiss only pushed me higher and I arched again, thrusting myself deeper into Simon's mouth as I shuddered one last time.

Robert suddenly tore his mouth away from mine, his nails raking down my back once more. "Si--Simon! Yesssss!" He sank his teeth into my shoulder, growling cries of pleasure escaping his throat, but I was only vaguely aware of the pain it brought. I was still wrapped in a mindless haze of ecstasy, and as if from far away I thought I heard Simon cry out as well.

'Hearing things.' I faded away.

I awoke some time later to find Robert and Simon on either side of me, regarding me with amused looks. They'd freed my hands, I saw. I sat up and rubbed my wrists, wincing a little.

"Was it good for you, Perry?" Simon asked archly, knowing full well why I'd passed out.

I tried to glare at him. "What do you think?"

Robert grinned. "In that case, fancy another go then, Perry?"

I fell back on the bed. "Oh god."
