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The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
Oscar Wilde


I hear his voice as I’ve heard it thousands of times before, soft and low, like a hidden caress.  I turn to him, not wanting this, not again, but I can’t stop myself.   Robert reaches for me, and as always, I go to him.

My hands slide slowly down Robert's back, fingers gently kneading his flesh.  "Mmmm…Si…yessss,"  he groans. I stroke his hips gently before pulling him sharply against me with a hungry growl..

I startle awake, alone in my bedroom.  My gasp rings harshly in the still, early morning hour.  I lay there panting for a moment, as reality slowly makes it’s way into my dream-fogged mind.  At last I sigh as the dream slowly fades away.  The only proof of it is my sweat-slick body, twined half in and out of the sheets and my achingly hard cock.

My hand drifts down toward my groin, and before I can stop myself, my fingers are tracing the firmness outlined by my boxers. A sudden flare of lust makes me groan, the sound causes a flood of memories to fill my mind…

We’re on tour in Belgium.  We’ve been drinking, but Robert and I aren’t quite drunk yet.  Lol stumbled off to bed to sleep it off an hour ago.  Soon as we both hear Lol snoring, Robert kneels before me, his blue eyes holding a mixture of innocence and utter depravity as he—

With a growl of frustration, I tear my hand away and shove it under the pillow.  Grunting, I turn onto my side and push the thoughts away.  Finally, I drift into sleep once more.

Robert gasps at the feel of my cock pushing against his.  His tongue flicks snake-like at my lips, then slides down my throat to tease the hollow there.  I gasp, tilting my head back to allow him better access, and gasp louder still as his hand pulls my head back even more, his teeth biting gently just beneath my jaw.

I open my eyes and look at him.  He’s changed, the black hair is even wilder than before, but soft in my hands.  The black lines smudged around his eyes make them seem even bluer, I could drown in them.  His crimson pout is smudged from our kisses.  ‘”My throat,’ I think, and the idea of those scarlet smears makes me whimper.  His lips move to my ear, nipping gently.  ‘It’s been sooo long, Si,’ he purrs.  He punctuates this with a grinding wriggle against me…

My moan of pleasure follows me into reality, becoming a groan of frustration.  Everything makes me think of him and what we shared.  The winter wind blowing outside.  The faint glow of light from the moon.  The bed, for Christ’s sake.   But my mind won’t let go of the idea, of the memory, and once more my hand reaches down…and slips inside my boxers.

Robert and I are arguing.  We’re drunk, and things are getting nasty.  I retreat to my room—this very one—and slam the door behind me.  I have to get away from him before I say or do something I’ll regret.  But Robert follows me.   He won’t leave me alone…he reaches out to touch my shoulder and before I can stop myself, I knock him down.  He falls on the bed and before he can get up, I jump on him, furious.  I raise my hand to hit him.  Instead, I kiss him with cruel hunger…and he responds….

The feel of my hand stroking my cock is nothing compared to having Robert writhing and naked, pressed up hard and shuddering with lust against me.  The very idea makes moan, the sound startles me.  “Noooo.  I can’t do this!”  I tear my hand away, shuddering with unfilled need.  “If I give in, you’ll haunt me forever, Robert.”  My whisper is loud in the darkness.  “I can’t let myself want what I can never have again.”

I roll over my stomach, stealing a glance at the bedside table as I do.  It’s 6:15, still dark.  “Robert’s not even up yet,” I think.  “Awake, anyway.  Who knows with Robert.”  I bite back the grin that surfaces and force myself to relax.  ‘I can’t let it happen,’ I whisper.  ‘I’m sorry, Robin.’

We’re in a mood to experiment.  I’ve tied him to the bed, blindfolded him.  He lies naked and at my mercy, I am fully dressed.  My cock strains against my jeans at the sight and it’s all I can do to keep from just having him.  He whimpers, pleading with me as I tease him mercilessly.  I caress him with hands, lips and tongue, even my hair, everywhere but where he needs it most.

“S-simon!” he sobs, writhing as my tongue slides closer to his cock.  His hips push up towards me but I pull away, laughing.  I’m enjoying this so much…god knows he’s tormented me before.  “God, Simon…” he groans, and I shudder with my own lust.  “Shut up Robert,” I growl at him.  “Do you want me to gag you, too?”

His reaction surprises me.  He gives a wicked little laugh and says, ‘But then I couldn’t do this.”  His tongue snakes out to flick lewdly, beckoning me…and I shatter…

“Robert…” the sound of my own moaning wakes me up again.  My hand is wrapped firmly around the hot, hard length of my cock, stroking firmly.  This time there’s no stopping myself.  I give in to my lust as the lascivious images flood my mind: Robert and I entwined, writhing, lying on the floor wrapped in each other like Siamese twins; Robert atop me, thrusting deeply, my nails tearing at his back; the two of us sneaking onto the bus for a quick snog and emerging twenty minutes later, shaking and sweaty and grinning evilly…

“Ahhh, Robert!  Yessss!”  I arch up, shuddering in ecstasy, and another cry escapes my throat as I shudder one last time, harder still.  At last I fall back on the bed, panting and trembling.

“Robert…” I gasp softly.  “Oh god.  I wish—“

The shrill ring of the phone startles me out of my reverie.  “Shit!”  Still panting, I paw for it on the bedside table, finally catching hold of it.  I force my gasp for breath into a yawn as I say, “Whoever this is, it had better be good!”

“It’s always good, Si.  You know that.”

My heart sticks in my throat.  How I’ve longed to hear him, even as I’ve dreaded it.  “Robert!?”

“Yeah.  It’s me…Si…how do I say it…”

My heart pounds furiously.  I know what he wants to say.  I want to say it too, but I can’t.  “Just say it Robin,” I say softly.

He takes a deep breath, then says the words I’ve wanted to hear all these months.

“Come home.”
