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Hey you guys!! There is a major problem out there!! Well you all know about the new Boob foundation....well we had to shut it down for 3 weeks because NO ONE WAS CALLING! You guys Britney needs help! Her boobs saw her in Oops I did it again...she's back to a size A!! Can we let her get away with this?? I THINK NOT!! So you guys really need to call....let me reassure is toll-free and that means no COST NO MULA NO NOTHIN! Nothing shows up on your phone bill or anything....but everytime you call 5 cents goes towards helping her! So you guys come on, dont be shady!!! Again the # is 1-877-215-9600 and they will ask what extension and you dial 310!!! It's that easy..come on you guys!! Be a Big help! This is urgent :)