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The battle raged on the entire day, with Kyle's troops firing at any enemy within range, and the enemy blasting away with their heavy guns. Every now and then, a stray grenade would fly over the wall and explode, spreading its havoc. By the end of the day, four lay dead, and eleven wounded. The enemy had lost no one. The morale of the troops was dropping faster than a stone, and Kyle was losing hope. He was beginning to consider surrender.

Ideas fly through heads faster than most people consider them, and many say only Fate can stop an idea from passing through someone's brain. Perhaps it was such in this case, for Kyle called Ryan together. The two leaders talked for a while, as the soldiers looked on. When they emerged from their talk, both looked strangely excited. Ryan jumped to the challenge and began directing the soldiers into the new plan. The new enthusiasm spread to the entire army, and everyone took part in the new plan. Ryan led his squad out of the back door of the fort. Kyle directed the soldiers on the wall to raise up a shout, to make it sound like reinforcements were arriving. The enemy's men looked on with confusion, while Ryan led his soldiers behind the enemy camp. Then, the men on the wall were silent. Suddenly, like a burst of fireworks, Ryan led his men charging on into the enemy from behind. For two hours, Ryan fought with his men, routing enemy soldiers. Late that evening, the army returned, victorious.

"Sir," Ryan reported to his commander,"all enemies routed or captured."


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