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It had been several hours since the fatal shot killing Kyle was fired. First, the ambulance came and rushed him to the hospital. After hours of battling for his life, it was over. Ryan knew it was time to move on.

"We will not stop at anything! Nothing must get in the way! We will find the assassin and kill him!" Ryan declared to the army, as shouts rose up all around him. Immediately, a search party left the fort to bring back the killer. Three days later, they returned empty-handed.

"Why could you not find the assassin?" Are you incompetent? What's the matter with you."

"But, sir, he was nowhere to be found! We looked everywhere!" claimed the leader of the party.

"You can do better than that! I want you to stop at nothing to find him. He must be found!" But this was impossible. And Ryan knew it. So he emersed himself in his work. Within a week, he had the plans for a new fort, he had worked out an emergency defence system, redivided his men, and issued new equipment. A week later, the leader of the search mission reported.

"Sir, we have reason to believe that the killer is within a five mile radius of this camp."

"Very good. Bring him to me alive."


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