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Wing Span 36 ins.
Length 22 ins.
Weight 19 ozs.
Wing Area 2.8 sq.ft.
Wing Loading 6.9 ozs./sq.ft.
Wing Section EH 2/10 modified
Radio 2 channel (with elevon mixing)

                      Price £39.95 +carriage

Our VIPER and VENOM models are close to the upper limit of 50" set by the BMFA for combat rule compliance. The original MAMBA was designed as a compact fun model to delight the expert, but was not aimed at that particular market. However, it would seem that whenever two or more EPP models are airborne at the same time, they invariably get 'close' together!

We did the obvious - modified the MAMBA to comply with the combat rules and to be better suited for this task. Increased sweepback had the effect of reducing the span to 36" and negated the need for any noseweight even though the nicad had been positioned further aft. Just as important though was to protect the servo arms, pushrods and control horns from impact damage by shielding them with a minimal fuselage that is entirely under the wing, as has proved so successful with the VIPER.

As with all our models, it is designed to accept standard size radio gear for which all the holes are accurately pre-cut. Even so, with its low wing loading of under 7ozs./sq.ft. and the efficient Eppler Horten section employed it has excellent light wind performance whilst still being capable of eating up the sky in a blow! Whilst being a fast model, due to its diminutive size, it gives the impression of being even faster. There is no argument about its high roll rate!

If you arrive at the power site to aero tow it, only to find it is too windy, instead of going home disappointed, retreat to to your local slope for some real fun. These models can be stored almost anywhere, indeed, it makes an ideal holiday model that can be packed away in an even smaller space if the tips are held on with Velcro (not supplied).

Although this model is suitable for anyone with previous aileron experience as it has all the potential to fly in a very wide range of wind conditions, it comes into its own in the hands of the experienced flyer who will be delighted with its fast, responsive and very predictable handling.

Definitely Five Star Rating!!


To order, ring (0044) 01273 494140