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Ambers's House

Crew:Myself, Nick, and Nate

Storyline: Well the girls were plannin a sleepover at amber's house, and they were talkin amongst themselves when i overheard them talking about tping houses. So i figured what a great oppurtunity to tp someones house. So i reminisced with nate and nick at soccer and they agreed that it would be a funny joke. That nightthere was a girls bball game, there we were talkin to amber and kt, the game was boring cuz we were winning by so much so we started telling jokes. Nate whispered to nick a "funny joke" then he told me, the joke was that the people we were goin to tp were right next to us; hence the phrase "FUNNY JOKE". That night we got the wrong house, (we were one street off). The next day we got word from my wonderful aunt pat(mother of lora and phil) that the girls were planning a retalliation, (u would have thought they would have been smarter than 2 go against me nate and nick) but never the less the wanted 2 get us back. So that night nate came over and we waited for hours for them 2 come, eventually the time came and we were wating with eggs and muddy water, amber was pellted 3x in the head and kt was pegged a few times, rachel was doused in a shower of muddy water from nate, (jannele ran away, {very smart}. Anyway, after thatwe could not live noing we got the wrong so we went again the next week and got the right house. -->And that is how the tp fun started.