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Signings 2016-17

Once again, I'm putting together (with a lot of help from John Bynum of Signal The Light Hoops and Bret Swanson of Swanny's Roundball Review & Juco Junction) a listing of JC players (from 2015-16) who have signed or verbally committed to continue their educational and basketball careers at the next level (a 4-year school).

If you have any additions (or notice any mistakes) email me at with the news and I'll add them to the list.

Sources for this also include the CCCMBCA website, emails from coaches & fans, local newspapers and anywhere else I happened to see the info.

Also - this list is for all levels - not just Division I. So if you have any lower division or NAIA signings, send them along!

Last Updated: November 15

East Los Angeles:
Dajion Henderson, Ctr - Tennessee State
Roderick Williams, PF - Texas-El Paso (UTEP)

Dor Tut, F - Humboldt State (CA)

Breaon Brady, Ctr - Houston (TX)
T.J. Shorts, PG - UC Davis