Step 1

Realize you do not know it all.

Be honest with yourself and show maturity by seeking out instructors who can give you the benefits of their experience

The smartest thing you will ever do is to seek out those who have accomplished what you are trying to accomplish and learn the lessons that they have learned. By not having to make the mistakes they have made you will be miles ahead.

You will have your share of setbacks and disappointments; however, if you can have someone point out some of the pitfalls and stumbling blocks along the road, you would be foolish not to use these people as a resource.


Step 2

Develop a Mentoring relationship.

Let your instructors know that you are mature and that you would like for them to tell you , regardless if it will hurt your feelings, any aspect of your game they feel needs special attention.

You will only develop a mentoring relationship with a teacher or instructor when you let them know that you respect their ability to lead you and that you trust their judgment. You must inform them that you are mature enough to listen to an honest appraisal of the condition of your game.

This one act will allow the growth process to begin. When you know where your skills stand in respect to others, you can then form a game plan and attack your weaknesses. The entire level of your game will rise.

Professionals respect honesty on your part more than any other personal quality.


Step 3

The Pay-Off

By developing this relationship you will then have the benefits of all the resources and the network of contacts developed over years by the individual coach or instructor.

Having access to all the contacts and the knowledge of your instructor is priceless, and do not believe for a moment that you could put a price tag on it.

You will now have someone in your corner that can actually do something for you; showing you the correct doors you need to go through.

Do not expect your coaches and instructors to do your work for you.

You just want to be sure that the work you are doing is the most productive in achieving your goals.


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