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    The Commissioner
    The Owners
    Roster Sizes
    • Maximum roster size is 40 players
      • Active Roster (25 player maximum)
      • AAA Roster/Disabled list (15 player maximum)
      • Low Minors roster (10 players maximum)
    Free Agents
    • Signing a player
      • There is no limit to the number of players that can be signed and/or released during the season
      • The computer will decide which team to award the player if two or more teams put in a claim for the same player
      • To sign a free agent follow these rules:
        1. Email the Commissioner PBL Commissioner
        2. In the subject line type, PBL (team name): Free Agent signings
        3. In the body of the Email type;

          SIGNING: the name(s) of the players you wish to sign
          RELEASING: the name(s) of the players you wish to release

          SIGNING: 1B Fred McGriff
          RELEASING: C Javy Lopez
          **you only need to release a player if the newly signed player puts your roster over the 40 man limit

        4. The newly signed player will be placed in the roster spot (Active or AAA) of the released player, unless you specify otherwise
    Roster Moves
    • Demoting/Promoting players
      • Players can be moved between the active and AAA roster freely
    • Disabled List
      • Players placed on the Disabled list take one of your 15 player AAA roster spots
      • Once placed there, a player must remain on the DL for 15 days
    • Releasing a player
      • Any player can be released at any time during the year
    • Trades can be made up until the trading deadline (september 1st)
    • Trades must have atleast one player leaving a team for every three players going to the team.
    • To make a trade follow these rules:
      1. Email the Commissioner PBL Commissioner
      2. In the subject line type, PBL (team name): Trade completed
      3. In the body of the Email type;

        (your team abr): the name(s) of the player(s) you traded away
        (other team abr) the name(s) of the player(s) you wish to recieved

        CHC: P Kerry Wood, OF Sammy Sosa
        NYY: P Roger Clemens, OF Paul O'Neill

  1. Lineups/Pitching Roles
    • Once you join, you will be sent an Email that contains your team's roster/pitching roles
      • Make any changes to the linueps/Pitching Roles you want, as well as your Active and AAA roster.
      • Send it back each week
    • Please do your best to save the Email, but if you need a new one, ask and I will send it to you

If there are any questions at all, Email me PBL Commissioner