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Gerry's 2002 Visit to the All-Star Game

Let them play! Let them play! Not the perfect ending to an otherwise perfect All-Star day, but at least a BIB was there to witness baseball history!

So here's the scoop. As we were heading down to FanFest, I needed to stop by Miller Park to get two more FanFest tickets (I had gotten 4 free tickets) When the ticket agent asked if I wanted tickets to the game, I said "What?" (I had been watching ticket prices thru brokers and seriously had been contemplating paying $300+ to go) Face value on all the tickets was $175 and $125. Someone had just turned in a few of the $125 so I decided, what the heck, this is one of those once-in-a-lifetime, right?

So, I went with my friend Jeannie to the game and 4 of the 6 Brady Bunch kids ;) to FanFest. FanFest is extremely well done and reasonably priced ($15/adult, $10kids and everything inside is free) Great pregame, seats and game until the end!

Here are a few picture the Fan Fest, at the Ballpark, the "Say Hey" Kid, and Player Introductions

Gerry's Highs and Lows

Top Four Ballpark Experiences (BIB Trips Only):

Bottom Three Ballpark Experiences (BIB Trips Only):

Top Minor League Ballpark Experiences (BIB Trips Only):

Bottom Minor League Ballpark Experiences (BIB Trips Only):

Top Baseball Things That Suck:

Top Baseball Things That Are Great:

A site for a Bob Uecker Tribute
And Another for Bernie the Brewer