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U.S.S. Dallas

The U.S.S. Dallas is an online roleplaying group that takes the role of Starfleet personnel that are the crew of the newly repaired U.S.S. Dallas (Star Trek: Elite Force II). Anyone is welcome to join just drop an e-mail to the fleet commander. What sets U.S.S. Dallas different from other roleplaying groups is that we use AIM once a week to act out our missions. The fleet commander sets up chat rooms for each section then communicates different situations to key personnel which means a problem is unknown to the crew until the fleet commander reveals it. Also the fleet commander takes the role of different race's commanders (for example a Romulan commander demanding a surrender of the captain). Also U.S.S. Dallas will put out weekly written episodes from that weeks role play.

People have asked how we use AIM to do what we do... It's easy. On roleplaying nights the fleet commander sets up 3 chat rooms: Bridge, Engineering, and Sickbay. The characters will seperated in their job specific chat. Also they will communicate through an instant message to the necessary person. The fleet commander takes the role of many different things. Typically the fleet commander is Capt. Riker, Commander Rilack, the computer, another vessel's commander, anything articulated, and if things get boring maybe a visit from our old buddy Q.

If you know trek then this is the roleplay for you. This is puttin your trek knowledge to the test against a heartless fleet commander who will do everything in his power to ruin peace between the Federation and Romulans. Can the Dallas save the quadrant from interstellar war? Only YOU can decide...

Senior Staff

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