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Baby VOX's Tribute Page



The blazing hot Korean female group Baby VOX (short for Baby Voice of Expression) is the flame ignited by the five members - Lee Hee Jin, Yoon Eun Hae, Kan Miyoun, Kim Ez and Sim Eun Jin.The story of the VOXes began in 1997 when the name Baby VOX was given to a five member female group and when their debut album was released. However, success didn't knock on their door right away: the featured song "Haircut" reached only 47 on the pop chart while the debut selling was disappointing. Poor selling led to separation, the record company decided to keep only two VOXes, Lee Hee Jin and Kim Kz, while brought in three energetic, vibrant dancers to the team. Thus the second generation of Baby VOX was born, with Kan Miyoun, Sim Eun Jin and Lee Gai. In their sexy, dynamic image, Baby VOX 2 received much better responses and the featured song "Change" got to as high as 7 on the chart. Baby VOX didn't stop right there and the record company aimed high; Yoon Eun Hae was introduced to replace Lee Gai who was less compatible with the rest of the group. The Baby VOX we listen to today has finally lined up. In 1999, a new Baby VOX with a new image, they became much mature and more feminine. Their featured song, "Get up", from the new album topped the Korean pop chart which they frequent afterward. Baby VOX hit the China market in the same year. In their millennium album "Why", Baby VOX's forth, they greeted the fans with satin elegance and grace, once again, they attracted publicity and more fans and established themselves as the biggest Korean female group along with S.E.S. and Fin. K.L. Besides being young and beautiful, Baby VOX excels in dancing. The chameleon characteristic of Baby VOX thrills their fans, their constant changing in style and image is definitely the trump card for their status in the pop music scene today. In their 4th album, "Boyish", Baby VOX amazed the public with their sharp turning from the ultra-feminine style to cross-dress, boyish look. Success and popularity grow not solely from image-making, being a real musician is essential. Baby VOX has been enriching themselves throughout these years by practicing song and lyrics writing. They are like music students who hand in their homework to the producers. The harvest? They composed 6 or 7 songs for "Boyish". Their more recent album,  Devotion, hit the market and made huge sells. Their title song, What am I Going to Do, hit very high numbers on the Korean music chart, and their Chinese song, I’m Still Loving You, hit number one in China. This was the first time in history that an overseas group reached number one. This young and talented group has much more to come in store for the future.  

Baby VOX - Devotion Perf. (6-21-03)

Baby VOX - What Am I Going to Do Perf (5-21-03)

Baby VOX - Seong Guk Tribute

Baby VOX - Squirt85 Tribute

Baby VOX - XseiferX Tribute