
There Is Nothing At This Site Yet. This will not be a site about UFOs or Aliens.

Even if you ask me a secret I will tell you no lie.

To contact me for any reason.
Except UFO sightings or aliens go to the Contact Page listed above.

Remember there are no such things as UFOs or aliens you can take it from me.

I will say this though only Ripley goes farther than me and the blonde girl.

Believe it or is that not what you would like to be true?

Please do not ask about the red head or the idiot that dogged me all the time. (Maybe you have seen him bald head, glasses and kind of fitness freak.)

This site will be for the blonde girl (Really she is about 40 now. She is gone now she got swallowed up in some sort a thing. I do not she her any more. I do not know exactly what it is. I am sure it will be after me shortly.)

Coming Soon.

Silently Bob sets up for his return.

(I know writing on my web sites I had planned to leave the planet is not exactly quiet but that is not screaming it. Any way I thought it best to say it and write letters to the President and then I could silently go about my business with anyone with half a brain having to be scared. After all this is not some sort of revenge thing or striking back at someone. I just want to go live in space.)

Beware of the Dogmud.

Bob L. Petersen

There are no aliens no UFOs no little green men. No picture of UFOs or Aliens. No movies or films of UFOs or Aliens. Scary stories you will have to check back. Why did you come to this site.

Bob L. Petersen