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WARNING!: The channel is not yet quite ready, so it's locked up. UPDATE: I am adding known nicks to a list of those who can get in automatically; this is supposedly an "auto-op" list, but allows me to change what powers 'n' perogatives an op gets, so it's really a invite-yourself list. Use "/msg chanserv invite ___" to get in. NOTE: if it doesn't seem to work, first try "msg chanserv help invite"; if that doesn't give you the key, contact me at the addy in the INFO file to ask what's up (that's "/msg nickserv info").

To my fellow Majesty: Rainbow Sector players: Yes, it's official. Mark, Mark, and Joe have OKed it. We are now an official spinoff. The South Concourse is part of the city-planet of Majesty!! Cheers, whistles, applause!
BTW, the name I wanted, and suggested (#RainbowSectorSouthConcourse) won't work--I think it's too long for the server to handle. So, I've shortened it to #RSSConcourse

Majesty! The capital of the Galactic Empire! And what a capital---a world covered by, consumed by, a single city. Horizon to horizon, pole to pole it extends. No break in that world-girdling roof.

Many sectors go to make up Majesty. Some are obscure manufacturing districts, others are areas given over to governing the Galactic Empire.

Then, there's Rainbow Sector. Playground of the rich and powerful. And, in it's darker corners, haunt of those less-than-law-abiding folk that the rich and powerful find---useful---for "messy" jobs.

But Rainbow Sector is known galaxy-wide not for its rich and powerful citizens (& certainly not for it's resident dregs). No, it is The Concourse that is featured in vid-casts across the galaxy. It is the ultimate shopping center. 10 levels high, half a kilometer wide, it extends 30 kilometers from north to south. In some places the full height is given over to one spectacular department store. In others, level above level is open to show small shops piled in grid-neat rows and columns. Elsewhere, small lanes give onto interestingly shaped shops nestled against each other.

Gardens, among the few on Majesty, lie here and there. Some are empty of all but plants, birds, and the occasional strolling patron. Some have shops, florists and the like, tucked away among the fronds.

And anything can be bought in The Concourse. Anything---including what is barely legal on Majesty, and illegal on almost every other planet in the Galactic Empire; for Majesty is a planet of indolence bordering on corruption.

However, the owners of The Concourse are well aware no touristing head-of-family-unit wants to accidentally bring its younglings to where prostitution, drugs, and such are openly displayed. That's why those sorts of businesses are limited to the south end of The Concourse.

Thus, if you, oh tourist, are looking for some real thrills, come to South Concourse. Just be 'ware; not all business goes on in the shops. And some of that business is nowhere near legal...

...nor healthy to pry into.

For more information, please click the link.

To go to #RSSConcourse, please click the link. Note! this link only works if your browser is set up to "hand over control" to your IRC client

Further note!!! The channel is still "locked down" until everything is ready. See note at top for constantly-updated info