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Relaxation Online
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Breathing exercises to help you relax

  • Close your eyes
  • Take a deep breath, making sure you fill your lungs (your stomach should expand as you breathe in)
  • Hold and slowly count to 5
  • Slowly exhale through your mouth and make sure you get every last bit of air out of your lungs
  • Repeat this 10 times. If you start feeling dizzy, slow down your breathing or try holding your breath for less time before breathing out
The benefits of massage

Massage increases circulation to the muscles, which then receive nutrients and oxygen needed by the muscle to remain healthy. The improved circulation removes waste such as lactic acid from the muscles, which is especially important if you exercise regularly. Massage can also help to tone the muscles and is very helpful for lymph drainage.

What is holistic massage?

I practise holistic massage, which means that when I treat a client, I look at that person's lifestyle, eating habits and work situation in order to assess the causes of stress for that person.

Holistic practitioners view each person as an individual, so it is more than simply massaging a few muscles. The initial consultation and follow ups are an important way of finding out more about the client and finding a solution to the cause of their tension. For instance, this may involve discussing ways to improve nutrition to help cope with periods of intense pressure.

To book a treatment, please email me at