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The journey starts here

Self Exploration

Heading into the unknown parts of yourself is no less a journey than traveling through uncharted space. We all think we know ourselves until we become explorers in our own inner space. To our delight and dismay we discover that the person we thought we were is no longer there. Though the person resembles us there are many internal changes due to experiences enjoyed and endured. Abilities and characteristics long ignored resurface as a distant memory. These little parts stored away in our dreams and aspirations. Given up as we pursued careers, family, and relationships. Everything and everyone else becomes important except ourselves. Caught up in a spiral of daily living which engulfs rather than builds.

This was my own journey. I created this site to provide information to fellow travellers. Those just starting and those constantly growing and changing will find something they can use. To begin is overcoming the fear and uneasiness associated with change. Your mind resists because it is difficult to physically rewire your brain to accept new concepts and ideas. It is so much easier to hold on to an imprinted way of thinking instilled by parents and teachers. Guess what that thinking is now 10, 20, 30, or more years old. Your mind is wrestling with past ideas and concepts trying to deal with a world progressing at a rapid pace. Inventions not there in childhood are having to be dealt with. Children know how to deal with them better than an adult does. Undermining the respect that adults once took for granted.

In a growth mode a person becomes able to accept changes after open and thoughtful consideration of how they will fit into the life they have. Not knowing what that life is, how can anything be selected to add to it. Rather than deciding our own fate we become helpless. The media decides what we are to be and fits us into that mold instead. Keeping up with neighbors becomes a goal worth achieving. Having others tell us what to do is far easier than self exploration.

Here is a quote that I like to begin:

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Chinese Proverb -.”
Steps to get to know yourself