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Miss Lorna D.'s Realm of Eroticism
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A little bit about me...

My name is Lorna, and I am 23 years old. I am a Domme from NJ. I have been involved in the D/s lifestyle since I was 18. I enjoy erotic stories, of course with a D/s theme. I have some experience, but admit that I am not all knowing. But please, I digress. This is a story site, a place for me to post, and others as well. Please feel free to peruse... well that is if you are 18 feel free to peruse, and enjoy!


I take this from This site contains explicit descriptions of sexual situations, and explicit and crude language. It is not intended for children. All disclaimers and restrictions of apply. This site is for fantasy only. The situations described here are at best impossible or at worst highly immoral in real life. Anyone wishing to try this stuff for real should seek psychological help and/or get a life. This archive contains the original stories with the original text intact, except for the insertion of HTML markup. All spelling and grammar errors are the fault of the original author.