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The sciences of self-annihilation by the demagnetization of the magnetosphere

By Joseph T Lynskey

January, 2005


Dear reader, the following document should be read carefully and with caution. It contains information which will be shocking. This document was intended for scientifically minded people. The average reader may not want to believe it despite of the evidence. I could easily not believe it myself. A lot of research, cross referencing, and time has gone into this document. This document has been written from scratch and evolved as more evidence was found. Until this day, more evidence is found. Feel free to do research on these details in order to verify them. To get a better understanding of global warming, please visit the EPA web site. The theories contained are original but the detailed evidence to support these theories was taken from the most reliable sources and physicists. This document was sent to the most reliable physicists, universities, and organizations for verifying and documentation. It will take some time before it is officially verified or disproved. Until this day, I have been getting welcoming replies from many parties who received this document in the mail. The conclusion of this documents refuting is unlikely. In fact I am willing to bet otherwise. CONTENTS: In the first section (abstract), you will read a brief description of the theory. In the second section (original intro), you will see the intro page which was sent out in the mail along with this document. In the third section (the revealing), which is the first part of the document, you will see a detailed description of the theory and the facts which support it. In the fourth section (the rebirth), which is the second part of the document, you will find a detailed list of possible solutions to this problem.


Global warming is causing the depletion of the earth’s magnetic field. This fact is currently unrealized although there is an endless amount of information to show this. This chain reaction is a complex mechanism which is caused by an extensive use of combustion. Excess heat caused by global warming reacts to the magnetosphere at the poles, forcing the field to mutate thus also causing it to become demagnetized. It’s surprising to see that this fact has not been discovered before. The opposing reactions between heat and magnetism have been known since the 1700's. One other detail which has not been realized is the fact that the time lines of each accelerating event share a common ratio. These common ratios are the accelerated use of combustion, the accelerating period of global warming, the accelerated melting of the polar ice caps, and the accelerating time line of the earth’s magnetic field depletion. Once the magnetic field disappears, it will no longer be able to deflect solar flares and other forms of solar radiation. Solar flares reach earth on a regular basis. If this problem is not solved, and the magnetosphere disappears, all species on this planet (including humans) will soon cease to exist.


CHOOSE: LIVE OR DIE. The reason you are receiving this is because you possess an ability. Whether it is power over masses, wealth, intelligence, or resources. This document has been sent to over 1000 politicians, scientists, universities, environmental organizations, newspapers, magazines, television channels, etc around the world. I would be grateful if you could do similar. The following document contains evidence, which I found to suggest, that global warming is going to cause the extinction of every single species, on this planet, within the next 100 years. You might find this hard to consume, but I believe we are blind to see the true dangers of global warming. This is not Hollywood, this is real. If we do not acknowledge these facts and develop solutions to this problem soon, the end of the world will come. The truth is, I'd rather be wrong, knowing that the world is safe, than to be right, knowing that if we don't strategically correct our problem, we will not have another chance. I hereby give ANYONE permission to duplicate, publish, mass produce, or profit from, free of charge, the following document or any design concept mentioned within. I do not ask for anything in return, all I ask for are the solutions to this problem. One person cannot possibly do this alone. If humanity works TOGETHER, and those who can do something do, than only then, can we ensure our own survival. Everything has a reason. I hope my reasons are understood.

Sincerely, Joseph Thomas Lynskey
                Philosopher/Independent Inventor


The issue of global warming has not made an impact on most peoples lives. In some cases this is either because they are unaware of the grim consequences that await us or they simply do not believe it will ever affect them in their life time.

As you may know, the release of gasses like carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are due to the every day use of combustion engines and other combustion technologies. The gasses carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4), water vapor (H2O), ozone (O3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) naturally keep the earth warm at regulated temperatures. This is called the greenhouse effect. Although the layer of ozone blocks out most of the suns ultraviolet radiation, some pass through. The natural layer of green house gasses, which acts like a one way parabolic mirror, reflect and contain these rays within the atmosphere, which intern heats it up, which create the conditions for the existence of life forms. The exhaust from combustion has accelerated the build up of green house gasses. By doing this we are adding too much of these gasses to the green house effect which is causing an unnatural global warming. The release of carbon monoxide is destroying the ozone layer which is allowing more of the suns rays to enter into the atmosphere. This is accelerating the global warming.

The fact is that the polar ice caps and other glacial regions are melting. Some scientists predict that the polar ice caps alone will be completely melted within the next 50 years. Believe it or not, flooding, extreme weather conditions, droughts, rises in disease and the drying of fresh water systems that are caused by this are the least of our worries.

The earth’s magnetic field (magnetosphere) protects us from dangerous and highly destructive solar radiation storms also known as solar flares. Some scientists have been measuring the magnetic field for years and have discovered that it is depleting. In fact, it has decreased by 10 percent over the past 150 years. At the rate of which it’s depleting, it will be completely gone within the next 70 years. Although they believe this could be the result of a natural periodical pole shift, they don't know why this happening.

IMAGE: Science-park; magnetosphere

As you may know, magnets have a field of energy around and within them. This is called magnetism. The atoms which make up these magnets each have their own magnetic field. When these energies (i.e. magnetic currents and vortices) of each atom align, they complete a circuit. These currents, now as a whole formation, become stronger. These magnetic energies (or currents) travel in a layered compact ring formation. The polarity is created by the attracting and repelling forces of the positive and negative magnetic energies.

IMAGE: NASA; bar magnet

A magnetic current is a constantly winding vortex of these positively and negatively charged magnetic energies. The currents themselves are smaller than atoms but are compacted together and become stronger as a whole. These currents travel in this layered compact ring formation. Each layer consists of a unique magnetic energy which becomes rearranged within a spectrum. The currents travel in one direction in the outer layers of the ring and travel in a compact spiral (or vortex) in the inner layers of the ring. The polarity (of the ring) is created by the stabilization of the positive or negative currents which form this shape. One pole is an intake of negative magnetic energies while the other pole is an output of positive magnetic energies. Negative static magnetic energies are pulled from surrounding areas from one pole into the inner vortex. There, they gradually convert to positive magnetic energies. Some of these positive energies are dispersed back into the surrounding areas and some are circulated back around the ring to the other pole. While circulating, these energies gradually convert back to negative. The level of positive and negative energies is equal at the equator. On a planetary level, this can create a gyroscopic effect with orbiting objects depending on the strengths of the two fields. Notice the rings of Saturn.

IMAGE: NASA; earth with magnetic fieldPHOTO: NASA; SaturnPHOTO: Hubble telescope; Saturn with aurora

Magnetic attraction occurs when the opposite poles or currents of two magnets are connected and complete a circuit. The two magnetic fields, now as a whole, are stronger than before. Magnetic levitation occurs when the circulating currents of the same type of positive or negative charge propel (i.e. deflect) one another. Magnetization occurs when a formation of vortices or currents complete a circuit within another magnetic object thus rerouting the vortices of that object. This is what happens when you rub two magnetic objects together in one direction. Demagnetization occurs when the currents reroute on a sub atomic level and become weaker as a single unit. These weaker currents are deflected (i.e. ricocheted) by other magnetic currents (of the same charge) and become static. This is what happens when you rub two magnetic objects together in random directions.

All energies work in a spectrum. These spectrums are within spectrums which somewhat resembles a spectrum pyramid. The highest levels of the pyramid are the smallest of energic mechanisms. The lowest levels of the pyramid are the most complex of energic mechanisms. One energy affects the other which affects another. All energies are mechanisms which consist of smaller energies. Matter (i.e. atoms) consists of trapped and condensed multi-layered bubbles of energy with inner-orbiting particles of energy trapped within each layer. Each energy plays a role in the mechanism, the infinite universe.

It can be proven that magnetism deflects heat and vice versa. For example, sun spots are created by an out burst of the suns magnetic currents. The temperature of a sun spot is much lower than the suns normal surface temperature. Depending on the levels of magnetic or heat energies, determines how one will overpower the other. Because the earth’s magnetic currents are concentrated greatest at its two poles, they overcome and force the heat away from them. Therefore, it is colder at the earth’s poles than at its equator.


The following is a quote from NASA: "Why are sunspots so much cooler than the solar surface (photosphere)? Thanks to a method similar to an ultrasound, scientists found much hotter temperatures below the spot that seem to get trapped by magnetic fields forming a virtual bottleneck, making the spot much cooler than the surface. In the visualization, completely created from data of a June 1998 sunspot; red is hottest, followed by yellow; purple is cold."

IMAGE: NASA; the suns magnetic currentsPHOTO: NASA; the suns coronal loopsPHOTO: NASA; sun spotIMAGE: NASA; the earths north pole

It has been known since the 1700's that heat can destroy the magnetism of ferromagnetic materials. Ferromagnetism which is a form of permanent or spontaneous magnetism of iron is the type of magnetism found in things like bar magnets and permanent magnets. The earth is a giant ferro magnet.

Global warming is causing the depletion of the earth’s magnetic field by an excess of heat overpowering the magnetic currents at the poles, forcing them to change course and demagnetize. The more the magnetic field weakens, the less able it will be to deflect solar flares, the suns rays, and other radiation. If the magnetic field disappeared completely, there will be nothing to keep it rotating on its polarity axis. The United States alone consumes over 252 billion gallons of oil a year, and is increasing. At this rate, theoretically, the first solar flares could start to penetrate the earth’s atmosphere within the next 15-50 years. Since the 1850's, due to the Industrial Revolution, the burning of coal and other fossil fuels has caused an accelerating global warming which has lead to this chain reaction.

Another problem we face is the fact that global warming causes problems that accelerate the warming itself. Permafrost is a form of frozen soil which is made up of frozen water, dirt, and bio mass materials. A large percent Canada's land mass is made up of permafrost. When permafrost melts, the bio mass materials within start to decompose which intern releases more green house gasses. It has been predicted that there is enough permafrost in Canada to double the current amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. It has also been predicted that global warming will melt all of Canada's permafrost within the next 15-20 years. Keep in mind, Canada is only a small part of the northern hemisphere.

Despite the commonly known myth that the earth’s magnetic field is generated by a loop reaction (i.e. geomagnetic dynamo) which involves the earth’s inner molten core, it is unlikely. First of all, what created the magnetic field which started this reaction in the first place? The earth’s magnetic field might have been formed gradually during an era when the earth’s global temperature was cool enough. This era could have been in the early days of the earth’s creation when the earth was instantaneously being bombarded by asteroids (notice how a piece of steel can become temporarily magnetized by it being pummeled against a hard surface). The earths magnetic field possibly grew in strength (by the currents grouping together) as more asteroids collided with it. Also, this magnetic field would have to have been strong enough in order to have stayed dormant while the earth’s surface eventually became molten. Now this leaves three possibilities: either the core itself is a solid cylinder surrounded by a molten metallic ring, the entire core is molten because both the magnetism and heat are strong enough not to overpower the other, or some kind of combination of the two. Seeing that molten metals will definitely deflect magnetic energy and the magnetic energy traveling through a solid metallic substance will create electricity which has its own magnetic field, the new electro-magnetic field itself would most likely become violently deflected back into the field (inner vortex) which started this process. Therefore, if the earth’s magnetic field disappeared, so would the so called 'geomagnetic dynamo'.

Another fact we have to look at is the fact that the south pole is colder than the north pole. Antarctica is a solid land continent. Unlike the north pole, Antarctica's land mass attracts magnetic energies. Therefore, the warming process in the south pole is going to be a lot slower than the north pole. Because of the fact of the uneven the depletion, and the fact of the violent interaction between heat (i.e. the heat being solar flares which have just entered the atmosphere) and magnetism, theoretically, the existing magnetic currents might group together and whiplash across the globe. As a result, the continental plates will shift, causing global earth quakes, global catastrophic lightning storms will emerge, wind storms of every kind imaginable will occur (not to mention rain), and I would expect anyone (if they still exist) to witness hail storms with hail that could range in size from the size of base balls to the size of small boulders.

Through time more of the suns rays will escape the deflection of the ever-growing-weaker ozone layer. They will start to cook anything in their path. As the solar flares enter the atmosphere, they will instantly vaporize anything in their path. When a solar flare occurs, the amount of energy released is the equivalent of millions of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs. The temperature of a solar flare can be as high as 100 million Kelvin. A solar flare would reach us within a matter of minutes. Unless we do something about this, we should expect total destruction. Any animal life will instantly vaporize. Any plant life will instantly vaporize. The earth’s atmosphere will eventually be stripped of all its gasses. The oceans will boil and combust. Nothing will survive.


Although one might assume that the best way to prevent this is to cease all uses of combustion engines, they are wrong! This would lead to the biggest economic disaster in the history of mankind, which would result in never being able to fix our problem. People would not be able to work or transport products over long distances. Businesses would start to shut down. The prices of most products would rise to the point where only the rich could afford them. Then more businesses would start to shut down. Death tolls would accelerate because of the lack of certain necessity items. The entire global stock market would crash. The entire planet would be driven into poverty.

We could gradually convert all vehicles to electric or other non-polluting systems but that also would not work. First of all, we would still have global warming to worry about. Second of all, it would take too long to fully convert. By the time we have actually achieved this, some of the planet would have already been destroyed. The other alternative would be to develop a filter that would clean engine exhaust. Although charcoal is a natural filter for carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other gasses, it is not efficient enough to filter the large amounts created on a daily basis. Instead, a mechanical filter would need to be developed. To do this we would need to understand how these gasses are created.

When combustion takes place, carbon and oxygen bind to form either carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO2). In order to reverse this, the carbon would need to be separated from the oxygen. A strong enough current of electricity generated by a Tesla coil would be necessary to achieve this. To accommodate for the large amounts of electricity needed to power the Tesla coil, a hydrogen fuel cell (water power) is necessary.

Once these gasses pass into a chamber and become separated, the oxygen would need to be filtered from the carbon. Keep in mind, in order to successfully filter these gasses, all filter components would need to have a controlled vacuum. On one side of the chamber, microscopic holes only big enough for oxygen to pass is necessary. On another side, microscopic holes only big enough for carbon to pass are necessary. Since there are only holes big enough for carbon and oxygen to pass, the molecules themselves will stay within that chamber until separated. The direction which the atoms flow can be controlled by the ionization of the atoms. The oxygen can be released into the air through a system of butterfly valve controlled chambers, but the carbon needs to be condensed to prevent it from re-binding with oxygen. The carbon would be lead into another chamber which is submerged in liquid nitrogen. There, due to sub-zero temperatures, the carbon will condense and stick to the sides of that chamber. Since some of the oxygen will pass through the carbon filter and re-bind with carbon, another series of butterfly valve controlled chambers should lead back to the separation chamber. The system of chambers and gasses should be controlled and monitored by a computer.

basic drawing of the filter and its components

Although the carbon solidifying chamber can be reused, it will need to be replaced on a weekly basis. The liquid nitrogen would need to be replenished and the carbon buildup on the inside of the chamber would need to be removed. Since this design concept is theoretical, it will indefinitely have flaws. Research and development should begin immediately. When a finished working model is completed, they should become upgraded into all vehicles around the world as soon as possible. Strict world wide laws would be necessary to enforce the use and replacement of these filters. Enormously high fines and a close monitoring of the usage of these filters should be considered. A tax would need to be in act to accommodate for the lower incomes who cannot afford the filtration system upgrades. The cost of research and development would not be a problem. These filters and replacements would be so profitable that it would pay for itself in no time. These filters will also need to be modified to fit anything from chimneys and smoke stacks to the ventilation shafts of kitchens and industrial complexes.

Another problem we have is the existing green house gas levels in the earth’s atmosphere. To filter this we would need to develop airplanes with mounted filtration systems which would make routine flights around the Earth. There is an unmanned, solar powered, 50 ft flying wing called Helios, which would be perfect for this task. We would have to be careful not to filter too much of the green house gasses out of the atmosphere because a certain level is important. Another thing we have to be careful of is the fact that doing this too quickly will lower the temperature too quickly. Although this is good for slowing down global warming, too much of a temperature change at one time could result in one or more of the following events: earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, volcanic eruptions, lightning storms, droughts, floods, extinctions, etc.

One major threat that needs to be looked over is nuclear explosives. These weapons could speed up the demagnetization process enormously. Regardless of location, a mass nuclear strike might deplete the magnetic field enough to dramatically decrease the time in which we have to prevent this. At that point, it won't matter who has the upper hand, we will all lose in the long run. Are Humans intelligent enough to avoid this?

We may also have to look at the problem of the existing 'off course' current formations. These currents are leading energy into a ricocheting crossfire. Although stopping the process of global warming will most likely give ample time for the off course currents to reroute back to their natural course, we cannot rule out the possibility of them not doing this. We need to constantly monitor the magnetic field to be certain of these occurrences. In the future, if this problem persists, one possible solution might be to be to scatter trillions of deteriorate-proof coated iron ball bearings all over the sea floor at the north pole. Theoretically, with enough iron, doing so would complete a circuit with the earth’s inner vortex, from the north pole to the south pole, which might re-rout the earth’s stray currents. This new iron plate might help to slow down or stop any future depletion. If we choose to do this, which should only be used as a last resort, should be done gradually over a long period of time (unless we have no other choice) because we do not want any sudden weather changes which could lead to the extinctions of some species. Also, we do not want to have too much iron or an uneven attraction at either pole. If the magnetic field were to become too strong, it could result in the entire planet freezing over. When that happens, there would be nothing to keep the currents from traveling out of the planet in all directions. Thus again becoming demagnetized. We need to do a lot of research before actually attempting any of these things.

Wealth and novelty are harmless. It is the greed that will destroy us. One might say, "I don't care, I'm not going to live that long, so why should I worry about that?" What would you think if fifty years ago your parents and grandparents did not care about saving your life simply because 'they might not live that long'? You would think that they were a bit selfish, wouldn't you? Than why reproduce? Why have children if the whole Human race is going to be extinct within the next one hundred years? The fact is, this is already happening. Its happening sooner than you would like to believe. You might suffer and die because of this. Your children or grandchildren might suffer and die because of this. The question is, are we going to take action to prevent this, or do we not care?

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Last modified May 2005