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Some Lusitania System Views ...
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Land of Miners , Traders and Industry workers ...

The beautiful New Aljustrel Moon is settled with Boro mines facilities . Lusitania Industries Inc. can be seen 30 K away

Physical Map of Lusitania System

The strategic place of the System linked with all Capitals , gives you good chances on mining and trading with all the Galaxy .You will level up qwickly turning rich and powerfull . You can get all minerals as you find them in Freelancer game . Just stop in the required Field , shot some moving rocks and watch by yourself ...

Beautiful sunny view of New Lisbon and the rich New Amadora Station

As the old Earth Sun this Yellow star links the Zoners people to ancient Earth Planet remembered by the old ones ...

Moon Military Base and Battleship

Miners , traders and industry workers love to travel and trading . Some good music and a drink are good options too... War is not the principal interest . Anyway they must have their defenses and the best Ships and Guns on all the Galaxy ...

Freeport 2004

Freeport 2004 is by his position the Capital trade port . Visited by Freelancers from the distant Worlds , it is also the 5 star business point where you can go for any trade ...