Adventures of Chirag

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I was born in Jupiter, Colony: "Bill Gates", It was located next to the great and famous "Geek Colony". In my life I have faced many dangers, I was once kidnapped by the great and famous Monkey Mafia. On Jupiter as I stare out into space, I see many great little animal-like dangers! I shall try to describe them to you, first off: it has pointy things in the front, I have seen it land on cheese which is gray.

Episode 1.

When the Monkey Mafia kidnapped me, and was taking me through the forest, and they held me up with a banana (rather then a gun). I was begging for my life like a baby crying for food. I felt like beating up the Monkey Mafia but he was too fat, from that day I started beating up fat guys who look like monkeys. Anyway, when I was going through the forest he took me to their secret headquarters. He wanted to make me his first human slave, and forced me to learn the monkey-like ways. He called my parents and asked for 1000 bananas that were freshly picked off the trees. I'm was not sure at that time, if my parents could pay that many bananas. I wasen't sure because Jupiter doesn't have more than 100 banana trees, and also the fact that my parents were complete geeks and were demented! I was sure to become a monkey slave, but I kept hope alive. Read more to find out what happened to the first human/monkey slave.

This is a picture of me in a "Jupiter Costume"

The exciting conclusion of the Monkey Mafia off Episode 1

So there I was peeling off bananas like I was a slave. While I knew my geeky parents couldn't free from this comical situation. So then I dicided to free myself without anyone's help. Every night I observed that after Monkey Mafia drank banana beer, he would fall asleep for like an hour, and he snores and talkes in his sleep. The problem was that I couldn't escape at that time so his retarded guards were always awake and guarding the door, which was the main problem. But one night right after he drank banana beer he fell asleep for his usual hours. I started my escaping mission, so I yelled out bananas right near the guards and it turned out that only 1 guard fell for it, which left 1 more, then I thought of dressing up as a monkey girl. I wasen't sure if it was going to work, but it did, he looked at me with his mouth open as I walked by, then I knocked him out by slapping the idiot upside his head. It wasen't over yet. I still had to escape the monkey cameras. I was sure, that I would not escape the cameras. So then I went to the Monkey Mafia's office. He was snoring, when I entered that room. Then I took some acid out of my pockets, which I had found in school and drugged him, and all of a sudden he started talking about his childhood and how he used to be scared of the dark. Also at that time, I felt like experimenting with his beer, so then I took some and gave it to the guards because I wanted to know what kind of secrets they would revel when they were drunk. One of the guards reveled his secrets, which was that he wears pull-ups. The other guard reveled his most important secert, which was that he was scared of his wife. The only conclusion I discovered was that never drink because you can really hurt and embarass yourself. To respectful reader please don't ever try this expirement. So I managed to run away!

This is what the retarded guards looked like

Episode 2: The Cold Corrupted Cop

As I stopped in the middle of the Interplanet 4213 (A road that connect 2 or more planets> I stopped because I saw flashing lights behind me. Then a cop who was made of ice stopped me and pulled. As he walked up to me, I suddenly started laughing. I started cracking up, because I read the name of the cop on his name badge. His name was Mekorrupted Idioot. He was a cold mekorrupted Idioot, which is what made me laugh. As he was checking for my digital license. I stepped on my 3006 model accelator digitally the cop started to cuss and swear at me. The thing was that I didn't do anything wrong, because I was following the digital 35 light years speed limit. I was pulled over by the cop, because I waved at him. In a polite way. The reason he didn't like that is because it was too nice and polite for him, because korrupted cops can't take it. Also, because I saw him drink while driving. Which is illegal.