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Diew LaH Sing aH!

My Favorite Sitez

sitez so asian

Dis page is gay

No0Be Boarder

Currently history major lah..... yea yea yea.. i know boring..... well fuck ya all...second major gonna be film soon... yea yea yea.... im no spielberg and crap....well fuck ya all....yea yea yea damn meritocrary.....well who gives a fuck about getting rich....get rich and you know your friends gonna be there for your money rather than you such a materialistic society..... i rather stay middle class someday than become awefully rich.... but class is a different matter.... so I dink I can handle and associate with all classes. Firing the hole, and yea.....more holez. Watch MinG GoR get a grip wif his weed habit.... asks him where he got his dime.....he tellz me to go tell ah wong to tell his dog...9 dun hit 8....tats him ball in da summer at swd...7 eLeVen always with shoez and jeans.....shots with fade away..which is his expert move...piss me off....wei jai always coming back with some new move....always with an attitude...diew lah sing... its only a game...take it easy man...guys like a chopstick...i don't wanna offend him and push him half way across the court when he tries to do a layup...Ah Kin......ahiya....hope he quit his gambling addictions already....Pilot Chan....ahiya... haven't seen him a while dink hes still dreaming about PBI or sumthing.....shiet never works......theres no easy way out in life.....unless you show me your lottery't need em....all pussies are the is enuff....besides i love my ju all my homiez..