Australian ELDO F-5 Covers

This table represents event covers released for the ELDO F-5 rocket launch from the Woomera Rocket Range, South Australia. Australia Post produced a special illustrative postmark for this launch.

Designation Type Postmark Station Description Rarity
ELDO F-5 - 15 November 1966  
EDO-05a Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Blue-Gold-Green - Shows rocket & map of Australia 3
EDO-05b Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Green - Shows rocket & map of Australia 3
EDO-05c Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Aqua - Country list in form of a rectangle 3
EDO-05d Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Black - Shows drawing of rocket launch - Designed by Peter K Stalley for Australian Philatelic Dealers and Traders 3
EDO-05e Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range  Purple - Shows map of Australia & rocket 3
EDO-05f Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range  Purple - A.I.D.A. Text cachet in circle 0
EDO-05g2 Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Green & Black or Red & Black with an ELDO text cachet.  Red & Black2 has both the ELDO and launched cachets. Arthur Bergen covers show a rocket on its pad. 3
EDO-05ga1 Participant FPO 1033 Field Post Office Black, Green & Red Bergen cover. Posted from the Field Post Office in South Australia with a British stamp. Arthur Bergen cover shows a radio dish. This was at BFPO 151 - RAAF Station Edinburgh Field, Adelaide, South Australia, hence also the B.F.P.O. ADELAIDE cachet.  
EDO-05h Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Black  - 'Cover posted at Woomera .... ELDO Europa Rocket' plus a rocket launch. And an airmail example. 0
EDO-05i Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Max Chittan Kangaroo & Rocket cachet 0
EDO-05j Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range MAY NOT EXIST 0
EDO-05k Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Greyscale - Shows rocket launch 0
EDO-05l Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Small aqua rocket cachet 0
EDO-05m Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range NOT USED 0
EDO-05n Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Multicolour paste on cachet shows one of the Woomera tracking stations on a registered cover. Possibly one of a kind. 0
EDO-05o Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Similar to EDO-05n but with monochrome paste on showing Woomera launch pads 0
EDO-05p Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range A variety of general FDCs are known such as the Wesley cover. And this Wombeyn Cover Service cachet. 3
EDO-05q Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Similar to EDO-05n but with greyscale paste on showing the location of Woomera on a map of Australia. 0
EDO-05r Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Multicolour - Shows rocket on pad 0
EDO-05s Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range On a rare Lettercard 1
EDO-05t Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Aerogram 0
EDO-05u Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Green -Cleveland Astro cover 0
Tracking Covers have special Woomera ELDO postmark plus station cachet - all are extremely rare
EDO-T5a Tracking Woomera Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) Aqua - Country list in form of a rectangle 1
EDO-T5b Tracking Woomera Mirikata Aqua - Country list in form of a rectangle 1
EDO-T5c Tracking Woomera DSS/41 Black - Drawing of rocket launch 1
EDO-T5d Tracking Woomera Baker-Nunn Aqua - Country list in form of a rectangle 1
EDO-T5e Tracking Woomera Red Lake Aqua - Country list in form of a rectangle 1


1) Sold on eBay in 2020
2) From Simon Cronk's website


This page © Dr Ross J Smith
This page is maintained by the
Last modified on 19 June 2023
