Australian Black Arrow Covers

This table represents event covers released for the Black Arrow series of rocket launches from the Woomera Rocket Range, South Australia.
 Launch Covers
Designation Type Postmark Station Description
Black Arrow R0 - 28 June 1969 - Failure
BLA-01a Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Black - Shows drawing of the rocket with an arrow through it
BLA-01b Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Blue - Shows drawing of stage separation of the rocket in flight
BLA-01c       NOT USED
BLA-01d Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Pink text and black map of Australia including rocket launch
BLA-01e Commemorative Glenelg None As above but on an airmail envelope
Black Arrow R1 - 4 March 1970
BLA-02a Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Black & Blue - Shows drawing of the rocket with an arrow through it
BLA-02b Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Red- Shows drawing of stage separation of the rocket in flight
BLA-02c Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Black - Shows maps of Great Britain & Australia plus the rocket.  Also see this version on a long envelope. Also this airmail version.
Black Arrow R2 - Orba X2 Satellite - 2 September 1970 - Failure
BLA-03a Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Green - Max Chittan Map of Australia and Kangaroo cachet plus extra blue text cachet
BLA-03b Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Brown & Green - Shows rocket vertical during stage separation
BLA-03c Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Dark & Light Green - Shows rocket vertical during stage separation
BLA-03d Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Red & Orange - Shows rocket vertical during stage separation
BLA-03e Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Brown & Green - Shows rocket at an angle during stage separation. An airmail version exists.
BLA-03f Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Maroon picture of the rocket launch and text. An airmail version exists.
BLA-03g Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range B/W - Shows a map of Australia & rocket in flight. An airmail version exists.
Black Arrow R3 - Prospero - 28 October 1971
BLA-04a Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Purple - Max Chittan Kangaroo & Map cachet - Incorrectly marled Skylark - 11/13
BLA-04b Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Multicolour - Shows the rocket and satellite - Highest number seen is 589.
BLA-04c Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range B/W - Shows the rocket R3 and satellite X-3, See also on a smaller envelope and an airmail version. Also a small airmail version1a.
BLA-04d Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range

Brown & Blue - Space Voyager cover shows the satellite and a map of Australia

BLA-04f Launch Woomera Woomera Rocket Range Various aerograms exist such as tis German version.
BLA-04e-11 Participant BFPO 1033 Adelaide

 Arthur Bergen cover. 370 Postal and Courier Communications Unit RE British Forces Post Office 151 cachet with a British stamp. Shows a rocket launch. This was at BFPO 151 - RAAF Station Edinburgh Field, Adelaide, South Australia, hence also the B.F.P.O. ADELAIDE cachet. See also this one1. Also this Forces Air Letter1 version.

Black Arrow R4 - Not Launched - Preserved at the Science Museum in London
 Tracking Covers
Designation Type Postmark Station Description
Black Arrow R0 - 28 June 1969 - Failure
BLA-T01a Tracking Woomera Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) BLA-01b with purple text Weapons Research Establishment cachet
BLA-T01b Tracking Woomera Mirikata BLA-01b with purple text Mirikata cachet
BLA-T01c Tracking Woomera DSS/41 BLA-01d with black Island Lagoon dish cachet instead of a map of Australia
BLA-T01d Tracking Woomera Baker-Nunn BLA-01d with blue Baker-Nunn cachet instead of a map of Australia
BLA-T01e Tracking Woomera Red Lake BLA-01b with red text Red Lake cachet
Black Arrow R1 - 4 March 1970
BLA-T02a Tracking Woomera Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) Purple text Weapons Research Establishment cachet  on plain envelope
BLA-T02b Tracking Woomera Mirikata Reported but not seen
BLA-T02c Tracking Woomera DSS/41 BLA-02c with purple DSS/41 text cachet
BLA-T02d Tracking Woomera Baker-Nunn BLA-02c with purple Baker-Nunn text cachet
BLA-T02e Tracking Woomera Red Lake Reported but not seen
Black Arrow R2 - Orba X2 - 2 September 1970 - Failure
BLA-T03aa Tracking Woomera Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) BLA-03c with purple text Weapons Research Establishment cachet
BLA-T03ab Tracking Woomera Weapons Research Establishment (WRE)  Purple text Weapons Research Establishment cachet on cover with purple text description
BLA-T03ac Tracking Woomera Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) Purple text Weapons Research Establishment cachet on aerogramme
BLA-T03b Tracking Woomera Mirikata Red text Mirikata cachet on cover with pink text description
BLA-T03c Tracking Woomera DSS/41 Purple text DSS/41 cachet on cover with pink text description
BLA-T03d Tracking Woomera Baker-Nunn Purple text Baker-Nunn cachet on cover with pink text description
BLA-T03e Tracking Woomera Red Lake Red text Red Lake cachet on cover with pink text description
BLA-T03f Tracking Woomera Area Administrator WRE BLA-03c with purple text Area Administrator WRE cachet
BLA-T03g Tracking Tharwa ACT Stadan Station Orroral Valley Stadan Station Orroral Valley S/H and text cachet
Black Arrow R3 - Prospero - 28 October 1971
BLA-T04aa Tracking Woomera Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) BLA-04b with purple text Weapons Research Establishment cachet
BLA-T04ab Tracking Woomera Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) Airmail envelope with purple text cachet plus purple text Weapons Research Establishment cachet
BLA-T04ac Tracking Woomera Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) General aerograms with purple text Weapons Research Establishment cachet such as this German one exist
BLA-T04b Tracking Woomera Mirikata

Reported but not seen

BLA-T04c Tracking Woomera DSS/41 Purple pictorial DSS/41 cachet on plain cover
BLA-T04d Tracking Woomera Baker-Nunn Purple pictorial Baker-Nunn cachet on plain cover
BLA-T04e Tracking Woomera AWA Field Group Red oval text cachet - Probably Red Lake group
Black Arrow R4 - Not Launched - Preserved at the Science Museum in London


1) Sold on eBay 2020 a) 2022

This page © Dr Ross J Smith
This page is maintained by the
Last modified on 19 August 2022
