Australian Space Stamps, Minisheets & Gutter Strips

Australia Post have released several fantasy Special Events Sheetlets depicting scenes and characters from the Star Trek, Star Wars and Dr Who movies and TV series. These will not be listed as they are considered highly priced, extremely exploitative and not directly related to Space. They are also not associated with a recognised philatelic event such as a stamp exhibition. In addition a number of random private overprints of a Space related event on both Space Related items and non-Space related items have been made from 2013 onwards. These will not be listed.

Type of Item1,2

Issue Date3



Scott No.

SG No.

Other Comments

Stamp 10/05/1965 5d Globe with Communications Tower & Satellite 388 376 Centenary of the International Telecommunications Union
Stamp (1 of 2) 20/03/1968 5c Earth & Satellite  431  417 World Weather Watch
Stamp (2 of 2) 20/03/1968 20c Satellite Weather Map  432  418 World Weather Watch
Stamp 20/03/1968 25c Intelsat II & Receiving Dish Antenna 433  419 Satellite Communications
Stamp (2 of 4) 14/05/1975 24c & 48c Radio Astronomy & Oceanography (shows satellite) 566, 568  597, 599 2 of 4 stamps issued for Scientific development
Stamp 18/09/1985 33c The stamp design, produced by laser kinetics, resembles a dish antenna 961 987 Electronic Mail issue
Stamp (1 of 2) 24/01/1986 33c AUSSAT Satellite 972 998 AUSSAT
Stamp (2 of 2) 24/01/1986 80c AUSSAT Satellite (Different View) 973 999 AUSSAT
Stamp 09/04/1986 33c Parks Radio Telescope & Diagram of Halley's Comet's orbit 982 1008 Halley's Comet
Stamp (1 of 3) 19/03/1992 45c Helix Nebula 1258 1343 International Space Year
Stamp (2 of 3) 19/03/1992 $1.05 The Pleiades 1259  1344 International Space Year
Stamp (3 of 3) 19/03/1992 $1.20 Spiral Galaxy NGC 2997 1260 1345 International Space Year
Stamp 22/05/1992 $1.20 Spiral Galaxy NGC 2997 - Specimen overprint   1345S One of a number of specimen stamps issued
Minisheet 19/03/1992 various Contains the 3 previous stamps & shows a satellite orbiting the Earth  1260a MS1346 International Space Year
Ovpt Minisheet 22/05/1992 45c ISY minisheet ovpt with gold Columbian World Stamp Expo emblem 1260b   World Columbian Stamp Expo
Stamps 03/10/2000 6 x 45c 6 Gummed Stamps show various scenes associated with colonisation of Mars 1908-1913 2043-2048 Stamp Week - Space
Stamps 03/10/2000 2 x 45c 2 Peel & Stick stamps show two scenes associated with colonisation of Mars  1917-1918 2050-2051 Stamp Week - Space
Stamps 03/10/2000 2 x 45c 2 gutter pair 45c Mars stamps show two scenes associated with colonisation of Mars     Stamp Week - Space
Minisheet 03/10/2000 6 x 45c Contains the 6 gummed stamps set into an overall scene of Mars colonisation 1914 MS2049 Stamp Week - Space
Ovpt Minisheet 20/10/2000 6 x 45c Mars minisheet ovpt with gold text for 47th Annual Victorian Congress ANDA Show - very limited numbers issued     ANDA Show
Ovpt Minisheet 20/10/2000 6 x 45c Mars minisheet ovpt with white text for 47th Annual Victorian Congress ANDA Show     ANDA Show
Ovpt Minisheet 01/02/2001 6 x 45c Mars minisheet ovpt with white Hong Kong 2001Stamp Exhibition emblem 1914g   Hong Kong 2001Stamp Exhibition
Stamps 03/10/2007 5 x 50c + 1x $1 5 x 50c se-tenant plus 1 x $1 show various historical events in Space 2736-2741 2872a-2877 Stamp Collecting Month - Blast Off! 50 years in Space
Stamps 03/10/2007 5 x 50c 5 x 50c Peel & Stick stamps same as the gummed stamps   2879a Stamp Collecting Month - Blast Off! 50 years in Space
Stamps 03/10/2007 10 x 50c Gutter strip of 10 with decorative sleevage showing various planets   2872a-2877 Stamp Collecting Month - Blast Off! 50 years in Space
Minisheet 03/10/2007 5 x 50c + 1x $1 Contains the 6 gummed stamps - note that the $1 stamp is identical in design but is larger than the standard $1stamp 2742 MS2878 Stamp Collecting Month - Blast Off! 50 years in Space
Ovpt Minisheet 06/12/2007 5 x 50c + 1x $1 Blast Off! Minisheet overprinted in gold forAPTA 2007 Convention - 100 overprinted     APTA Convention - Wodonga Victoria
Ovpt Minisheet 08/12/2007 5 x 50c + 1x $1 Blast Off! Minisheet overprinted in gold forAPTA/VPC Show 8-9 December 2007 - 150 overprinted     APTA/VPC Show - Wodonga Victoria
Stamps 25/08/2009 various 3 stamps (55c, $1.45 & $2.10) show galaxies and nebula seen in the Southern Skies 3145-3147 3266-3268 International Year of Astronomy (Stargazing)
Minisheet 25/08/2009 various Contains the 3 stamps and shows the dome of the Anglo-Australian Telescope 3147a MS3269 International Year of Astronomy (Stargazing)
Ovpt Minisheet 01/11/2009 various International Year of Astronomy minisheet overprinted for 6th Annual Fisher's Ghost Stamp Fair     Fisher's Ghost Stamp Fair
Ovpt Minisheet1b 2009   International Year of Astronomy minisheet overprinted for IYA     International Year of Astronomy
Stamps 23/07/2013 60c Part of a 4 stamp issue of headline making events, it shows the Apollo 11 Moon landing - Gummed 3965a 4030 Headline News
Stamps 23/07/2013 60c Part of a 4 stamp issue of headline making events, it shows the Apollo 11 Moon landing - P&S   4035 Headline News
Stamps 23/07/2013 10 x 60c Gutter strip of 10 with decorative sleevage     Headline News
Minisheet 23/07/2013 4 x 60c Contains the four Headline News stamps 3961b MS4033 Headline News
Special Minisheet 23/07/2013 4 x 60c Contains four Apollo 11 stamps - Walking on the Moon     Headline News
Ovpt Minisheet 17/08/2013 4 x 60c Headline News minisheet overprinted for Perth Stamp & Coin Show     Perth Stamp & Coin Show
Ovpt Minisheet 12/10/2013 4 x 60c Headline News minisheet overprinted for SAPC Congress     SAPC Congress
Ovpt Minisheet 13/10/2013 4 x 60c Headline News minisheet overprinted for Ballarat Eureka Stamps and Coins Fair     Ballarat Eureka Stamps and Coins Fair
Ovpt Minisheet 18/10/2013 4 x 60c Headline News minisheet overprinted for 40th Anniversary Ipswich Stamp Club     40th Anniversary Ipswich Stamp Club
Ovpt Minisheet 14/03/2014 4 x 60c Contains four Apollo 11 stamps - Walking on the Moon overprinted in gold for the Canberra Stamp Show     Canberra Stamp Show
Stamps 22/09/2015 2 x 35c 6 x 70c Each stamp shows a different planet with the 70c Neptune stamp also showing Pluto 4348-4355   Our Solar System
Minisheet 22/09/2015 as above Contains the eight stamps 4356   Our Solar System
Stamp 12/09/2017 $1 Shows the WRESAT satellite above the Earth showing Australia plus Redstone rocket 4678   WRESAT 50th Anniversary
Stamps 16/07/2019 4 x $1 Four gummed stamps show Honeysuckle Creek, Parkes Radio Telescope, the Lunar Lander and the First Moon Walk (shows iconic picture of Aldrin during EVA)   5099-5102 Apollo 11 50th Anniversary
Stamps 16/07/2019 4 x $1 Four P&S stamps show Honeysuckle Creek, Parkes Radio Telescope, the Lunar Lander and the First Moon Walk (shows iconic picture of Aldrin during EVA) 4990-4993 5104-5107 Apollo 11 50th Anniversary
Minisheet 16/07/2019 4 x $1 Contains the four stamps 4989 MS5103 Apollo 11 50th Anniversary
Ovpt Minisheet 19/07/2019 - 20/07/2019 4 x $1 Apollo 11 50th Anniversary minisheet overprinted. 100 produced     Bunbury 2019
Stamp 10/09/2019 $1 Gummed stamp shows the Murchison meteorite above a map of victoria 5009   Murchison meteorite 50th anniversary
Ovpt Minisheet 13/03/2020 -15/03/2020 4 x $1 Apollo 11 50th Anniversary minisheet overprinted. 100 produced     Canberra StampShow 2020
Stamp 03/08/2021 $1.10 One of five gummed stamps show a rocket, planets, astronaut etc     Stamp Week - STEAM Subjects
Minisheet 03/08/2021 5 x $1.10 Contains the five stamps     Stamp Week - STEAM Subjects
Stamps 11/04/2023 3 x $1.20 Each gummed stamp shows a different stage of the eclipse     Ningaloo Solar Eclipse
Minisheet 11/04/2023 3 x $1.20 Contains the three stamps     Ningaloo Solar Eclipse
Variations and Varieties

Type of Item1

Issue Date2



Scott No.

SG No.

Other Comments

Stamp (6) 10/05/1965 6 x 5d Block of 4 showing even sheet number 388 376 Centenary of ITU
Stamp (6) 10/05/1965 6 x 5d Block of 6 showing odd sheet number 388 376 Centenary of ITU
Stamp U/K 5d Retouch on the Centenary of ITU stamp 388 376 Centenary of ITU
Stamp (4) 20/03/1968 4 x 5c Block of 4 showing left sheet number 431 417 World Weather Watch
Stamp (4) 20/03/1968 4 x 5c Block of 4 showing right sheet number 431 417 World Weather Watch
Stamp (4) 20/03/1968 4 x 20c Block of 4 showing left sheet number 432 418 World Weather Watch
Stamp (4) 20/03/1968 4 x 20c Block of 4 showing right sheet number 432 418 World Weather Watch
Stamp (14)1a 20/03/1968 14 x 20c Block shows both sheet numbers 432 418 World Weather Watch
Stamp2 U/K 20c White omitted - rare U/K 418a World Weather Watch
Stamp2 U/K 20c Orange-Brown ommitted - rarer U/K 418b World Weather Watch
Stamp (6) 20/3/1968 6 x 25c Block of 6 showing left sheet number 433 419 Satellite Communications
Stamp (4) 20/3/1968 9 x 25c Block of 4 showing right sheet number 433 419 Satellite Communications
Specimen 22/05/1992 $1.20 One of the Stargazing stamps overprinted Specimen   1345S Stargazing
Sheet 22/09/2015 50 x 35c Unique sheet layout     Our Solar System
Sheetlet 12/09/2017 10 x $1 Sheetlet of 10 stamps     WRESAT 50th Anniversary
Sheetlet 10/09/2019 10 x $1 Sheetlet of 10 stamps     Murchison Meteorite 50th Anniversary

Note 1: Only items with a significant direct relation to Space are listed.
Note 2: The Southern Cross is considered a symbol of Australia and appears on its flag. Therefore stamps showing the Australian flag or the Southern Cross purely as an Australian symbol are not listed.
Note 3: Dates are in day/month/year format
Note 4: Stamp Codes for Celebration and Nation Personised Stamps
A-Australia & Globe : B-Let's Party : C-Celebrate : D-Daisy : E-Romance

1) Seen on eBay a)2022 b)2024
2) Seen on 'DVD of Australian Stamps'


This page © Dr Ross J Smith
This page is maintained by the
Last modified on 14 May 2023
