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I had made a list of couple new comets to be observed with the 8" scope. The evening ones were all clouded out, and now since it was a 17.5" there was no fear of finding anything. I star-hopped to the region from star Pi Sagi to the precise location in Sagittarius as in finder chart. After staring...nothing there!! Akarsh and Me could not see anything, as we were about to give up. But then Akarsh, my observing partner, an experienced one, exclaimed as whenever he finds something incredibly faint, and he confirmed it (and his astonishment at finding such a faintie is for limited objects). I looked at the field and this object was so faint that, say with 30 seconds of staring, you could see it for only 5 seconds! It was extremely diffuse with a roundish coma (~5 arcminutes), which got brighter at moments.

Why was it so faint at reported 11th mag (by Juan Jose Gonzalez of Spain), is a surprise to us! Is it only because of the extreme diffuseness? However, when I wrote generally to Alan Hale, he reported it at 13th mag. Wow a 13th mag diffuse comet! It would have been better to have checked the field in Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) later on. This is a comet which was randomly picked and observed.

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