Elite Faerie guild Home site

Welcome to the Elite Faerie Guild site hope you feel at home here ! there are so much to do here u can learn about the guild,neopets ,play games,get music for shops ,lyrics to songs ,and much much more so have a fun . This is just the beginning of this site im going to put alot of more stuff in this thang like a friend page and links to all the members in the guilds shop . so members send me a neomail telling me you whant your shop in the page and so how do this thang look email me thanks !! join my guild if you are not a member! IF Your naot a member of neo pets join by clicking the banner below hey people i finnaly got a banner for my guild here it is !!!Mystique

Visit my guild ! we are the best!

this on this site

My Favorite Web Sites

whats up in neo world and the site !!
Guild Shops so visit !!!!!
tips and help with neogames
men of the month
teen boys of the month !
Women of the month comming soon
teen girls of the month comming soon
music Zone
are you bored well have fun on this page
SHOUT OUT TO ALL my homies
All about me !!!!!!
my Xprofile
Photo Albums i made i have my familie pics people i love and there are one pic of me !

Email: So1im1a1teen1boy@aol.com