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 History of the
Twenty First Century

2003 US invades Iraq. A coalition of British, Spanish, Polish and Czech forces lead by US troops invade Iraq on grounds of UN violations. Iraq's military is quickly overrun and the invading countries set up peace keeping forces, to keep the peace until a new government can be established. During the chaos Iran and Turkey invade parts of Iraq, carving out small sections of the country. Many in the UN protest but fall on death ears, peace keeping forces ignore Turkey's and Iran's invasion of the north and eastern Iraq.
2003 Fuel Shortages. Shortages begin to mount in crude oil. Nations occupying Iraq are less effected.
2004 North Korea Invades South. With the US forced to keep a large force in Iraq, North Korea gambles and invades South Korea. They quickly overrun the DMZ and capture Soel. UN demands North Korea withdraw, North Korea refuses. UN declares war on North Korea, forces from many UN countries are sent to the region. North Korea retaliates by hitting Japan with a large barrage of missiles and nuking a US Carrier Battle Group. US retaliates and nukes P,yongyang,city capital of North Korea. The UN forces force the North Korean army to retreat and with threats of further Nuclear Strikes from the US, North Korea surrenders. Death toll among North Koreans in the millions and nearly a million South Korean and another million in Japanese, plus nearly a hundred thousand dead among UN forces.
2004 Terrorism On the Rise. Terrorism against western countries and especially the US continue to rise. Small car bombings or sniper attacks become common place with in the US by terrorist.
2004 United Europe Established. Several European nations, France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece. All signed a joint treaty, creating a united Europe, while each country is still independent. They do all use the Euro-dollar and follow a set of general guidelines and laws, voted on by all member countries.
2005 Venezuela Government Collapses. The tensions that began in 2002 reached a all time high as the government collapsed, internal fighting began at once between fractions trying to gain control of the country and it's oil reserves.
2006 US Sends Troops to Venezuela. US sends forces to restore order to the country. A new government, one friendly to the US is installed in power.
2006 Japan Creates military. For the first time since World War 2, Japan begins construction of it's own military with US support.
2007 US, Britain and Japan begin construction of New Space Station. US and Japan begin construction of a totally new space station, using new advance solar power technologies and recycling technologies.
2008 Middle East War. A new war begins in the middle east, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan Invade Israel. Israel relates striking back at the invaders, Israel ask for UN support. UN puts economical sanctions on invading countries. US uses bases in Iraq to Invade Jordan and Syria. Israel uses it's limited nukes against it's enemies. Egypt retaliates with it's nukes. War quickly ends though all countries invalided are devastated by the war and nuclear exchange.
2008 Protest Against Occupation of Iraq Grow. World protest about the continued occupation of Iraq grows, all countries except the US withdraw their forces from Iraq.
2008 United Europe and Russia Begin Space Station Project. Prompted by the US, Britain and Japanese new space station, they begin one of their own.
2009 UN Demands US Withdraw from Iraq. The UN makes demands of US to withdraw, while no economical sanctions are placed on the US full political powers is brought against them.
2009 US Forces Leave Venezuela. US peace keeping forces are finally withdrawn from the country, though the US leaves a small military base near the capital.
2009 US begins Laser defense satellite program. US begins deployment of a grid of laser satellites as a defense against ballistic nuclear missiles.
2010 US Withdraws from UN. The US due to continued political pressure to withdraw from Iraq, instead shocks the world and withdraws from the UN.
2010 Argentina, Brazil War. Argentina bombs Brazil over disputes over Rio de la Plata dams. US intervenes by dropping nerve toxins along disputed region, US uses this as a excuses to leave permanent military forces in the region. US troops enforce a stop to destruction of rain forest.
2010 Acknowledged World Powers. US, Britain, United Europe, Russia, China and Japan are recognized as the world powers, though the US holds a edge in military power.
2010 US sends Troops to Central and South America. Due to the increasing problems with drug problems in the US. The US begins sending covert forces  to attack drug cartels. The "war" last for nearly a decade, considered by many to be the US's second Vietnam.
2010 Other Superpowers begin Satellite Defense nets. Other countries begin development of their own defense nets.
2011 The First Fatal Winter. Due to every increasing volatile weather patterns, a deep freezing winter causes world wide food shortages. Several smaller countries collapse under the strain. Tens of millions starve in a single year.
2011 Eurospace Agency Launches Hermes Space plane. The united European space agency creates their own version of the Space Shuttle the US uses.
2012 Cyberspace Discovered. True virtual reality inside of computers perfected, by a Sony Corporation. Thus begins a new phase of the internet.
2012 China Invades Vietnam. In a border clash, China invades and conquers Vietnam.
2012 Cure for AIDS. Dr Richard Head of the CDC is Atlanta announces a cure for AIDS, soon cure becomes available to the public.
2013 Dianus Plague Hits US. A respiratory disease spreads through US killing tens of millions, before a cure is found. It is believe to be a terrorist attack.
2013 Second US Drug War. US once again uses it's bases in Brazil and declares war on drug cartels and rogue governments, results much the same as the first war. This one last nearly fifteen years.
2014 First Massdriver Constructed. The UE completed the worlds first Massdriver orbital satellite.
2015 Synthetic Foods Developed. To combat the ever increasing shortages in food, the UN Omara Foundation creates synthetic foods, that are easy to produce.
2015 World Population reach's 8 Billion. Sever over crowding has profound effects on the world and it's dwindling natural resources.
2015 The Big One Hits California. When the quake of 2045 hit it was the largest quake in history, it leveled everything from Los Angeles too San Francisco. The entire coast of California feel into the pacific ocean, in some places up to 100 miles away from the coast suddenly became beach front property. Part of the land just east of Los Angeles formed a new island.
2016 China Declares War on India. China declares war on India followed by a quick invasion. UN protest, but do no more than level economical sanctions against China. After several months of war Pakistan also invades India, India retaliates by lunching several nukes at both Pakistan and China, who respond in kind. India quickly surrenders.
2017 Other Super Powers place Massdrivers in orbit. All of the other superpowers deploy Massdrivers.
2017 Commercial Robots Released. First small house hold robots released and sold to general public. The robots have limited programing, only enough to do a simple task such as sweep the floors at a present time each day.
2018 US, Britain and Japanese Space Satiation Completed. The joint space station which houses nearly 30 percent residents is completed. Several months Later the Euro-Russian station is completed it houses 50 permanent residents.
2018 Second World Countries on the Rise. Several second world countries see a rise in power due to sought after world advancements in varies technologies. Sweden, Taiwan and a United Korea see the most rise in power.
2019 New Propulsion Developed. Reactionless drive developed for space travel, crafts able to travel up to half the speed of light.
2020 Gene Manipulation Perfected. A Swedish company makes a break through in genetic manipulation. Allowing for human body to surpass previous thought genetic maximum. Protest on the ethical use of such technology occurs world wide, while most other countries try to learn it's secrets. Several other companies soon follow.
2020 Alternate Fuel Discovered. With the growing shortages of crude oil, and increasing dependence on other fuel sources. A Canadian company develops CHOOH2 fuel source, that is nearly as productive as oil and far cheaper.
2021 World Economies on the Rise. With the drop in need for crude oil many nations economies stabiles and even begin to grow for the first time in twenty years.
2021 US Withdraws from Iraq. US finally withdraws it's forces from Iraq, but they leave a large military base.
2021 Construction of Newport City Began. Newport City is being built on the island created by the great quake, it is too be expanded with undersea structures that will raise up out of the water to connect to downtown which will be build on the island, all the way east to the mainland. They designers claim when Newport is finished it will be the single largest and most advanced city in the world.
2022 Genetic Manipulation Widely Used. With reduction in cost, it becomes common place for parents to have their children still developing to be slightly enhanced. Only mild enhanced are legal, though it is suspected more radical illegal changes are taking place.
2023 WorlSat Network Completed. The framework for the Net is now firmly in place with construction of the WorldSat Network. This Connects the whole word instantly via Cyberspace by satellite hook-ups. With in the next 40 years chains of relies are established linking all colonies with in the Solar System as well, though a time lag is experienced.
2024 First Corporate War. First actually war between corporations, security forces clash and covert operations such as assassination is used. Last for a little over a year.
2027 DNI developed. Japanese company develops Direct Neural Interface, this allows the first use of full cybernetic limbs to be installed on humans.
2028 Japan builds Koshimiru, Worlds First Aquacity. Koshimiru is the first city built under the sea, some of the tallest structures break the surface of the ocean. Other cities follow by several countries.
2028 First Generation of Replicants. The first wave of superhuman or as most call them Replicants reach adulthood. Most used as soldiers in wars or manual labor. Normally treated as objects to be owned.
2029 Tensions Rise between China and Russia.  Continued border disputes has cause tension to rise, UN manages to prevent a war just barely.
2029 Second Corporate War. Second Corporate war takes place, this war last only a few months and takes place almost exclusively in Cyberspace.
2030 US Rejoins UN. Pressure by Japan and Britain convince US to rejoin UN.
2031 UN holds World Economical Summit. The World Dollar is established, many countries continue to mint their own currency. While prices begin to stabiles in many industrial nations, wages still fluctuate. Most money transactions are no longer done with hard currency but electronically.
2032 Construction of Downtown Newport City Finished. While people have been living in the city for several years now, but the main part of the city has been finished. With it's finishing has seen a large flocking of people to the city, being a major port with all the latest high tech advancements any city could want is making it a popular shipping port. Also many corporations seen a opportunity and got invalided with the construction of the city and have now opened up large luxuries skyscrapers with clean nice complexes for there workers to live in. Construction continues on the undersea towers and structures.
2033 Brains kept alive. Brains kept alive outside the body for up to several hours, With in a decade the first successful implantation of brian into a fully cybernetic body is a success.
2034 Cyberneticly Enhanced Super Soldiers. Cyberneticly enhanced super soldiers begin to make appearances on battle fields, few countries can afford or maintain such soldiers.
2035 Cryogenics Perfected. A French lab, perfects the Cryogenic process.
2038 The Drought of `38. Reduces most of the Midwest to parched grasslands. Between AgriBusiness Corps. and drought, the family farm all but disappears. American food exports end. To stabilize the New Central Europe (NCE) governments, the EEC ships food into major East European cities.
2040 First AI born. AI's have finally  become a reality, shortly AI created robots help domestically as well as new AI machines or war are created.
2041 Third Corporate War. War fought over resources in third world countries, first time corporations field small fully equipped militaries.
2044 Rapid Growth Replicants perfected. The ability to rapidly grow genetically created humans in tanks perfected. Now it only takes 28 months for one to fully grow to maturity instead of 18 years.
2045 First Android Created. First AI placed inside of a cybernetic body, that looks human to the naked eye. House hold, assistant and pleasure Androids created.
2047 Western Australia secedes. Declaring itself to be the Republic of West Australia. sales of mining rights and vigorous expansions (in conjunction with Indonesia) of the North West Shelf oil fields makes West Australia quite wealthy over the next decade.
2047 Civil War in Australia. A Civil war begins when Australia refuses to acknowledge Republic of West Australia and uses force in a attempt to reunite the country. The Republic of West Australia, receives the backing of Japan and several corporations.
2049 Australia Civil War Ends. The civil war in Australia ends as the government finally acknowledges the Republic of West Australia as a independent country.
2050 Nanotech Perfected. The first viable nanotech is developed jointly by European and Japanese labs.
2053 World stock market crash. U.S. economy teeters, then collapses. Other industrialized nations especially Japan and Britain nearly collapse as well, they scramble for bigger markets and cheaper labor. UE countries are not as hard hit as the rest of the west, due to internal trade.
2053 Texas secedes from the U.S. Texas becomes the first independent "Free State".
2054 US withdraws Troops World Wide. Due to the economical collapse of the US, the US recalls all of it's foreign troops and disbands much of it's military.
2055 AI Revolt. Wide spread revolt and rebellion by AI's occur. Humanity puts down the uprising. New laws to recognizes full AI's as sentient with many rights, occur in most countries. AI's are required to work as indentured servants until they pay their owner for their worth. While full AI's are no longer treated as slaves, in most countries they are at best treated as second class citizens. Humanity cuts back on dependence of AI's and creates a limited AI for most robots and weapons.
2055 Africa Disintegrates into Warfare. Countries collapses and the whole region is tossed into a endless series of revolts, wars and Revolutions.
2056 Debate on Replicants Rights. With the new international laws regarding AI's, debates rage on the rights of Replicants. Most companies haven't always made replicants obedient and suppressing free thought step up process even more.
2059 Military Mercenaries Units Appear. With the depressions and collapses of many government, many military units revolted or found themselves out of work. While wars where on the rise around the world. Many units or individuals begin establishing military units to act as mercenaries, often paying a tithe of contracts to countries that allow them to create bases in their borders. US becomes a favorite basing country for many mercenary units, US happily sells many of it's mothballed weapons to mercenary groups.
2060-62 China-Russian War. China and Russia go to war, each accusing the other of convert military operations. What starts as a border war, quickly expands to full blown war, including a limited exchange of nuclear weapons. The UN intervenes, eventually using force against both sides. After a bloody war a new government is established in China, while Russia is devastated. Both no longer are considered Super Powers.
2061 The "Great Drought" begins in southern Europe. In Spain, Andalusia becomes a desert. Corporate war is incited by conflict over water rights, only to be stopped forcefully by EEC intervention.
2063 Alaska secedes from the U.S. Alaska becomes the second independent Free State.
2064 US begins to Rebuild. US begins to recover from the economical collapse.
2066 Water Riots begin in Australia. As drought, industrial pollution, and river salinity reduce the city's water supply to a brackish, muddy trickle. Construction of a desalination plant is financed by Arasaka Bank.
2066 Wasting Plague hits U.S. and Europe.
Millions die. Germany is especially hard hit. After the first cases appear in Europe, the UE closes its borders, finalizing "Fortress Europe". Severe immigration control and draconian measures reduce the spread of the plague in the Iberian peninsula to a minimum. Widespread racial violence erupts against illegal immigrants from Africa.
2066 Cure for Wasting Plague Found. A cure for the Wasting Plague is developed at a Bioweapons lab at Newstrelitz, Brandenburg, Germany.
2067 California becomes a Free State. Making it the third state to secede from the U.S.
2068 Brushfire wars erupt in United Europe. Numerous small wars between member nations spring up, most caused by dwindling resources or ethnic tensions.
2070 Indonesia invades Papua New Guinea.  Indonesia conquers Papua New Guinea, renaming it "East Irian Jaya." The Australian government decides not to send troops, favoring diplomatic means of persuading Indonesians to leave. Larger military forces are moved to Darwin and North Queensland in case of Indonesian invasion of Australia.
2071 Cyberdecks Invented. Computers that allow a person to enter cyberspace with their mind is perfected. This revolutions the internet now called Cyberspace, it becomes a new playground for hackers and a new battleground between governments, terrorist and corporations.
2072 Nevada becomes a Free State. Making it the fourth state to secede from the U.S.
2077 Stability in Africa. Stability finally returns to most of the region. Much of central and south Africa are brought under a single government called Pan-Africa.
2080 Third Central American Conflict begins. Ostensibly an attempt by the U.S. government to crush the rise of new drug lords and their "designer" synthetic drug labs, it rapidly becomes a corporate circus, with the jungles of Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Columbia, and Venezuela being used as showrooms for the latest in military hardware. Hundreds of locals die every month in what are termed "raids on drug cartel strongholds and sympathizers."
2082 Third Central American Conflict ends. No decisive victories are claimed.
2088 Texas/Mexico Border War begins. War is fought predominately by Mercenary units on both sides supplement by national armies.
2090 Present Day.