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Newport City is a huge sprawling city, built on the ruins of Los Angeles after the big quake of 15. When the quake of 2015 hit it was the largest quake in history, it leveled everything from Los Angeles too San Francisco. The entire coast of California fell into the pacific ocean, in some places up to 100 miles away from the coast suddenly became beach front property. Part of the land just east of Los Angeles formed a new island. Newport City was built on this island, it was expanded with undersea structures that raised up out of the water connected to downtown that was built on the island. While the constructions stretched all the way east to the mainland, In so becoming the single largest city in the world. From it's busy Aerospace port to it's towering corporate skyscrapers, it caters to every walk of humanity with neon signs pointing the way. This seeming paradise attracts many people to it, though once there many find that underneath all the bright lights and streamlined structures rest a darker seedier part of the city, a neon jungle, where the strong prey on the weak and the only true law is might makes right. Many become trapped with in, never making enough to escape, yet struggling to always survival, while a few become addicted to the dark aspects of the city and revel in it.

Newport City like nearly all cities is a city of contrast, in board rooms around the city people in ten thousand credit suits, surrounded by the best that money can buy, make deals for millions if not billions of dollars or decided the fates of hundreds if not thousands of workers they have never meet. Their glass and steal monolith skyscrapers are surrounded by small yet elegant parks. While else where single mothers struggle to provided food for their children, where gangs roam virtually unopposed taking what they want, from who they want. Homeless sleep in the streets. Alleys and streets are littered with trash, buildings are covered in garish graffiti, and flickering and faded neon signs dimly light the way.

Where are the police and social reforms? The corporations have long sense lobbied the governments to get their way, with the new system of government corporations outright buy politicians and see to it that the City funds go to programs that support the corporations.