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The Net is a vast telecommunications network that joins all computers and telephones on Earth. In the late 20th century, the Net was only accessable via a computer terminal, using a device called a modem to send and receive information, with the varies servers. But in 2071 that all changed, when Mitsuhama Corpration perfected the Cyberdeck. A device that allows a person to enter then Net directly with their own brain, with a interface plug and complex interface programs that turn computer data into perceptual events.

The Net is basically a vast virtual construction modeled after are own world. Complete with virtual cities, buildings, Programs, and of course the people that are logged onto the net. The virtual cities are connected by virtual super highways, to one traveling on one it seems to only take a few moments travel to reach a new virtual city, once inside a city, travel is done much the same way as in the real worl, though what you have to travel by is determined by programs not physics.

The Net is very popular with people from all walks of life, it is a safe easy way to go out and explore or do any number of things that are too dangerous to do in real life. It is primarly a play ground for bored people that want a hint of danger with out any real threat. Not to mention on the Net you can appear as anyone or anything and live out any life not just your own, perhaps exprince things you normally never could experince in real life or hook up with a member of the oppiste sex for the ultiment in safe sex. Of course not all people that use the Net use it for such things, some see it quiet diffrently.

Netrunners or Consol Cowboys are outlaw computer jocks who are advanced versions of the computer hackers of the late 20th and early 21st century. Netrunners operate on both sides of the complex and draconian laws covering computer crime in the modern world. Hard driving  Consol Cowboys, Netrunners literally take their lives into their own hands as they tackle mighty data fortresses, ICE programs and deadly Black ICE programs, that guard them - the ultimate challenge of Man vs Machine.

Some people do it for the glory, or because it's there, but most run the Net for money. Inside each computer system linked to the Net is information. Some of the information is trivial, like recipe lists or notes, but much of the information is incredibly valuable. New business plans, insider stock tips, secert blueprints, blackmail information, hot new programs and software, or even money you can transfer electronically to your own bank accounts. Even if you can't use what you find, you can ussually sell it to a Fixer who will in turn sill it to someone who can.

Another reason people run the Net is to back up a physical entery team. If you need to send someone into a heavily secured installation, the installation's computer may have maps of the entire place. Once inside, a Consul Cowboy can ocerride security systems, open computer controled door, even eavesdrop through computer controled security cameras and observation devices. Most ops teams have at least one Consul Cowboy on the payroll, just to gather intelligence about secure areas and obstacels to ops. Corporations also hite Netrunners to protect their computer systems and to commit their own corporate computer espionage.