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Jake Speed
He was once a detective with the S.I.U. division of the Newport police. But retired after a apprehended serial rapist and murderer that was let go on a technicality. Now Jake does what he must to do good in the world, which sometimes brings him into conflict with the law and his former friends that are still on the force. He still stays in touch with his former partner Joelen Carver, who is stilla detective with S.I.U.
Portrayed by Bruce Willis. Played by Doug Rethemeyer.
Andrew "Cowboy Andy" Phlogiston
A spoiled rich kid, with super model good looks and to much money. He lives off his trust fund, while pursuing a variety of hobbies, everything from modeling, to acting, to sports shooting, to rock climbing, he persues any hobby that catchs his intreast. Recently he has decided that he wants to become a gritty private investigator, like in the movies, except do it for real. After searching for a sleazy, gritty, street PI he finally found Jake and hired him to teach him the trade.
Portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio. Played by Mike Belrose.