16 July 2002 "It's official, he's their candidate." — NASA spokesperson Dwayne Brown
The Latest
Due to time contraints I will no longer be able to update the main website, however all the news with be followed closely on the Yahoo! Group. Also, the website Basstronaut.com follows the news stories closely. Check the button on the left of the page.
BASSTRONAUT PINS: Started up by our good friend Cheryl for all the members of the Yahoo! Group who wanted to support Lance, the Basstronaut pin is still in production. However, due to overwhelming demand and time contraints on Cheryl also, you can now email Brig who will be only too happy to add you to the list and make you a pin. There is no charge for these pins, just a simple donation or stamps for postage should you feel it warrants.
If any of you have emailed Lindy for a pin, please contact me thru my email on the Yahoo group. Lindy is no longer doing these pins so do not email her any information.
LANCE'S STAR: Donations from the pin requests recently went towards us purchasing a star in Lance's name. Thanks again to Cheryl for her dedication to this project and for getting our star the dedication he deserves!
The star is now UP! Sorry for the delay!...

And also, just cos I still love this... it stays here.