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The Trinity Delusion An examination of the doctrine of the Trinity

Questions for Trinitarians

Things to Think About

  • If the doctrine of the Trinity is so fundamental to Christianity, as Trinitarians claim, why is there a complete failure on the part of Jesus or his apostles to articulate it anywhere?

  • What do you honestly think the New Testament would look like if today's Trinitarians wrote these books? Would it look any different? Would they say some things the apostles did not say?

  • Since the one God is the main character in the Bible, where can anyone find even a single mention of a three person God in the Bible without asking them to imagine preconceived Trinitarian doctrine into the text?

  • Have you ever noticed that you are expected to "discover" God is three persons? Why is this three person being so elusive about His true identity?

  • Do you actually think Jesus should have, or could have, told Nicodemus that he was the second person of the Jews' Triune God

  • When the ancient Israelites prayed or heard the words, "Hear O Israel, the LORD our God the LORD is one", don't you think they were expected to understand these words? If so, how could they be expected to think it means, "the Lord is one divine ousia"? If not, why would they be expected to believe something which they did not know?

  • Was Moses a Trinitarian?

  • If the one true God was fully aware that his choice of language and imagery would most definitely lead people to conclude he is one person, when He was not one person but was actually three persons all along, wouldn't that make God a deceiver?

  • Is the word hypostasis synonymous with the English word "person"? If not, why are you using the word "person" to describe your doctrine? If so, please define the word "person."

  • Is it true to say that for Christians the one God is the Triune God or the one God is the Father?

  • How do you know the Father is in fact a person? What quality or characteristic defines the Father as a person?

  • How do you know the Son is in fact a person?What quality or characteristic defines the Father as a person?

  • When Trinitarians claim that the Bible never indicates that the one God is a person, why do they fail to notice the Bible never indicates the Holy Spirit is a person either?

  • Why do Trinitarians insist that the Holy Spirit is one distinct person because singular personal pronouns are used of the Holy Spirit, but deny the one God is one distinct person when the same thing is true of the one God?

  • Why do Trinitarians insist that the Holy Spirit is one distinct person because Biblical language shows the Holy Spirit has the attributes of a single person, but deny the one God is one distinct person when the same thing is true of the one true God?

  • Is Jesus the Son, the second person of the Trinity, a "being" or a "person"?

  • If Jesus is not a being then is it wrong to say he is a human being?

  • If the one true God is one divine being and Jesus is not a divine being then shall we conclude he is not the one true divine being, the one true God? Or, If the one true God is one divine being and Jesus is the one true God must we conclude he is the one divine being?

  • If the one true God is a Triune Being then shall we conclude that Jesus is that one true God? If not, is Jesus then a different God? If so, can you explain how Jesus is the one Triune God?

  • If the Triune Being is the one true God then shall we conclude that Jesus is that one true God? If not, is Jesus then a different God? If so, can you explain how Jesus is the one Triune God?

  • Is it true to say that for Christians the one God is the Triune God or is it true that for Christians the one God is the Father?

  • If both are true, then can we say that the one true God is either three persons or that the one true God is one person?

  • Is it ever okay to identify the one God as one person? If not why does Paul do it? If so, why do Trinitarians object to identifying God as one person?

  • If God the Father is the first hypostasis OF the Trinity, then may we conclude there is something antecedent to God? Is the Father the Triune God's first person? If so, then does this mean the Father belongs to the Triune God?

  • What would be the quality or characteristic feature that would determine that multiple identities are not one God but multiple gods?

  • If three persons having one nature are deemed to be one being, then should you consistently say that one person having two natures is deemed to be two beings?

  • When Jesus told Mary Magdalene that he was ascending to "my Father and your Father and to my God and your God" do you think he really meant he was ascending to, "my Father and your Father and to my God and the first hypostasis of your God"?

  • Was God the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, that dead flesh hanging on the cross and laying dead in the tomb? If not, who was? If so, was God the Son half dead and half alive?

  • Are God the Son and Jesus the same person?

  • If Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, how did the first person of the Trinity turn out to be Jesus' Father?

  • Have you ever noticed that Paul said that the risen Jesus IS the Spirit? Don't you find that troubling since Jesus most definitely IS NOT the Spirit in Trinitarian doctrine?

  • Was Jesus a Trinitarian? If not, why are you? If so, are you actually claiming that his one and only God was a three person being?

  • Are you a child of God or a child of the first hypostasis of the Triune God or both?

  • If God is a God of the living and not the dead, and we have died and it is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us, then who is the one true God of Christ who lives in us?

  • If Peter had asked Jesus the question, "Who is your God?", do you think he would have gotten a Trinitarian answer? Or do you think Jesus would have said, "My Father alone"?

  • When John said no one has ever seen God but the Son expresses the Father, does it honestly sound to you like John meant, "no one has ever seen the first hypostasis but the second hypostasis expresses the first hypostasis"?

  • If Jesus had said, "I am not God," do you think Trinitarians would simply say, "Jesus meant he was not the Father," and still claim Jesus is God?

  • Why do suppose Trinitarians simply read their doctrine into the text at Genesis 1:26?

  • Why do suppose Trinitarian scholars have so many other interpretations of Genesis 1:26?

  • Did you know that a singular versus plural interplay occurs at Genesis 1:26 concerning man as well as God?

  • Don't you suppose the natural reading of Genesis 1:26-27 would be to see that the image and likeness of "us" and "our" in this verse is "male and female."

  • Did you know that the Hebrew word EL, which is usually translated as "God" at Isaiah 9:6, is not equivalent to our English word God and this word EL is used to refer to men, mountains and trees?

  • Have you ever noticed that the Trinitarian translation of Zechariah 12:10 doesn't even makes sense? People will look upon "ME" whom they pierced but they will mourn for "HIM."

  • Have you noticed that when Yahweh says He will not give His glory to another at Isaiah 42:8, that it is necessarily the Father speaking?

  • When you read Isaiah 43:11, "there is no Savior besides Me," do you forget that Scripture says that Jesus is God's salvation and it is God who raised up this Savior?

  • Did you know that the early Christians rarely quoted the "only begotten God" variant of John 1:18?

  • Did you know that the Greek text at John 10:33 is how an ancient Greek speaker would say, "make yourself a god"?

  • Did you know that important manuscripts read "church of the Lord" at Acts 20:28 and not "church of God"?

  • Did you know that Codex Sinaiticus, one of our most important manuscripts, reads "righteousness of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" at 2 Peter 1:1 and not "righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ"?

  • Did you know that 1 John 5:7 is not in modern translations for a very good reason?

Created: January 26, 2011
Last Updated: March 8, 2011