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The Trinity Delusion An examination of the doctrine of the Trinity

A Comedy of Errors

And Man said, "Let us make God in our imagination according to our liking"

The Tri-Personal One God

Trinitarians believe their God is one three person God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For them, God is three persons, yet one God, one being. They believe this concept is "orthodox," that is, they think, and they want to think, and they convince themselves to think, this concept of God is a true concept of God. It is "orthodox" to them because that is what they keep reaffirming to themselves. The doctrine of the Trinity is the central doctrine of Trinitarian faith groups. Trinitarians are often prepared to tinker with other doctrines in their belief systems but for them this particular one is untouchable and often stands at the top of every denominational creed (statement of belief). Protestants stand this doctrine next to Sola Scriptura in most denominational creeds. Because it is held in similar fashion by Roman Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox, the doctrine of the Trinity is the most enforced and protected doctrine in Christendom. In many ways, Trinitarian arguments "seem" to make sense and can "sound good." However, this is the nature of logical fallacies. Logical fallacies are designed to seem to make sense and sound good. In many other ways, Trinitarianism is quite confusing and odd sounding. Is this doctrine even true? The following article provides an overview of serious questions and issues related to the Trinity.

The Court Jester

In medieval times, the King had a court jester to amuse him in his spare time. The jester would combine a blundering comedy routine with simple illusions, magic tricks, for his King and to amuse his court. In fact, his verbal comedy routine with words was often a show of misunderstandings due to a clever use of well-turned words and shifting the concepts behind those words to create an illusion. This is Trinitarianism 101.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.(2 Timothy 4:3-4).

Trinitarianism is nothing more than a childish word game. When an intelligent analytical mind explores these illusions, it can be seen quickly. But most Trinitarians do not even entertain they might have been duped in such a manner. Hence, it is very, very difficult for them to accept they might have been deceived. One cannot discover that one is deceived unless one entertains the possibililty that one is indeed deceived. After all, the Trinitarians look around and see that a whole audience of them are believing the very same thing and this gives them a false sense of comfort. And somehow they seem to think this validates their belief.

A Comedy of Errors

"God created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them "Adam."
(Genesis 5:2).

We all know the Biblical story of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Adam was alone and so God created Eve out of Adam, they sinned and fell, and then Eve later bore children to Adam. Now what if I told you the Bible clearly indicates Adam was a multipersonal being who was three persons yet one substance of being? And what if I told you this is the "orthodox" interpretation of Scripture? And what if I told you that if you don't agree with me you are then a heretic? And what if I told you, just as Trinitarians are so wont to do, that if you don't agree with me and you belong to a group of people who disagree then you are all a "cult." What do you think so far? And what if I could demonstrate from the Scriptures that Adam is a triune Adam of three persons yet one Adam? What if I told you I could prove it? If I could prove it would you believe me? Allow me to prove it and then perhaps you will see how painfully obvious this truth really is and then you will have no choice but to believe me. Let us now delve into the fallacious world of Trinitarian "logic."

In the beginning, there was only one Adam. Eve was with Adam and Eve was Adam. Yes, Eve was Adam. She was Adam by nature, that is, she was human. Now we must not confuse persons and nature (just ask our Trinitarian friends). In English terms, the first human being was simply called "the human" in the Bible. In Hebrew terms, he was called "the adam." In English, we simply identify him as "Adam." The word Adam is the Hebrew word for humanity, both male and female. In fact, the Bible says in the original Hebrew language that God named both Adam and Eve with the name "Adam." It is important to remember the Hebrew word for "human" is "Adam." The word "ADAM" actually appears in the original Hebrew text at the following verses:

God created ADAM in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27).

He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them ADAM in the day when they were created. (Genesis 5:2).

Eve was not created or made out of nothing; she came right out of Adam. She was the stuff of Adam. Eve was flesh of Adam's flesh. She was humanity of his humanity, Eve was Adam by nature, that is, human. God called her "Adam" along with the first male "Adam." Adam had a son named Seth. Seth was begotten according to the image and likeness of Adam, flesh of his flesh. He was made in the image of Adam. Seth was also Adam, that is, human.

He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Adam in the day when they were created. When Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth. (Genesis 5:2-3).

Now Adam was human, and Eve was human and Seth was human, that is, Adam was the nature of Adam, Eve was Adam by nature, and Seth was Adam by nature. They were all Adam, that is, human. Adam was Adam and Eve was Adam and Seth was Adam. They were all human by nature. Since Adam and Eve and Seth all shared the one human substance of being called Adam, they were one Adam, one humanity. Hence, the one true Adam is a Trinity of three persons, Adam the Father, Adam the Wife, and Adam the Son who all have the nature of Adam, that is, humanity. They are three persons yet one humanity, three persons, yet one Adam. Father Adam is the first person of the Trinity and he is most commonly known simply as "Adam" just as the Father is most commonly known simply as "God" in Trinitarian doctrine. Although Eve and Seth are also Adam, the second and third persons of this Trinity are usually simply known as "Eve" and "Seth." They were distinct hypostases of the Triune Adam, the one humanity. However, they were clearly Adam too, that is, human. There was one Adam, one humanity. Humanity was three persons yet one humanity, that is, Adam was three persons yet one Adam, Adam the Father, Adam the Wife, and Adam the Son. Adam was a Trinity of three persons, yet one Adam. This is a great unfathomable mystery.

I have totally proven my case from Scripture. Do you believe me now? If you are a Trinitarian I can't see why you wouldn't. The doctrine of the Trinity is developed in the exact same manner as I created the human Trinity in the illustration above. So what's the problem? It was really quite easy to pull off. It was as easy as a capital 'A' and playing a game of word equivocation. It is a complete fallacy and the exact same fallacy employed by Trinitarians. You see Eve really wasn't Adam, but Eve was indeed adam. The words "Adam" and "adam" mean two completely different things. But just as Trinitarians do, I intentionally did not distinguish the difference.

Due to English writing conventions, the word "Adam" is reserved for a personal identity; the word "adam" is a word used to describe the nature of humanity and can be used to refer to anyone. And the words "God" and "god" mean two different things in the very same way. However, instead of saying "Jesus is god," Trinitarians pull a fast one and say "Jesus is God" just as I previously said "Eve was Adam" instead of "Eve was adam." If I say, "Jesus is God," it does not mean the same thing as "Jesus is god." One refers to identity; the other to nature. The capital word "God" is analogical to the capitalized word "Adam" and the word "god" should be used in the same sense as the word "adam." However, Trinitarians always use a capitalized form for both concepts just as we did in our example with Adam above and this is how they come up with the fallacious illusion that God is one Trinity of three. They get away with this illusion because no one notices that the word "God" is being used to identify a personal being but also shifted to describe a nature of a person on the other. It "sounds" like they are talking about the same thing and "seems" to make sense because they use one word but also use two different meanings for that one word.

The capitalized words "Adam" and "God" are used for identifying purposes and implicitly answer a question that begins with "Who." However, the words "adam" and "god" when used qualitatively answer a question that begins with "What." "Eve was Adam" is a statement indicating "who" Eve was. It indicates she is the same individual as the first man Adam. It indicates that she shares the very same identity as the first man Adam. It is therefore completely wrong. In the very same way, saying "Jesus is God" indicates that he shares the same identity as God his Father and so this is also completely wrong. But the phrase "Eve was adam" is a statement indicating "what" Eve was. She was human by nature. This is absolutely correct. The truth is that Eve was adam but she was not Adam. In the same way, the Word of John 1:1 was "god" not "God" (not to be confused with the Watchtower rendering "a god"). In fact, leading Trinitarian scholars admit the word which they translate as "God" in John 1:1 is not intended to indicate "Who" the Word was but is intended to indicate "What" the Word was - divine by nature. Trinitarian scholars insist upon it. However, this does not stop Trinitarians from capitalizing the word "God" and misleading readers into thinking John is identifying who the Word was. "God," even though they know very well that John was not indicating who the Word was. It is just as deceptive as claiming "Eve was Adam." Because the capitalized convention serves their apologetic mission, they assume an indifferent posture in order to keep it that way. But in the very same way, I could write, "in the beginning was Eve and Eve was with Adam and Eve was Adam." This would be extremely misleading wouldn't it? But if I wrote, "In the beginning was Eve and Eve was with Adam and Eve was adam," then I would be very truthful and I would not be misleading anyone. I would be simply indicating that Eve was humanity of Adam's humanity. In the same way, we can say "the word was god" and not be misleading anyone. This little game of word equivocation is the basic trick behind the Trinitarian error. They employ the logical fallacy of word equivocation to create a three person God that does not exist anymore than a three person Adam. The Trinitarian reasoning process is nothing less than a tragic comedy of errors sprinkled with wishful thinking and denial.

A House Built upon the Sand

The doctrine of the Trinity is built upon shifting sands. It is no more than a mirage that looks real and true but mocks them with its illusion. It is hard to get this message through to a Trinitarian. He is seldom willing or equipped to take the time to investigate te matter seriously and critically. He would rather convince himself his doctrine is being misunderstood and so he instead spends his time reading Trinitarian apologetics to find reasons why he should believe this doctrine and he ignores the facts which indicate why he should not. Indeed, he has been instructed to do just that and it keeps him in the dark. And it is much more enjoyable for him to look for reasons why he should believe this notion rather than look for reasons why he should not. And indeed, what aging pastor of a Trinitarian based church would want to find out he has believed a deception and has taught a false doctrine of many years to his congregation? It would bring his world crashing down around him. It is much easier to live in the fantasy and promote the illusion and build his house upon the sands and refer to that delusion of sand as his "rock of truth." Few Trinitarians are truly prepared to give up certain things for the sake of truth. They do not wish to entertain the terrifying possible that there just might not be a Santa Claus. That is a cross they are not willing to carry.

Unless you are prepared forsake everything and pick up your cross and follow Him, you cannot be His disciple.

Last Updated: March 25, 2011