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Sarah's Creations

Creative title no? These manipulations are here more for my orginization than your enjoyment, (sounds rude doesn't it? but it's not) I figured what the hell, you might like 'em. Please exscuse the no frills design. You don't want to wait 30 minutes for it to load, I don't want to deal with broke gifs.

Kick off your shoes, grab a drink, (not mine please, I'm saving it) and enjoy.

I hate having to do this, but, DISCLAIMER: Some of this stuff may be considered vaugly slashy. I make slashy references. There are guys pretty damn close to other guys. If any or all of the above offends you, put your shoes back on and leave. (Slash, you inocents out there, is basicly men having sex, with other men.) Also, these various shows don't belong to me I'm just playing. And please don't steal my images. I'll let you have them if you ask nicely, but if you steal I've got connections (okay, I don't, I'll probably just cry and eat chocolate to feel better, you wouldn't want to carry the guilt of making me fat(ter)for the rest of your life, would you?

Unless you go to web pages just to see the disclaimer ramblings you probably came for the pictures though didn't you? . Well by all means, don't let me stop you, they're down there

Jurassic Park 3
The Sentinel
Due South (RayK.)
Shanghai Noon
Remember the Titans
Lord of the Rings
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
