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A Passing Thought
Subj: Re: [rls] Just a passing thought...
Date: 10/5/00 8:10:27 PM Central Daylight Time

I had intended to write Khatie a short story anyway but the subject ended up being inspired by a post she wrote (at right & below) where she pretended she was talking to me. I incorporated her words into the short story/post. I still think its pretty cute. heh

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It is early morning. A quiet figure sits under a simple stone portico.
The small porch-like structure is decorated only with small wild vines
climbing through the open stonework. Small multi-colored blossoms trumpet
into the rosy light of a slow dawn that now pours across the small solemn
scene. Only the sound of a seagull from above breaks the silence as her pen
moves across the page, black ink flowing smoothly onto a landscape of creamy
white. Suddenly the writer pauses, extinguishing the round stonelamp. The
small movement inspires larger ones.... She pulls herself up the cool
sandstone facade then stretches fluidly, expanding arms and lungs into the
light breeze, and yawns. She looks uncertain for a moment, then decides. She
will rest when she is done. Determinedly, she settles back into her task.
Again there is no motion but the wind sighing its way through grasses and the
gaily decorated vines.

Suddenly the air shimmers, sparkles, and starts to coelesce into the
tall, fair frame of Khatie. She wears blue jeans and a nice white shirt, but
this modern garb is overlaid with a flowing green gown. Salar notices and
smiles, but returns to her work. Khatie turns around and approaches to the
apparently catatonic shape
Salar barely lifts her weary ink-stained hand from the descriptive book
on her lap to wave, then bends her head back to the book. Khatie does not
see the friendly gesture and tries to pull Salar awake, just as she is
concentrating on a particularly difficult passage.

> *pokes Salar* Hey! Get to work would you?? Write more on MUDPIE! Come
> on! Can't you write any faster? *thud*

The motion pulls Salar off balance.. Salar grabs for precious inkpot as it
spills onto the stone. She lets herself fall in order to grab it while
tossing her book to safety...

>Um, Salar? *picks Salar up*.

Salar brushes stone specks and extra ink from her dark dress."Thank you,
Khatie" The fair one winces at the hint of reproach in her tone. Khatie
decides to go on cheerfully, ignoring the hint of weary annoyance. "We were
getting ready to do MudPie... I mean you wanna see whether they added your bathroom yet right? I have brownies, toothpicks... Kehrin, Sponky, Aquila, Lehsa and the others are already there......"
Salar simply raises an eyebrow. "I am rather busy right now, Khatie"

> Okay, fine, maybe tomorrow...

Salar looks up at her tall friend and smiles. "Tomorrow would be wonderful.
Darnay can be here tomorrow..."
"Yes, and Dvee too WOO HOO!!!!"
Salar smiles in spite of herself. She watches Khatie head indoors to the
linking chamber. Suddenly a loud THWUMP is heard....Khatie trips over a large
ornate nara pot that has suddenly appeared in the doorway of the great guest
cottage. *OWWW Who put that in here?"
"Wasnt me!!!!" answers Salar
"well you dont look surprised!"
Salar looks up and grins. "I figured he'd do something soon," she giggles "I
wrote an outhouse into Rand's age five days ago." Salar laughs at his sense
of humor ..a linking chamber POT ..of course....

.shorah gah tsahvtahv rahm b'biv

 !    Khatie's quote:
<<I think the REAL test will be when we get into MUDPIE, and see if there
actually ARE brownies and trail mix and Dunnies. Now THAT would be a dead giveaway.

*hoping she didn't just remove the Dunny from D'ni*