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The Origin of MystIII:Exile
I saved this story from my original posts. At the time this was released we had a lot going on of interest to Riven Lyst. There were several birthday announcements, including Rand Miller's, penguin awareness month, excitement over Myst3 was rising rapidly, and there was Phil Wade's effort to recognize Rawa for his years in Cyan & the fan community. One day I read the most recent thread on the beginnings of Myst3 and it all came together for me. Hope you enjoy it :)
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This story is for Kirsehn

LSubj: [rls] Beginning of Myst3 ( was "Suggestion" :)))
Date: 1/15/01 2:55:25 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: To:

In a message dated 1/14/01 6:57:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, philwade writes:
> Myst III began with Mattel/Presto who said, "Would you let >us make a second sequel to Myst?" to which Cyan said, "Who are you?" But once they had convinced Cyan of their good intentions, they got the green light.

Shorah B'shehmtee! Your version is very likely close, Kirsehn. But I envisioned something like this.....


Rand is seated at his desk working on ideas for Parable... A long night of looking over names and considering game plans has him scribbling hurried notes into his journal before the next meeting.....

Suddenly a cyborg-ish looking figure materializes in front him!

Ron Lemen (in journeyman turbo suit): "Sir, my company has long been a fan of your...."

Rand: "Who the Devil are you!!! Don't come near my...uh.... desk!!! Not yet!!! "

Hearing Rand raise his voice several Cyantists dive for their moiety gear. "Decorative" swords, daggers, blow pipes and sickles come off shelves as his team dashes to his defense.

Lemen: "We come in peace!!!!!"

RAWA subtitutes a sleepy dart in his pipe and lines up on a weak spot he knows is on the suit.

Lemen: "Look we have a proposal !!!" Lemon waves a sheaf of papers in his hands. Noticing the pinging of darts off his suit, he drops the papers on the desk and turns on his shield..then continues on ..shouting to be heard.

Lemen: "We would like to do another Myst story!" *ping* "We want to work with you guys!"

*LOUD ping*

Rand signals the moiety to back up... solicitation isnt fatal after all..just annoying..maybe a trap book should be prepared for future overgreedy developers?

the Moiety ping-uins fall back into the shadows and wait. A relieved Mr. Lemen goes on

Lemen: "Well..*sigh* I have many questions for you, Mr Miller..As you no doubt have for me... "

Rand: " Hey that's MY line :P

Lemen: "My card is in the stack... I sincerely hope our proposal is acceptable. We will await word from you.... Lemon bows and shimmers out saying ".shorah nava"

Rand considers the matter a minute..... uh huh....crystalline linking.... a Lysteriously mannered invitation. He resumes writing...but now its a list of what he should take to Presto's headquarters

Rand looks up at RAWA standing at the door "so..... what did you teach these guys?"

RAWA *looks nervous*: "uuhhh...nuthin' "

Rand: "You may want to pack a few things"

RAWA: " Not a problem, he will sleep until we get there :) "


Presto Headquarters::

The small conference room is packed. All save two chairs are filled by anxious thoughtful people speaking at a near whispers. Pencils tap. Chairs creak as they tensely pass the time waiting as patiently as their individual constitutions allow. Footsteps approach. the room is silent...expectant...

Outside Uhler and Rand's soft voices exchange pleasantries.

Within only Lemen's soft snoring breaks the energized stillness.
Rand, Ryan, Tony, Chris, and RAWA are ushered into the room. Those not already standing rise one. Rand and Rawa exchange a subtle signal and RAWA heads for a pre-warmed place near the dreaming designer. As the group reseats itself RAWA surreptiously applies a small antidote. Lemen wriggles from the mild sting and begins to come to..

Uhler: "I am so glad you have come. Please allow me to introduce our team" As each Prestoid is introduced in turn to CYAN's CEO and meets his searching gaze, a kind of rapport develops. Rand can see their obvious espect and sincere desire to do well in the undertaking. The pros to this are clear enough, even if Greg hadnt already pointed them out. :)

It would make waiting easier for the AVIDs, since MudPie would be years in the making. A story in the meantime would keep the Myst saga alive in the public eye... It might even bring in more real AVIDs to little Rivenguild... The downside is equally obvious. If they altered the story too much in their addition the Myst story could be marred, ruined, lost.... For many this and this alone would define much of Myst..determine whether they sought the rest. That could be bad, if it were filled with inaccuracies. The misinformation in the comics series STILL confused the AVIDs at times and THAT had only a limited run.... This would be MUCH larger. But if it were done well?

Rand finds himself seriously considering letting them try...IF they have a suitable story.... Releasing more of the real tale at this time would not do. He looks for and sees confirmation of his opinion in the eyes of his friends and colleagues.

Uhler chokes a bit as he introduces the still groggy Lemen : "And here is our brilliant lead game designer, Mr Ron Lemen. " Ron blinks upward as Rand shakes his hand.

Rand (smiling mildly) : "Good to see you again, Mr Lemen"

Lemen: "choooo?"

Rand and RAWA's quiet thoughtfulness permeate the room as his prospective partners share nervously the work-ups they have done.... It is good work. Some points would need clarification, the powerful storyline needs refining to be true to canon, but is clearly doable..
Rand gives his provisional okay on beginning the project. Excited anticipation descends on the small group as they begin to shape their outlines in earnest.

RAWA listens quietly... subtly gainning the information he came for. It is decided that RAWA will study their operation closely, teaching those who need to know essential Dnian terms and cultural points. In turn he will be shown what they have discovered.... The alliance is complete

After lunch the designers and writer reconvene with the Cyan team

Mary: Are the names of the Ages acceptable? Perhaps they should be in D'nian?

Lemen (mutters confusedly) : "Ju' ain ...i'dn right..I was jus' bring' uh prop'sal.... maybe should'a knocked..."

Rawa (grinning) :"You're learning"

"Jay an in?" asks a nearby Prestoid, "It means learning?"

RAWA: "Yes" *in apparent sobriety* "J' of learning"

Rand quickly hides the smile trying to elude the trap of his hand while dozens of hands scribble "Ja-nainin.... Jah' nan in... Jay nain in.." all around the room

And so the first Age was named... sorta ;)
