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Brave Ole Cave
"Brave Ole Cave" was one of those sudden inspirations I had listening to music (mostly Michael Penner's in this case) Alahmnat in turn, was inspired, to add a second chapter. I always planned to send him back the next chapter and we'd see how far it went. Alahmnat has since posted it on DPWR as "Lysterious Journey".

Sorry you waited so long to see my next contribution, Alah *blush*

Riven images (c) Cyan Worlds, Inc. All rights reserved.
altered by Salar :)

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Part 1 (Salar)

Across the dun and dusty land you traveled. The sun and sand beat into your dark robe, your sand-proofed goggles, even your expedition boots. Every step was the very definition of all that is hot, dry, and thirsty. And so are you. Your head pounds in rhythm with your motion, with the striking of your staff upon the rock. The searing heat of the desert breeze tightens your chest, but floods you with a strangely comforting warmth. There is a strangely steadying sense of support. Your heart knows the truth, Someone somewhere is thinking kindly of you and wishing you success. You take
another deep breath and go on. You must keep up with him, your guide in this wilderness.

Was this journey worth the cost? Will you be able to return? No way to know now. You tense as you consider your future, but then your guide looks back and smiles at you. You heave a sigh of relief. It makes all the difference doesn't it? For soon you will be trusting him with your life. Actually you are already. For really, who could turn back now? At last you reach the end of the trek, which is also the start of your fantastic journey. Your guide points you toward a dark cleft and tosses a Frisbee thin coil of rope which stings your hands even as you grasp it reflexively. You look at the white disk in your hands. Much more than it seems this disc. It could take you beyond the edge of all you have dreamed. A giddy sense of destiny sweeps over you and fights place with a wave of awe, filling your senses. You look down into the muddy-looking depths dubiously. Has he been here before? You wish you knew. He is almost ready for the next stage. He looks confident. You straighten up and prepare. It is time to go.

He sends his sky blue cord snaking down the depths like an over-optimistic seedling into deepest of all gardens. Its seemingly frail line a hope for his future, your future. You bend closer, trying to decode something, anything, in the inky blackness. Your very first attempts at observation reward you with a delicious blast of cool fresh air. Your chest expands...loosens, and your head feels delightfully light. Grinning, you signal your willingness to follow. You wrap the cords about yourself until your are a gridwork of lines and ties. You begin your descent.

The bright light of the morning sun quickly becomes the golden rays of afternoon as you sink through the Earth and seemingly into time itself. Now the shadows lengthen..deepen as you descend into vertical night. At first you see nothing. Then as your eyes adjust and the light upon your head shows you fantastic features in the rocks themselves. AHH here is the work of the master designer! You slow your descent to examine them more closely. The features of the rocks themselves seem to tell a story. You flip sideways a bit. hmmm.... At some angles you almost seem to see an exiled echo of the distant night sky. You stare at this puzzling site a moment, then sketch it into your journal smiling. A clue? Well at least a delightful interlude to other places.

You descend again. You guide's lamp swims below you in the deep well of night at your feet. Where is the first ledge? There it is, or rather was. The oasis of rest is sadly out of reach. Glimmering lanterns wink sporadically through a spikey clump of rocks that stab blackly upward, like a lechugilla plant. you would have had to have swung deeply west much earlier than this in order to take advantage of it. Ah well! The journey below is still your own. With one more sad glance at the first resting area, you struggle on downward.

Finally the lamp upon your head reflects back upon more miners hats below you. The first descent is complete!

Kind hands assist you as you take your first unsteady steps on the rough surface. They were waiting for you! What an unusual company is assembling here! Faces ranging from adolescent to full maturity beam back at you in the headlamps. Besides the guides, now easily distinguishable in their official gear, there are hundreds of others who have taken the fateful steps here, releasing themselves upon a white line into an apparently endless night.

Welcoming smiles wreath their faces as they walk with you toward a camp up now visible up ahead. Soft laughter echoes down ancient pathways of rock, and algae, and water as jokes old and new keep close company. A young man beside you notes that a three foot wide pathway is being prepared here, and together you admire its roughly rounded contours rising from the soft sediment. You note with satisfaction the expected design work. He gives you a map of the work area, and you smile your gratitude, although it is too late to go there today. An eyebrow raises as you note an interesting darkened area. Is this the fissure you have heard so much about?

At the campsite you are shown your work site and there take out your tools and notes. A motley assortment quickly assembles on the flat granite. You set the surveyor's kit next to your beloved astrolabe, while your med. kit snuggles into your collection of calligraphic pens and charcoal artists pencils. Just looking at them makes you feel a bit more at home. One of your new friends comes and sets a kettle to boil over a amazingly ornate spirit lamp that is stationed nearby you. She sets a bowl of stew beside it. It smells ...interesting. Soon you relax your bones on the stiff black cot, sipping Earl Grey tea. You wonder what dreams may come to you as you look out from your small island of light and shadows ...


Part 2 (Alahmnat)

You awake to the sound of many voices getting ready for the day in the campsite beyond the walls of your tent. Wondering what time it is, and what is going on, you dress quickly and step outside the tent. The first thing you see is breakfast being prepared by the same woman who cooked the stew last night. She offers you a drink, as you ask her what time it is. She tells you that it is around 9:00 in the morning, and that many had been up since "daybreak." They have been busily preparing the work site, which lies at the end of the path you saw on your way to camp last night.

Noticing that people are already starting to drift towards the path, you rapidly finish your breakfast, grab your helmet and writing materials, and hurry across the camp to the path. Overhead, you can just make out the sky, which is loaded with clouds. Occasionally a bright flash echoes down the shaft, and soon after a hollow, disembodied rumbling rattles the boards of the wooden path stretching off into the darkness. It's raining! Donning your helmet, you join the crowd moving in ones and twos along the boardwalk, only half-hearing the conversations taking place around you. Occasionally you hear the word D'ni being used, and gradually your interest peaks in where you are going. Up ahead you see a looming shape, like a gigantic rip in the rock, many feet high, but only several feet wide. It reminds you instantly of the fissure from Riven. Not far beyond the fissure the wooden walkway ends, and the ground becomes slightly rougher.

It is here that the group of people ahead have stopped, and they are busily looking about in the sand and clay for what, you don't know. A new face walks up and hands you a brush, a pick, and a small book. You open the book, wondering what it contains, and you see that it is a small D'ni dictionary. Considering the significance of this, you walk over to a secluded spot and sit down. As you try to piece together what's going on, your eye catches a glint of light near the cavern wall. As you look around, trying to find what caught your eye, you catch sight of a small, worn piece of stone, jet black and very different from the surrounding rock. You walk over to it, pick it up, and almost drop it out of surprise. On it is carved a single word, which has almost been worn off by time. It is a word you know very well, even in the foreign script. There is no need to open the dictionary, this word is the reason the dictionary exists. It says "D'ni."


Part 3 (Salar)

Your hands are shaking with excitement as you absorb the value of your discovery. Someone who knows D’ni has been here before your expedition, but who? Remember the guides, you decide to search for more evidence.

Everyone shares your enthusiasm as the stone passes from hand to hand. Soon teams of two’s and three’s fan out across the room and into several of the many side passages, looking for more artifacts. Soft chatter echoes from the main room around you as you plunge into a round-ish tunnel. Its walls seem rough, broken and uneven at first but after a an hour or two, the variegated broken layers give way to something with a more polished feel. Somewhat like plain sanded hardwood, you decide. This is definitely a promising passage! And then you find incised shape in the stone. Your brass lantern shines shakily on the D’ni script chiseled into the wall. It says “met sheegah eder tomahn”

But you promised to meet the group back in the main cavern for lunch, so your time is up. The journey back proves more tiring than expected. There had been a gentle slope that eased your descent, but now fights your return. It doesn’t help that you don’t really want to go back. You both feel sure an adventure awaits below. If you can just convince the others to come so far! This is still mainly a scouting expedition.

By the time you reach the main paths, you and your friends are slipping and stumbling on even the smallest pebbles. You need to rest badly but you want to explore! As you head slowly toward the circle of lights twinkling underground an excited babble echoes incomprehensibly back to you. The others must have been more successful in finding evidence of the D’ni. Perhaps it wont be so difficult to persuade them after all….

Gratefully sinking to rest beside the blue water cooler, you listen to a young lady holding a round silver ball in her hand. "It has thrty marks for hours and its still ticking! Look!" She waves it excitedly at the group. Her find passes from hand to hand, and the speculation only increases. What planet is etched on its surface. How is it powerd? Could the owner be close by?

You handle the finely polished globe, marveling at its intricacy, how light it feels. You wonder aloud "How old do you think this is?" as you hold it aloft. No one knows. The best guesses come from the old stories. Reluctantly, you pass on the treasure, missing its soft clicks,the light vibration of its whirring gears almost before it leaves your hands. But there are new artifacts to examine.

Around the campfire hands search one by one, the day's discoveries: a damp, ruined book with strange writing and a dark crystal panel, old bits of clothes, pieces of a leather bag, tooled in strange designs, and most exciting of all: wat appears to be an old copy of a map, marking tunnels with strange insicriptions to the side of each. Your breath comes faster. This map seems to show a way from the tunnel you found to a "eder tomahn" (way station) marked on the map? Could it be? The first puzzlers are already on it, comparing the tunnels marked on the survey maps with the sketches on the page. Already they see a pattern on the surface that *could* line up......

But you know the answer. Hurriedly your team explains what you've found. Soon the group has caught your passion to descend but how to arrange it? The young man of the paths offers to set up a signal, but soon you realize that all action must await the coming of day to the surface. The guides have retreated to their own camp by now.

Again you settle wearily into your tent, easing aching muscles into your cot, dreaming of what is to come

Excitement, bustle, flashes of light stir you into motion with the dawn. The guides have already been informed of the discoveries, the desires of the travellers. There are not enough supplies it turns out, for everyone to go down this time. Not everyone can go, either. The guides bring messages from families and lives that seem so very far away right now. A much smaller scouting expedition forms led ersonally by the most veteran travelers. Those going forward console those who must return with promises of careful notes, photos, and sketches. part with so many friends at once, just when the trail had grown so exciting casts a shadow over the remaining company.Conversation slows to a trickle as the time grows near.

Bracing on the rock wall, you shrug to redistribute the weight of your full_to_bursting backpack. The bumpy load is digging into you already. A miscaculation nearly causes you to fall the other way. The eldest guide catches your elbow, steadying your progress. "There you go now. careful. Wouldnt want to have to go back when you've come so close."

You smile your thanks as he turns to help the next adventurer. Then stop puzzled as it comes to you how much he seems to know!