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Whats New???

11/22/02 Hello,

I've got a NEW page address!!! Its not up yet, but soon its gunna be the hippist thing since string cheese. If yah wanna go to the new site address it is . SO if your bored or somthing go there. Well as I have said in the last update Alicia and I are going out! (2 weeks today) Steph is gone to California so Dereks, Brent, Neil, and myself no longer have any females sitting at our table 5th hour. WTF? :( However that's ok cuz Steph's probably having hella fun with Jeff. If yah wanna go to Stephs site go here . I have not been to a concert since Jimmy Eat World, so I asked Cinder for tickets for the 7dust show on the 4th. I got a email back and Im going! Then I talked to the parents and Im still going! Fuck Yeah! Plus at Ryan's on the 14th of December is going to be another concert with Ra. I think Razor's calling it their Xmas Party. Whatever it is its gunna kick ass! I wanna go!!! Yes!!! Well Schools gunna get out early this week on Wed @ 12. Friday Ryan and I are going shopping on BLACK FRIDAY. Its gunna be crazy! Enigma will be running soon, real soon, hella soon! Can't Wait.


11/10/02 Its been awhile! Sure I've had time to update but what would you rather do update your website, or get your AMD 233 working properly? Thats what I though. Well I added some text to the Argo 3 page. That's 'bout it.

10/27/02 Added some links on the side of the page. I really need to update those blank spaces. Maybe this week I will attempt to fill the spaces. I only work Fri and Sat Whoo Hoo!

My Thoughts

I think I found out last night I have a tickling fetish. :/ Oh and Chinese food rules!

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