FORM Objects + PROPERTIES Updated: Jan 29, 2011 PROPERTIES Comments (RW numeric or string values): ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BMP Loads and draws .bmp resource on BUTTON, IMAGE, TOOLBAR or TREEVIEW $RESOURCE groovy As "groovy.bmp" MyImage.BMP = "groovy" 'String argument is a resource name Gets handle of the .bmp resource. hBMP = MyImage.BMP See for constants for internal Windows bitmaps. Caption Set/get object text; same as .Text For FORM, sets application title bar text (default = program name) MyObject.Caption = "Bigger than ever": MyString = MyObject.Caption Cell Assigns text to GRID cell. MyGrid.Cell(i,j) = string where i and j are 0-based row and column indeces. Please see .InsertCol and .InsertRow MyGrid.Cell(2,3) = "HotBabe Budget" Get text in GRID cell. MyString = MyGrid.Cell(i,j) where i and j are 0-based row and column indeces. Please see .InsertCol and .InsertRow MyString = MyGrid.Cell(2,3) Strings from .Cell presently are limited to 4096 characters. The author is not sure what limit, if any, Windows supports. Checked Set/get checked state [BUTTON CHECKBOX RADIOBUTTON] Class Class name string. MyClass = MyObject.Class MyObject.Class = "SysDateTimePick32" Color Set/get background color by RGB value 0 - &HFFFFFF MyForm.Color = &HDDDDFF: MyGauge.Color = &HFF0000 The RGB numeric function may be used to create the source value. FORM .Color sets the class background and affects all forms. For EDIT, CHECKBOX, RADIOBUTTON, GROUPBOX, SCROLLBAR, IMAGE, LABEL and PANEL, .Color sets background color only when the parent is FORM or SPLASH. Do not use .Color for BUTTON which uses Windows system colors instead. RGBColor = MyObject.Color ColWidth For GRID and HEADER, changes column width from initial value. MyGrid.ColWidth(n) = 50 'n is 0-based column index For GRID and HEADER, gets column width. Default = 60. cWidth = MyGrid.ColWidth(n) 'n is 0-based column index Cursor Sets cursor. MyObject.Cursor = handle_cursor. handle_cursor may by a $RESOURCE or one of the Windows internal cursors. See for constants for internal Windows cursors. Gets present class cursor handle. hCursor = MyObject.Cursor Enabled Enables user input with mouse or keyboard to object MyObject.Enabled = 0 'now the component is grayed out Gets .Enabled state. MyVar = MyObject.Enabled ExStyle Set/get Extended Style. MyExStyle = MyObject.ExStyle Assigns or changes Extended Style For FORM, default = &H10000 MyObject.ExStyle = MyExStyle 'DWORD ExStyle flags If .ExStyle change seems to be ignored, see .Recreate method. Please see in your "inc" directory for detailed listings. Font Set font for object text. MyObject.Font = MyFont Get font handle. hFont = MyObject.Font Height Set/get object height. If set for IMAGE, IMAGE may be resized. Icon Loads and draws .ico resource on BUTTON or IMAGE $RESOURCE hotbabe As "hotbabe.ico" MyButton.Icon = "hotbabe" 'String argument is a resource name Note: Microsoft Windows internal icon constants may be used: MyButton.Icon = 32515 'IDI_EXCLAMATION See for constants for internal Windows icons. In contrast, for FORM or SPLASH, .Icon specifies application icon file: MyForm.Icon = "MyApp.ico" 'icon file becomes a resource Gets handle of icon resource. hIcon = MyImage.Icon ItemIndex Set/get selected item. [COMBOBOX FILELISTBOX LISTBOX RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2 TABCONTROL TREEVIEW (set only)] MyListBox.ItemIndex = 5 For TREEVIEW, the handle of an item is used as the index value. For the RICHEDIT's, .ItemIndex = integer sets cursor to line. Gets 0-based index of selected item else -1 MySelected = MyListBox.ItemIndex CurrentLine = MyRichEdit.ItemIndex + one Left Set/get object left position Menu FORM menu handle. hMenu = MyForm.Menu MyForm.Menu 'use application menu in MyForm Modified Set/get modified state. [EDIT RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2] MyVar = MyEdit.Modified MyEdit.Modified = true 'or false Parent Set/get handle of .Parent to object. MyObject.Parent = MyObject Set automatically with steps 1 to 5 in the introduction above. To define child-of-child objects, assign the .Parent property. MyChild.Parent = MyParent If the .Parent of an additional FORM is set to the main FORM, the user can move the child FORM anywhere in the parent FORM. Therefore, if a .Parent of a FORM must be assigned, better results may be obtained if the parent is a PANEL or some other child window of the main FORM. hParent = MyObject.Parent Pixel Sets pixel x, y; same as Pset. MyObject.Pixel(x, y)=rgb_color Gets RGB color of pixel x, y. rgb_color = MyObject.Pixel(x, y) May be used in an .OnPaint routine where Device Context is automatically defined, or within .GetDC / .ReleaseDC or .BeginPaint / .EndPaint code blocks. Position Set/get position within working .Range [GAUGE SCROLLBAR TRACKBAR UPDOWN] MyGauge.Position = Percent 'where Percent is an integer CurrentPosition = MyGuage.Position SelEnd Set/get selected text end [EDIT RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2] MyEdit.SelEnd = EndPosition '0-based position EndPosition = MyEdit.SelEnd '.SelStart + .SelLength SelLength Set/get selected text length [EDIT RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2] MyEdit.SelLength = LengthSelected '1-based length LengthSelected = MyEdit.SelLength '.SelEnd - .SelStart SelStart Set/get selected text start [EDIT RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2] MyEdit.SelStart = StartPosition '0-based position StartPosition = MyEdit.SelStart SelText Set/get selected text [EDIT RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2] If no text is selected, then .SelText inserts text: MyRichEdit.SelText = "insert this at cursor" If text is selected, then .SelText replaces the selection: MyRichEdit.SelText = "replace selected text with this" For RICHEDIT2 only, Text$ = MyRichEdit2.SelText 'get selected text Style Set/get Style. For FORM, default = &HCF0000 MyObject.Style = MyStyle 'DWORD Style flags MyObject.Style = MyObject.Style OR &H100 'set style bit MyObject.Style = MyObject.Style XOR &H100 'clear style bit If .Style change seems to be ignored, see .Recreate method. Please see in your "inc" directory for detailed listings. Tag Set/get arbitrary value associated with object. MyEdit.Tag = 12 Text Set/get object text; same as .Caption. PreviousText = MyObject.Text: MyObject.Text = "Better than ever" TextColor Set/get RGB color of text. [CHECKBOX EDIT FILELISTBOX GRID GROUPBOX LABEL LISTBOX PANEL RADIOBUTTON RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2 TREEVIEW] MyGrid.TextColor = &H0000FF 'red Except for GRID, RICHEDIT2 and TREEVIEW, .TextColor is displayed if .Color is defined. RGBColor = MyObject.TextColor For RICHEDIT2 .TextColor, if the object is empty, new typed text is colored. If you load text, then use .TextColor to set the color of all text in the RICHEDIT2. TextLimit Limit of text length [COMBOBOX EDIT RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2] MyRichEdit2.TextLimit = 5000000 'edit file up to 5 megs! The maximum for RICHEDIT appears to be about 64k. CurrentLimit = MyEdit.TextLimit Top Set/get object top position Visible Displays or hides object (default = 1) MyObject.Visible = 0 'now we hide MyObject Gets .Visible state. MyVar = MyObject.Visible Width Set/get object width. If set for IMAGE, IMAGE may be resized. Read only properties are similer to string and numeric functions. PROPERTIES (Read Only String): ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item Item text [COMBOBOX FILELISTBOX HEADER LISTBOX RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2 TABCONTROL TOOLBAR TREEVIEW] MyString = MyListBox.Item(index) where index = 0 to MyListBox.ItemCount - 1 PROPERTIES (Read Only Numeric): ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At present, all numeric values are returned as LONG, signed integers. For certain values, like .Style, conversion to DWORD may better display flags. BeginPaint Get DC (device context) handle for FORM and SPLASH drawing/painting. MyDC = MyObject.BeginPaint .BeginPaint should not be used in .OnPaint procedures. ClientHeight Client area height. cHeight = MyForm.ClientHeight .ClientHeight = Form height - border - title - menu (if any). ClientWidth Client area width. cWidth = MyForm.ClientWidth FindText Finds text in current selection, returning 0-based character position of found text or -1 (not found). [RICHEDIT2] MyVar = MyRE2.FindText(text_string, mode_integer) where mode_integer is an OR of one or more search constants: FT_UP 0; FT_DOWN 1; FT_WHOLEWORD 2; and FT_MATCHCASE 4 Typical FindText code would use .SelStart and .SelEnd to select the RICHEDIT2 text to be searched, and then use .FindText to find the first instance of the text_string in the selected text, if any, and its character position. Focus Focus. MyVar = MyObject.Focus 'true (1) if MyObject has focus. GetDC DC handle. hDC = MyObject.GetDC Must be followed after drawing methods by .ReleaseDC. Often used in main program code, but not in .OnPaint procedures. MyDC = MyObject.GetDC 'draw/paint code MyObject.ReleaseDC 'always follows .GetDC Handle Object handle If no property is stated, .handle is assumed: MyForm.Font = MyFont 'for MyFont.Handle MyObject.Parent = MyForm 'for MyForm.Handle hObject = MyObject.Handle ID Object ID assigned internally at object creation IndexOf Index of MyString [COMBOBOX FILELISTBOX LISTBOX] MyLong = MyListBox.IndexOf(MyString) Similar to .IndexOf function in LIST object. MyLong = -1 if MyString has no exact match in MyListBox ItemCount Item count [COMBOBOX GRID FILELISTBOX HEADER LISTBOX RICHEDIT RICHEDIT2 TABCONTROL TOOLBAR TREEVIEW] MyCount = MyListBox.ItemCount Length Length of object text (if referenced without an index) MyLen = RICHEDIT.Length LineCount Same as .ItemCount MouseX Mouse x position in object rectangle; MyLong = MyForm.MouseX MouseY Mouse y position in object rectangle; MyLong = MyForm.MouseY SelCount Number of selected items [FILELISTBOX LISTBOX] Selected True (not zero) if item selected [FILELISTBOX LISTBOX TOOLBAR TREEVIEW] IsSelected = MyListBox.Selected(index) where index = 0 to MyListBox.ItemCount - 1 Status FORM StatusBar handle. hStatusBar = MyForm.Status TextHeight Height in pixels of text string argument. MyHeight = MyForm.TextHeight(MyString$) TextWidth Width in pixels of text string argument. MyWidth = MyForm.TextWidth(MyString$) .TextWidth and .TextHeight work only when a device context is defined -- in all .OnPaint procedures and in .BeginPaint/.EndPaint or .GetDC/.ReleaseDC code blocks. ########### Please see example code in downloads such as HotWin, HotToys, HotDialog, HotFind and HotDraw. + Penthouse (registered) version Copyright 2003-2011 James J Keene PhD Original Publication: Nov 18, 2003