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The truth about my falling out with Jennifer Tipton and

The mock forum that you originally saw on this page was only intended to use as a layout. A basis we planned to use for designing the current A prototype. I had a lot of animosity for her at the time which is why you might see so much anti-LS crap, you see the current 502 and i think you'll see that my expression of it has changed. I'm above it, I don't allow bashing of it on my board.

It came to my attention that someone had posted a link to it on in an attempt to bash me, called me a hater. That got under my skin. I could see how he may think that, but I'm replacing it with this as an attempt to clear it up.

What you're reading is the truth. There was a lot of things behind the scenes that I think the timing is right to let out to those who may come here. I was banned from LS for reasons unknown. Her excuse for my banning was that I threatened (in AIM) to knock her teeth down her throat, and said that I had threatened to have a friend of mine come kick her ass. That's 100% incorrect. There were other people who said these things, however, it wasn't me. When I was a member of I was friends with Jenn and George. I went to them for advice and gave them my trust. That has all since changed. They started 'warning' me of some friends of mine who were banned from the board. They began to try and dictate who it was I could and couldn't hang out with by telling me "don't expect to talk to us if you're hanging around them". I eventually began to see this as unfair. They had no right to dictate who it was I chose to be friends with. I stood up for my friends that they hated one day on the board and was soon after banned. They blamed it on a glitch. Soon after, people who were my friends became part of this 'glitch'. The following people were banned from LS for being my friends and became part of what they passed off as a software glitch: Matt92dsm, mr20turbo, princessxoxo, Kara, Accord97MA, RedTRACKERguy and a few more which I've since forgotten. She banned people for joining 502streetscene when it first started. It didn't stop there. She has a hack for the Vbulletin software that allows her to see your passwords when you enter them. If you are like me, you probably use the same password for everything. Well, she then had access to my email (which she used and read), and my buddy list which she also read. These extremely private things she used to get on. Let's not also forget I used that same password for my admin account on She logged into the moderator's corner and viewed everything written there, she also had access to the admin control panel. She put people up to trying to knock down the board. On the original software, she purposely overloaded it and caused it to crash. Back before the board even had a domain name and was simply an IP address she registered domain names we had discussed using such as and When the moderators quit LS who registered them for her, they passed them back on to me, a little late for me to use them now however. Did you ever wonder where all the old moderators went? They all got tired of her shit just as I did. They were backstabbed just as I was. I wouldn't have made 502ss if I didn't truly feel that the scene was being robbed of some very intelligent people who could no longer share their knowledge.

I was wronged by as were many more. I hope that this clears things up a bit. If ANYONE has any questions they would like answered you can reach me at

Everything I said was true, take it as you will.