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I am not often one to take Photos, but now that I am doing this page I am a bit diappointed that I didnt take more. There are some key figures in the camp that I dont have any pics of at all. No pics at all of Howard, Abby, Misha, Grossman,Tony, Samantha and so many others. So, though these are not really representative of the whole of Thelesis Camp, its a start. If anyone has Photos of the Camp or Camp members, please send them to me.

Taken at Summerhawk 96. From the left side rear: Mark, Cliff, Me, Matt, Ed, Cynthia, Gendler, Adam

The left picture is Jane, Sherman, Denise, and Dave. The picture on the right depicts the other two founders of Thelesis: Ed and Mark

On the left is Adam, Gendler and Jainine. On the right is Gendler talking Vodoun with Louis Martine and some other folks.

Here we have Al and Betty with their daughter Sofi, on their way to the 2000 Belatane Celebration.

On the left we have Tori and Amy. On the right is Ed, Al, Charlott, and some dude who I never saw again (such are the mysteries of the OTO)

On the left is Al "all I want to do is drum" Vitale and Grant. On the Right is former Camp Masters Mary Lynn and Ed.


Right shot depicts Betty, Sofi and Myself. Left Pic is me after on the last day of SummerHawk.