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Many chosen, few survive

Current Members: 15
Website by: 1000volts GTP
Assisted by: Da King GTP

Navigation Panel: [ Home/News ] [ Members ] [ Da King's Page ] [ Pictures ] [ Status ] [ Rules ]

Need a website? Need graphics made? Email me and we'll work something out.

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Wednesday, January 1st, 2003 (about 14 hours later) Posted by: 1000volts GTP

A few new members. New ally. GOD. Man our clan's doing pretty damn good. Soon we might be one of the top clans. Well don't count on it, but with some luck we might. BWO is no longer at war with us as far as I know so I'll add them to my allies page. If any clan attacks you alot notify me at once.

I made a banner ad to promote our site. So far Paiute and Caleb will be putting it on their websites. I can't thank them enough.

Wednesday, January 1st, 2003 Posted by: 1000volts GTP

Happy new year! The new GTP website up and running just in time for 2003. Thats another year for GT and a whole new year to start over.

I want alot of feedback for the website. I need to see what people think of it. If you have any comments or need to tell me about a broken link or a down graphic, or just want to email me, then click here to email me.