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Garden Little League Soccer :
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Admin Guide

How to Start & Manage your own League
Sample Registration Form
Grading & Sorting Players into Teams
Sample Letterhead
Sample Standard Letters

How to Start & Manage your own League

The beginning reference point is the school itself: You will require the blessing/ permission of the school. In addition, you will need the school's permission to use their field(s). A regular day and time will need to be set when the school isn't using the field(s) but convenient enough for the parents/ children to attend.

You will need to estimate items like (a) How much should each child pay? (b) How many children will join? (c) How many children in each team? (d) How many teams will there be? (e) How many sponsors do you need to obtain? (f) How much should each sponsor pay? This is needed to arrive at a feasible budget. You will then need to find out the cost of equipment (diff. size soccer balls) and the cost of outfitting a child (usu. T-shirt with printing, shorts & socks). If you intend to give out prizes / trophies, you need to budget for those items too.

Meet the school's Accounts Department to arrange for separate accounting. In general, any sponsorship cheques should be made payable to the school. You will need to keep a Cash-Book of expenses and receipts. Perhaps every quarter, you will need to hand-over the receipts to the Accounts Dept and obtain an updated Balance. Keep a Petty Cash box. Large amounts of excess cash (if any) should be handed over to the school.

If possible, ask the school for some storage space (preferably near the field).


PLAYERS SUBSCRIPTION FEE : {_Amount_} per year
SCHOOL YEAR : {_StartMonth_ ~ _EndMonth_}
For above period, the
child will be in Year#

: Year
Name of Child
Name of Parent(s)
or Guardian

Contact Numbers
Date of Birth
xS - 28

I would like to
volunteer as...

S - 30

M - 32

L - 34

xL - 36

I enclose herewith the Subscription Fee (non-refundable) payment of amount...
Cheques to be crossed and made payable to "{_Garden International School_}"

Whilst I realise that the school will ensure to take every reasonable precaution, I confirm that I shall not hold {_Garden International School_}, the Management or Organisers of the {_Garden Little League Soccer_} responsible for any loss, damage and/ or injuries suffered directly or indirectly as a result of playing in {_Garden Little League Soccer_}. In the event of an emergency that requires treatment and where the parent or caregiver is not present, {_Garden Little League Soccer_} will take my child to {_Name Of Nearest Hospital_} and make every attempt to contact me on the telephone number(s) that I have provided them.

I have read and fully understood the above,

Date :

. . . . . . . . . . .

Signature :

. . . . . . . . . . .

GRADING & SORTING Players into Teams

The reason for grading and sorting players is to assemble teams which are more or less equal in terms of skill level. To achieve this, the players have to be graded in an objective manner. For Little League Soccer, a simple system of points can be used as follows :

   5 pts  -  Outstanding
   4 pts  -  Above Average
   3 pts  -  Average 
   2 pts  -  Below Average 
   1 pts  -  Very Poor 
For Little League Soccer, there are only a few skills/ aspects which are relevant and need to be graded :
a.   Dribbling             Important 
b.   Kick Power            Important 
c.   Pass Accuracy         Important
d.   Heading & Chesting    Half
e.   Running Endurance     Less
f.   Attitude              Less 
Skill/ Aspect (e) & (f) can be omitted to save time because they are less important and fairly subjective.

In Garden Little League Soccer, grading is done by setting up 4 skill-stations to individually assess Dribbling, Kick Power, Pass Accuracy and Heading/ Chesting. Each skill-station will have a skill-assessor [an adult]. The children are organised into 4 groups (each group will have a group-head [adult]). Each group is in turn taken to each skill-station.

The skill-assessor at each station will award the points. The group-heads carry around the Grading Assessment Forms for their group and write down the points given. Having finished all 4 skill-stations, the group-heads then assess the individual children in their group for Running Endurance and Attitude.

DRIBBLING - This is set up with 6 cones or markers laid out about 1 metre apart in a straight line. The children are expected to dribble the ball between the cones (slalom). Generally, children can this with little mistakes but sometimes at a very slow pace. The combination of accuracy and speed is the indicator of their skill/ ability.
KICK POWER - Set up a start-point with 2 cones or markers about 1 metre apart. Place the ball in between and ask each child to kick the ball as hard as they can. We are only looking at power here (not accuracy).
PASS ACCURACY - Set up a start-point (as above). About 6 metres away, lay out 8 markers in a line about 0.5m apart and ensure that the middle gap [between 4th & 5th markers] is centred with the start-point. The aim is to kick the ball through the middle-gap. The ball through the middle-gap gets 5 points; through the next outer markers [btwn 3rd & 6th markers] gets 4 points; throught the next outer markers [btwn 2nd & 7th markers] gets 3 points; through the extreme end-markers gets 2 points, and; outside of the end-markers gets 1 point.
HEADING/ CHESTING - This is where the skill-assessor just marks a set distance for the children to line up. The skill-assessor then slowly throws the ball for the child to "head" back to the assessor. Then the assessor slowly throws the ball for the child to "chest" back to the assessor.


Date :
To :
{_address line1_}
{_address line2_}
{_address line3 postcode_}
{_address line4 region_}
Attn :Co-ordinator Contact
{_designation_} {_name1_} {_tel1_}
{_name2_} {_tel2_}
Tel : {_name3_} {_tel3_}
Fax : Fax {_fax.no_}
Re. :




This section contains sample texts for the following standard letters :
a. SPONSORSHIP LETTER - to potential sponsor
b. THANK YOU - to Sponsor & to forward Receipt
c. INVITATION - to Sponsor for Awards Ceremony

SPONSORSHIP LETTER - to potential sponsor

{_Garden Little League Soccer_} (of the {_Garden International School_})
Sponsorship of Soccer Team for Sports Outfits and Kit

We write to seek sponsorship from your organisation and we would like to present the following information on the subject for your perusal.

The {_Garden Little League Soccer_} was formed in {_Month Year_} with the approval of the school and is a non-profit league. Although sanctioned by the school (the league uses the school's fields plus other facilities), {_Garden Little League Soccer_} is managed and operated by a group of parents on a voluntary basis. The League's intent is to help develop the children's soccer skills, teamwork and sportsmanship as well as provide an avenue for the children to have fun and enjoy themselves in a safe school environment.

As a non-profit venture, monetary contributions are needed to enable continuity of the event. In this regard, the school has given permission to some of the parents to seek sponsorship to help pay for the team outfits which include T-shirts, shorts, socks as well as sports equipment.

This year, there are {_eight (8)_} different teams which are available for sponsorship. Currently, the league applies to children (boys and girls) from {_Year 1 to Year 4_} organised as follows:

     Group        No. of Teams      Weekly Session
   {_Year 1&2_}    {_4 teams_}    {_Sundays; 9:00am to 10:00am_}
   {_Year 3&4_}    {_4 teams_}    {_Sundays; 9:30am to 10:30am_} 
We, therefore, wish to seek your kind consideration to be the sponsor of a Garden Little League Soccer team, for a duration of one (1) school year, the details of which are as follows:-
A.   Sponsorship Amount   :   {_Amount_} for 1 school year

B.   Soccer Seasons       :   1.  {_StartMonth_} to {_MidYrMonth_} 
                              2.  {_MidYrMonth_} to {_EndMonth_} 

C.   Benefit to Sponsor   :   Sponsor's logo* will be placed on T-shirts.
* note - Sponsors to provide company logo in bromide with reference colours (pantone).

Please make your crossed cheques payable to "{_Garden International School_}" and contact any one of the {_Garden Little League_} co-ordinators to arrange for its collection.

We would be most grateful if the cheques could be remitted before {_DeadLine Date_}. It would also be most helpful if you could hand over your logo materials (for printing on the T-Shirts) at the same time.

We look forward to your esteemed organisation's contribution in terms of sponsorship of the {_Garden Little League Soccer_} team. Apart from the obvious benefits to the children, this would also provide excellent exposure for your company.

Should there be any queries, please feel free to contact any of the co-ordinators.

Thank you.

{_Name Of Co-ordinator_}

If you are agreeable to sponsor a team, please acknowledge this letter by signing it below and re-faxing it to us at {_Contact Fax Number_}.

Yes, I would like to sponsor a team.


THANK YOU - to Sponsor & to forward Receipt

{_Garden International School Little League Soccer_}
Team Sponsorship of Sports Outfits and Kit

I refer to the above subject matter and am pleased to confirm receipt of your contribution towards the {_Garden Little League Soccer_} Team. Please find enclosed the formal receipt from {_Garden International School_} confirming your sponsorship.

As you are aware, your contribution shall be fully utilised for the outfits of one of the teams in the League, which include T-shirts, shorts, socks and sports equipment. This sponsorship shall be for the period of one (1) school year, from {_StartMonth_} to {_EndMonth_}.

We are also pleased to inform you that we are in the process of finalising the Games Schedule for next Season, beginning {_StartMonth_}. This shall be distributed upon completion.

On behalf of {_Garden International School_}, the parents and children involved with the League, I wish to formally thank you for your cooperation and contribution towards making this event a success. We thank you again for providing an opportunity for the children to enjoy themselves and have fun in their school environment.

Thank you.

{_Name Of Co-ordinator_}

INVITATION - to Sponsor for Awards Ceremony

{_Garden International School (GIS) Little League Soccer_}
End of Season ~ Finals & Awards Ceremony

On behalf of all the parents and children involved in the {_Garden Little League Soccer_}, we wish to thank you once again for your kind sponsorship this year. As you are aware, your contribution is utilised for the team's outfits for two (2) "seasons" (ie one school-year), which include T-shirts, shorts, socks and equipment.

The {_Garden Little League Soccer_} is pleased to formally invite you to :

    "End of Season {_#_} ~ Finals & Awards Ceremony" 
    on {_Event Date_} at {_Event Start Time_} 
We hope that you (or a representative from your esteemed organisation) will be able to attend this event to personally present the awards to your team players together with the team photographs.

It would also be our honour to present to you a momento from the League at the end of the ceremony as a token of appreciation for your kind contribution and co-operation.

If you have any corporate or related souvenir items you would like to present to your team members, please also bring those items on that day.

If you would like to watch the games on that day, please arrive before {_MatchStart Time_}.

Kindly provide confirmation of your attendance, or provide us the name of your selected representative (if applicable), as soon as possible. Should there be any queries, please do not hesitate to contact any of the co-ordinators as listed above.

Thank you.

{_Name Of Co-ordinator_}

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