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For the Heroes of 911


10/06/02 Sunday

Asa and Terror join the clan! Welcome and hope to see a lot of you, have fun.

09/06/02 Friday

Daniel of Sicily joins the clan! Welcome and hope to see a lot of you, have fun.

09/05/02 Thursday

The site is now complete as you can see in the left-hand menu. One major thing for non-members is the new join form, and for memebrs is the members area, the username and password will be sent to all members via email.

08/24/02 Saturday

Caddy_Omega* joins the clan! Welcome.

08/12/02 Monday

You can now get to this website through, always improving the site!

08/11/02 Sunday

Hi, Sub Zero_Omega here, just to tell you a few things about updates on this site. Links have benn put on both clan sites for both clans, the rosters now contain both clans members, the emails in the roster now work and now both clans use the same community (message board). Thats all for now but a lot more to come!

08/09/2002 Friday

           We have merged with a clan that is trying to become a clan for many games I am since I lack the time to properly update this site.  This clan we are mergeing with will be taking over  over and will assign one of you i would guess to the the upkeep of this site or putting someone in charge. I have given the site up because again i dont have the time. Here is the link to their site although this site will probaly stay active they are trying to create numerous sites one for each game of the clan. I will still be an active member if time allows it but i am increaseing the amount of self study i perform for japanese.

07/13/2002 Saturday

            Zele has come up with a good and evil system for seperating the clan and fulling peoples need to be good or evil. Although this will make you enemies within the guild if the guild is ever at "war" with another guild you must unite under one banner and fight the enemy. I suggest that you start training your good or evil character go to the message board to sign up and if you have not signed up for the new message board please do so. The site is back up and running. When both sides have at least 5 members other then the leaders we will begin tournaments on saturdays. We will try to set up a time good for as many people as possible. New members please sign up on the message board. And old members dont forget to sign up for the new one now. 


07/08/2002 Monday

             I am back I have gotten a connection to the internet on my computer. I Have gotten a new message board please try and get a new account on it as soon as possible. Also I need someone with a fast computer and internet connection who is not behind a firewall to start games so we can all start playing with each other. I have trouble getting on zone due to graphics errors caused by have an nvidia card. So I would prefer to play directly to someone's computer it would also be faster.

06/18/2002 Thursday 

             This is the guild leader I am not going to be avaliable for the next week to two weeks due to after i moved we were not able to run network cables to where my computer is. As soon as they are ran I will start on the site again full time. I am planning to get a message board for the site as soon as starts accepting applications again. Until then please bear with us and use the message board. I would like to tell members that your rank in the clan is determined by three things. 1. Participation. 2. Conduct 3. And finnaly if i have a role in the clan I give to someone I will bring them up to a certain rank. Soon there will be a rank description page as soon as I decided for sure what the ranks will be. The thing is i want to set up denominations with in the clan. Like a group for dealing with pks who attack our clan members and defending the clans honor on zonematch. A group foir inventing stuff for the clan to do and to plan it. And finnaly a commands staff. As of the moment it is me zele and the new Lt.Commmander

06/10/2002 Thursday 

             Hello, to some of you, you may know that the Guild Leader is of absence. He is not ignoring you people. He has a move to complete and will be back online as soon as possible, please dont give up. All we hit is a speed bump. I dont know that much about HTML to keep this site running, I am mainly a graphics designer. He will be back shortly.

06/06/2002 Thursday 

             I have decided that joining at the join page and then at the message board was to much for people to have to do to join. I would like to caution members that I am waiting for another message board to become available. It is a better message board. Please make sure that you give correct information when signing up for the message board because I am going to be using that information to put on the guild roster.  If anyone has any ideas for the web page feel free to drop us and email at We will review your idea and if your idea is used we will recognize you on that page and here on the main page. We want our page to reflect the needs and wants of our members. Our member count is going up about as fast as I would have hoped but please tell your friends about us. Higher ranks will be given to members based on participation and how long they have been a member also how many people tell us that a certain member suggested the site to them might speed up promotion.

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