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Galaxy Blind PBW

Galaxy Blind PBW is one of the two online strategy games I participate in.

Galaxy is a "Turn Based" "Closed Ended" "Space" "Conquest" "Resource Management" game, which means:

Why Is Galaxy Blind Better Than Other Similar Games?

Even Setting:
Each player starts from exactly the same situation. Some of these games have races you can pick from, such as a powerful combat race, a race specialising in scientific research, a race that is good at colonisation, etc. I don't like this concept. I feel that if you need the game to tell you your playing style then the game isn't flexible to allow you to express your playing style.

Infinite Strategy:
There is no winning strategy. There are better strategies and worse strategies, but these are always dependent on the actions of the other players. The style of fleets you construct will have to adapt to meet what you're opponents create but their are multiple solutions. Finding the solution that fits your playing style is a never ending strategic challenge.

Diplomacy is actually really hard in Galaxy Blind. There are no alliance victories - there can truly be only one. However, if everyone has the same resources and playing skill, then two players united will defeat one. Always - the sheer mathematics guarantee it. There's so much to be gained from diplomacy and so much to lose for not taking part in it.

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