There is more than enough "circumstantial" evidence that I, like hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of others in this world, have been abducted by the reptilian-grey aliens, and have been used to father (or mother, in the case of female abductees) human-alien HYBRID children. I (and others) have also been "programmed" with an "alternate personality".

Since my conscious mind has been disconnected from this hidden reality, it is possible that my/our SUBCONSCIOUS minds might be able to give us a clue into what this "alternate life" involves.

To some extent, the super soldier 20-And-Back secret space program scenario has been exposed through suppressed memory release or "total recall" of certain experiencers. However, in my case I think things were different from the super-soldier scenario... being instead what might be described as a "super intel" scenario.

I suspect this, based on what an older female friend of mine once told me. She said that one night my "alter" came and took her. She learned that "he" was left-handed as opposed to my conscious identity, who is right-handed, indicating that the "alter" personality-identity was right-brain dominant and my conscious identity is left-brain dominant since the right hand is controlled by the left-brain hemisphere, and the left hand is controlled by the right).

"He" (the "alter") took her from her home at night, taking her east of Salt Lake City where she lived ("I" was living about 50 miles south of there at the time). "We" went to the base of a cliff, east of Salt Lake City, at the base of "Mt. Olympus", where my "alter" manipulated the rock with his LEFT hand and a door/tunnel opened.

"We" travelled deep into the mountain, she told me, to where we eventually emerged into a huge cavern with many advanced and alien-like machines.

There was also a human-like man there, but he was about 12 FEET TALL! Obviously from some alien (ex-terran, quan-terran or sub-terran?) civilization.

The "alter" told my friend, K.S., that "he" worked for the CIA.

Here are some words and phrases that have REPEATEDLY re-entered my mind, which MAY add more insight into what is really going on.

I feel that at least PART of this alien interaction by my "alter" is being used to disclose vital information in a way that does not violate any prime directive or non-interference policy of off-world or non-surface civilizations, but essentially was guiding/inspiring my research (instead of GIVING me hard facts), which has now been collected together via the databases that are accessible through THIS link:

Here then are the WORDS and PHRASES that have been repeating over and over in my mind for several years:

"we should have killed him" -- covered bridge canyon, utah -- rock canyon provo utah underground -- underground war -- "hide me" -- telos city beneath mt. shasta california -- "my children" -- "my wife(s)" -- "my hybrid children" -- utah underground -- ground penetrating radar -- clones -- reptilian jesuit illuminati masons -- utah valley hospital -- underground reptilians -- byu underground -- nudist timeline & time travelers!? -- the mandela effect -- time travel and parallel timelines -- "he's got a gun" ('heard' in my mind while digging in Mouse Trap Cave in rock canyon east of provo, utah - I did have a small pistol with me at the time) -- nudist stolen farms -- "automatic door" (I think this thought was also connected to the area around mouse trap / mouse hole cave... whose bottom has not yet been reached since it is full of dirt which I had excavated for some feet but not hitting bedrock) -- rock canyon temple -- "brain books" -- "my original" -- implants -- "get us out of here" -- "please rescue us!" -- "be our leader" -- "he's coming down" -- "use your magic" (is the alter a 'witch', like those who are said to reside in the underground cavern base/city, who were said [by Sharula Dux] to exist under covered bridge canyon which is a southern offshoot of spanish fork canyon, utah?) -- "i need him" -- renegotiate -- hubrid time resistance -- "join us" -- "phase us in" -- "he has the time keys" -- "you're our hero" -- time dreams -- "buy a gun" (i 'heard' this in my mind when i started exploring mouse hole cave... rappelling gear is necessary to enter it) -- "please come home" -- time cars -- "you're the only one" -- time game(s) -- "hurry up" -- "wake him up" -- time celebration -- law of averages -- time ships -- time doctors -- military time intelligence -- time delusion -- "use your... wisdom" -- "they killed my wife" -- underground pyramids -- self discovery -- underground time twins (parallel reality?) -- time twist -- "something went wrong with him" -- time deception -- "remember our moon" -- underground relatives -- "we're so hungry" -- time decision -- "come live with us" --