To: From: "Alan DeWalton" <> Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 09:51:40 -0800 (PST) Subject: [TheEagle-L] Fwd: RE: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Digest Number 2344


Hello Eagles;
This is a rather large post, but I wanted to pass on some of the more 
interesting posts that I read on another list that I belong to:
So here they are... I believe that you will find many of them to be quite 
BRuce AlaN walTON
From:"Alan DeWalton" <>  Add to Address 
BookTo:alandewalton@yahoo.comSubject:RE: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Digest Number 
2344Date:Tue, 23 Nov 2004 10:33:58 -0700  
From :  <>
Reply-To :
Sent :  Monday, November 22, 2004 4:56 PM
To :
Subject :  [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Digest Number 2344


Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 02:54:59 -0800 (PST)
   From: civl ecco <>
Subject: Grabbe Science- Mimetics: Theorists Tackle Astronomers'
Mysterious Baby Planet, How Mind Viruses Influence Our Choices,
Leo A: Nearby Dwarf Irregular Galaxy

Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of
our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief
explanation written by a professional astronomer.
2004 November 10
Leo A: Nearby Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
Credit & Copyright: V. Vansevicius (IoP Lithuania), N. Arimoto
(NAOJ) et al., Suprime-Cam, Subaru Telescope, NAOJ
Explanation: Why isn't this small galaxy simple? The above image
and contemporary observations of small nearby galaxy Leo A were
supposed to show it has a simple structure. Now Leo A is known
to be a dwarf irregular galaxy - one of the most common types of
galaxies in the universe and a type that is likely a building
block of more massive galaxy like our Milky Way Galaxy. In
general, larger galaxies have recently been shown to continually
eat, and be primarily composed of, many of the smaller satellite
galaxies that have surrounded them. Leo A's surprising
complexity indicates that that it, and possibly many small
galaxies, have formation histories nearly as complex as large
galaxies. Leo A spans about 10,000 light years and lies about
2.5 million light years away toward the constellation of Leo.
Tomorrow's picture: neon triple

< | Archive | Index | Search | Calendar | Glossary | Education |
About APOD | >   Theorists Tackle Astronomer's Mysterious 'Baby'
November 09, 2004
In June, researchers from the University of Rochester announced
they had located a potential planet around another star so young
that it defied theorists' explanations. Now a new team of
Rochester planet-formation specialists are backing up the
original conclusions, saying they’ve confirmed that the hole
formed in the star’s dusty disk could very well have been formed
by a new planet. The findings have implications for gaining
insight into how our own solar system came to be, as well as
finding other possibly habitable planetary systems throughout
our galaxy.

“The data suggests there’s a young planet out there, but until
now none of our theories made sense with the data for a planet
so young,” says Adam Frank, professor of physics and astronomy
at the University of Rochester. “On the one hand, it’s
frustrating; but on the other, it’s very cool because Mother
Nature has just handed us the planet and we’ve got to figure out
how it must have been created.”

Intriguingly, working from the original team’s data, Frank,
Alice Quillen, Eric Blackman, and Peggy Varniere revealed that
the planet was likely smaller than most extra-solar planets
discovered thus far—about the size of Neptune. The data also
suggested that this planet is about the same distance from its
parent star as our own Neptune is from the Sun. Most extra-solar
planets discovered to date are much larger and orbit extremely
close to their parent star.

The original Rochester team, led by Dan Watson, professor of
physics and astronomy, used NASA’s new Spitzer Space Telescope
to detect a gap in the dust surrounding a fledgling star. The
critical infrared “eyes” of the infrared telescope were designed
in part by physics and astronomy professors Judith Pipher,
William Forrest, and Watson, a team that has been among the
world leaders in opening the infrared window to the universe. It
was Forrest and Pipher who were the first U.S. astronomers to
turn an infrared array toward the skies: In 1983, they mounted a
prototype infrared detector onto the University telescope in the
small observatory on top of the Wilmot Building on campus,
taking the first-ever telescopic pictures of the moon in the
infrared, a wavelength range of light that is invisible to the
naked eye as well as to most telescopes.

The discovered gap strongly signaled the presence of a planet.
The dust in the disk is hotter in the center near the star and
so radiates most of its light at shorter wavelengths than the
cooler outer reaches of the disk. The research team found that
there was an abrupt dearth of light radiating at all short
infrared wavelengths, strongly suggesting that the central part
of the disk was absent. Scientists know of only one phenomenon
that can tunnel such a distinct “hole” in the disk during the
short lifetime of the star—a planet at least 100,000 years old.

This possibility of a planet on the order of only 100,000 to
half a million years old was met with skepticism by many
astronomers because neither of the leading planetary formation
models seemed to allow for a planet of this age. Two models
represent the leading theories of planetary formation: core
accretion and gravitational instability. Core accretion suggests
that the dust from which the star and system form begins to
clump together into granules, and those granules clump into
rocks, asteroids, and planetoids until whole planets are formed.
But the theory says it should take about 10 million years for a
planet to evolve this way—far too long to account for the
half-million-year-old planet found by Watson.

Conversely, the other leading theory of planetary formation,
gravitational instability, suggests that whole planets could
form essentially in one swoop as the original cloud of gas is
pulled together by its own gravity and becomes a planet. But
while this model suggests that planetary formation could happen
much faster—on the order of centuries—the density of the dust
disk surrounding the star seems to be too sparse to support this
model either.

“Even though it doesn’t fit either model, we’ve crunched the
numbers and shown that yes, in fact, that hole in that dust disk
could have been formed by a planet,” says Frank. “Now we have to
look at our models and figure out how that planet got there. At
the end of it all, we hope we have a new model, and a new
understanding of how planets come to be.”

This research was funded by the National Science Foundation.

Source: University of Rochester

Related stories:

   Fourteen Times the Earth - Smallest Ever Extra-Solar Planet
Discovered , August 26, 2004
   Telescopes Network Leads to the First Direct Planet Discovery
, August 25, 2004
   Two Neptune-size Planets Outside Our Solar System , August
31, 2004
   NASA rescheduled MESSENGER start to Mercury to August 3 ,
August 02, 2004
   Crystals in Nanofocus , August 31, 2004


How Mind Viruses Influence Our Choices and the Way We Think

By Jack Hardy

The word ‘meme’ was first popularly used by Richard Dawkins in
his book, The Selfish Gene. The word ‘meme’ has come to mean a
cultural accretion of knowledge, a package of several ideas that
can be passed onto others. It’s usually more complex than a
single idea, and can represent a fashion/music/lifestyle or a
belief. It is the mental equivalent of a gene whereby a package
of many attributes is passed on.

      The science or study of memes in action has come to be
called memetics.

      A meme has been regarded too narrowly I believe, and I am
interested in broadening the definition of a meme. No matter how
narrow a definition you give to a meme, sooner or later you have
to consider more nebulous or abstract ideas as having acquired
enough cultural accretion to have become memes. It’s easy to
conceive of a visual fad such as the hula-hoop as having a
chartable spread through society and calling it a meme, but
surely socialism, futurism or a new political idea are also
memes that spread through society.

      Memes like these, just as in any fad or fashion, have a
zenith before arcing into decline. There will always be a few
adherents of any ‘ism’ who may be the actual carriers of the
meme, but eventually they may find themselves beached upon a
shore that has no tides.

      Someone new to the idea of memes might say: why don’t we
just call them ideas? The answer is that memes act as if they
have a life of their own. Whether they do or not is not the
relevant point, but they do replicate and have a dynamism absent
from our common notion of a simple idea.

      Memes seem to have an arc of existence defying simple
replicative models. Indeed, I daresay many memes lie dormant
awaiting resurgence, as might forgotten gods that can spread
like wildfire. Let’s say a meme like Nazism could be
re-established which is why many are so keen to quash it.

      On this model, some memes could be likened to a huge bull
waiting to be let out the gate and into a china shop.

      I suspect memes act as living entities with strategies for
survival and aren’t simply replicators. As I use the word meme,
I mean it to be an accretion of mental energy that acts as if it
has a life of its own. This mental energy can spread through
many minds or maybe it resides someplace as yet unidentified.
Whether or not this is strictly true is less important to me
than the fact this definition allows for insights and
explanations previously unavailable.

        Once you allow a meme to escape the unimaginative
straitjacket that has kept meme theory bound for the last
twenty-five years, you can accept new explanations. In human
affairs and parapsychology, as well as in ordinary life, we
finally have a tool to crack the nut, to explain which was once
considered unexplainable.

        Memes as I use them are for the most part something that
appears independent of self, and shared by several minds.
However, we all have a sense of self, an ego or superego that we
create as we grow, which could be considered our individual

         Many thinkers have a problem with the idea of a ‘group
mind’ which is understandable, or that memes can be
anthropomorphised as having characteristics to enable their
survival. One approach to deflect this criticism is to state
they don’t have to be actually like this, but they act as if
they do. Same as flocking birds might not actually have a group
mind but they act as if they do.

      There are experiments that seem to indicate the existence
of group minds. I’ll mention Richard Restak’s experiments with
bees. His work can be found in the journal Mind (No. 249), and
has also been featured in Howard Bloom’s The Lucifer Principle
(page 140). Basically Restak showed that bees can anticipate
future sources of food despite quite complex mathematical
computations. What he did was position food at increasing
distances away from the first site according to a mathematical
formula. The bees all went to the area they next expected food
to be at, but who or what was doing the calculations for them?

      Basically a meme is a concept. It can be shared or held
alone. Memes can have favoured attachments just like molecules.
Certain pairings can be more probable than others. Memes are not
just an explanation for the workings of human affairs, but a way
for things to find each other. With memes, man can find God, a
woman can find her mate, a customs officer can find a smuggler,
and a hunter can find his prey.

      Another area memes make themselves problematic to academia
is we can use them to explain phenomena usually of a
non-repeatable type. I think it was Arthur Koestler who
postulated the existence of the library angel. What he meant by
this was how he often was looking for some information and he’d
open a book to the very page with the information he needed. Or
he found a useful book shelved wrongly but placed right where he
happened to look. People are known to open the Bible at a
passage unusually apt to their interest. I’m sure we’ve all had
these coincidental experiences, and I doubt we could repeat them
for the sake of a scientific study, but memes can explain them.

Building Memes


We're All al Qaedanians NowAccused Spy Jumps NT$300,000
BailIndian Spy Agency RAW Behind Quetta BlastBloodless
Anti-Arafat CoupPNA Denies Israeli Spy among Arafat's CrewThe
Sheikh, the Salesgirl, and the $225m DivorceSpringtime for
Hitler SpooksAvoid Bangotango Anonymous Server StingWorm Lures
Users into Online Booby Trap
Astronomy Picture of the DayTheorists Tackle Astronomers'
Mysterious Baby PlanetBirds, Bees, and Polarized
DaylightResearchers Discover Living Nanoscale NecklaceQuantum
Laser May Detect Impending Volcanic EruptionsMavericks on
Cannery Row: Ed Ricketts, John Steinbeck, and Joseph
CampbellGiant Squid Are 'Taking over the World'Alien Corpses
Seen Near Wright Patterson AFBPrincipia ChaoticaMimetics: How
Mind Viruses Influence Our ChoicesAnniversary of UFO Sighting
Marked in Livingston


Message: 2
   Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:40:21 -0800 (PST)
   From: civl ecco <>
Subject: The illuminati always win an election

"GrinNBarrett" <grinnbarrett@c...>
Date:  Tue Nov 9, 2004  11:11 am

Subject:  re: the illuminati always win an election

The Illuminati Always
Win The 'Election'

By Michael Shore
Tel Aviv

The U.S. Presidential election was rigged even before the first
ballot was cast.The whole voting system is rigged by the
Illuminati to keep their control of the People in so-called
"democratic" societies.


Almost every person in a so-called "democratic" society thinks
that so-called elections are REAL.You either vote Republican or
Democrat in a two party system, which is NOT what true democracy
is all about. If your father or mother was s Democrat or a
Republican, that's who you probably voted for. They taught you
in school about so-called "democracy" and about George
Washington and all other Presidents never telling lies...yeah,
right, sure. They taught you about every war that was ever
fought and how proud you should be because America won. Early on
children are taught that war and the killing of millions of
human beings in wars is "normal" acceptable human behavior and
not the acts of sick insane killer MAD MEN. Dropping not one but
two atomic bombs on Japan and killing and maiming hundreds of
thousands of innocent men, women and children was NOT considered
a major war crime and neither President Truman nor anyone else
went to jail for committing what could be considered the
greatest, most atrocious war crime in history. It is now known
and reported that the Japanese were ready to surrender BEFORE
the bombs were dropped. They don't teach you in school that
America is the most warring Nation on the planet and that the
Illuminati manipulated U.S.A. has been responsible for the
deaths of over 60,000,000 human beings in 55 wars or U.S.
supported conflicts all over the world in the last 65 years.


Rather than go into the details of who and what the Illuminati
are, you can just put Illuminati in and take the
time to read for your self how this small secret group has set
up a worldwide web of secret societies whose goal it is to
pursue their quest for a One World Government, organized as a
global fascist police State, ruled by a so-called "elitist"
dictatorship! You can also get a detailed historical story of
who the Illuminati are in David Icke's book "The Biggest
Secret".The Illuminati intentionally and covertly control the
publishing companies that write the history books that are used
in American schools and other schools throughout the world, so
they can write whatever history they want the people to believe
in order for them to easily move forward and achieve their

They have also put together a group of about ten huge
multi-national media conglomerates that control EVERY major T.V.
and radio station, newspaper, magazine, movie and music company
and book publisher. So the only "truth" that you get is the
"truth" that the Illuminati want you to believe.This is the main
way that the Illuminati suppress the real TRUTH about 911, the
war in Iraq, the unconstitutional income tax, the independent
banking cartel called the Federal Reserve that controls all the
money in the U.S.A. etc. They want the American people to
believe that they live in a democracy and that their elections
are "real" and "free" and not manipulated or corrupted. Nothing
could be further from the TRUTH.

The American elections are a "staged" Illuminati event to give
the American people the belief that a "real" democratic event is
happening and that no matter who wins, it is your "patriotic"
duty to wave a red, white and blue flag and "blindly" follow
that leader and do whatever he says, including killing innocent
men, women and children in unnecessary "wars for Illuminati
profits" In order for the Illuminati to get their American
"SLAVES" to do their bidding, an intensive daily dose of
brainwashing and mind control is in constant play. The
Illuminati mind control starts in kindergarten and continues
throughout your school years and into your adult life until the
day you die.

The Illuminati through their web of foundations and Fortune 500
corporations continue neverending research on better and better
ways of brainwashing and mind control in order to control the
over six billion human beings in this world, so they can't see
the TRUTH about the Illuminati manipulation that is going on
right before their very eyes. As pointed out in David Ickes book
"The Biggest Secret", it has taken this "amazing" organization
hundreds and possibly thousands of years to put together their
world wide "brotherhood", whose sinister sick, perverted goal is
to control humanity according to their point of view and beliefs
without the "slaves" realizing that they're being controlled.
Guess what? It appears to be working and the Illuminati are into
their final stage of "total world domination", which is called
their "Great Work of Ages".

Briefly speaking, the Illuminati control both the Republican and
Democratic parties, so no matter which candidate wins the
Illuminati RULE and continue their agenda of total control of
America and total world domination. It is always interesting to
see that after an election is over, that some people begin to
THINK that the elections are rigged. A few people are saying
that Kerry and Bush were Scull and Bones fraternity brothers and
Kerry threw the election from the start. Well of course he did.
That's what the Illuminati planned probably years ago, and Kerry
and Bush, two Illuminati "puppets", were told exactly what to
say and do. It's amazing how these two guys could keep a
straight face and not laugh in public as they were "acting" out
this whole election charade.

Every U.S. Presidential election is "fixed" by the Illuminati
for their benefit. People were surprised how close this election
and the Bush/Gore election were, but many Presidential elections
are close. It looks "good" and "real" to the People, who believe
in so-called "democracy". Just take a look at the Nixon/Kennedy
election or the Truman/ Dewey election. Do you remember some
years ago when People's votes could be "bought" for only a

Mayor Daley gave Kennedy Cook County and Illinois

Dewey did not do what he could've done to "win" the election
over Truman

The main thing to ask in any election is "who is counting the
votes and how can it be verified that the count is accurate?"
Pretty much if an organized group of people have the money,
power and intent, they can "rig" almost any election. It all
happens so fast. Most elections are over in a 24 hour period.
The people manning the voting booths are not properly trained.
Things are pretty loose at voting places. As reported some votes
disappear, some votes are "accidentally"thrown in the trash,
some people are prevented from voting and have no time to
challenge this etc.etc.etc.

The corruption in 2004 was so blatant and could be seen by the
way the election ended. Here was Kerry conceding the election
BEFORE all the votes were counted in Ohio.The election "looked"
very close, but the Kerry team never called for any recounts in
any State. Kerry and his campaign team either had to be deaf,
dumb and blind to not know that the electronic voting machines
were NOT secure and trustworthy and left no paper trail of
individual votes, and that the votes could not be properly
audited. Votes could be changed with the click of a mouse. The
four companies that made the electronic voting machines just
happened to be linked to the Republican party. One executive of
one of the voting machine companies made a statement committing
himself to deliver votes to Bush. Yet Kerry and the Democrats
never went to court BEFORE the election to challenge this
potential criminal fraud from happening.

Come on folks! How much more crap do the Illuminati have to
throw in the People's faces before they see the Illuminati
manipulation? Americans stood in long lines to vote, when all
along the Illuminati had already CHOSEN Bush to continue to lead
the American people on the path to death and destruction of
Planet Earth. Bush et al will lie, cheat, steal, rape, torture,
kill, which is the modus operandi and mantra of the sick EVIL
satanic Illuminati. The Bush family have proved to be the
non-compassionate killers of human beings that the Illuminati
have chosen to do their EVIL dirty deeds on the way to their
quest for total world domination.

Basically since there are only TWO possible choices in a
so-called U.S."democratic" election and since the Illuminati
with their untold wealth CONTROL BOTH the Democrat and
Republican parties, it really doesn't matter who wins the
election THE ILLUMINATI RULE!!! So if the Illuminati have the
money and the power to "rig" every election, why would they go
through so much trouble to get their CHOSEN CANDIDATE elected,
since it doesn't matter which candidate wins for the Illuminati
to keep their power? Why don't we ask them?

Probably one of the the most important things the People can do
is to bring the Illuminati out of the shadows and into the main
spotlight, so humanity can have a chance to expose this sinister
evil group and stop them from carrying out their sick killing
agenda. We can have a serious live televised citizen's
investigation of the election "process" and expose how the
election is a rigged Illuminati staged event. The Illuminati and
all their connected secret organizations could once and for all
be SEEN by the People and everyone could learn about their sick
insane perverted trip..Then after they are EXPOSED on live world
wide T.V. for who they are, the People can rid themselves of the
Illuminati "rule" and we can possibly get some new kinder,
gentler uncorrupted leaders, who have compassion for human life
and who really do work for the benefit of humanity. Hopefully
then WE can live in Peace!


If the Illuminati are not exposed and stopped ASAP, they will
unfortunately be able to continue with their insane agenda to
possibly kill BILLIONS of human beings with WMD on Planet Earth.
It's in every human being's best interest to take the time to
research this information so we can ALL organize ourselves
against the EVIL Illuminati menace.

Michael Shore


Message: 3
   Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:15:05 -0800 (PST)
   From: civl ecco <>
Subject: Vote Fraud Links+Rothschild Voting Machines

Shanti Renfrew <autodelete66@y...>
Date:  Wed Nov 10, 2004  2:32 pm
Subject:  Vote Fraud Links+Rothschild Voting Machines

Wednesday, November 03, 2004
A Compendium of Vote Fraud Links

Rothschilds Famliy Part Owner of Largest Voting Machine Company
Posted at SF


The Rothschilds are part owners of voting machines.

These infamous international private bankers
are only by chance involved in this?

Just like they were by chance involved in Enron?

Charter Oak Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild Realty Inc.,
which is an affiliate of Rothschild, Inc.

Rothschilds Inc is the same as The Rothschild family bank

Tale a look at this court document -

Here is the qoute:

Q. What is your occupation?

A. I am a Senior Managing Director at Rothschild Inc., the
United States
affiliate of the 200 year old worldwide Rothschild Group.

Want to know more about the Rothschilds?
See their website

About Election Systems & Software
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: What does ES&S do?

A: Election Systems & Software, Inc. (ES&S) is the world's
election management company. Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska
with over 400 employees located in eight regional U.S. offices
and agents on five continents, ES&S has supported more than
elections worldwide for over 30 years.

In the 2000 U.S. elections alone, ES&S systems counted over 100
ballots. ES&S' hardware and software solutions support
the entire election process to include voter registration,
production, voting, vote tabulation, and results reporting.

Electronic Ballot, Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Voting
- The iVotronic, Votronic® and V-2000 are decentralized touch
screen /
touch-panel voting systems that count and tabulate electronic
at the polling place, as votes are cast.


They were also behind the whole Enron debacle.
Now they will be in charge of the software that runs the voting

The other owners have simular NWO backgrounds as well.

Some related article links -
How will we survive without Lord Fixit?,00.html

"Even after Enron foundered, respect for Wakeham was such that
when he
finally decided to quit the PCC, temporarily, "as a matter of
his departure was attended by as many Sun-style accolades as
about the kind of "honour" that can only operate on a full,
but partly unearned salary, or demands for a new royal
to replace the one produced by this loyal servant of Enron,
and the company Enron acquired on the advice of Rothschild,
Essex Water.

But then the press had much to be grateful for.
By the time Wakeham did the honourable thing, his ability to
complaints and willingness to excuse tabloid invasions of
- unless royal princes were concerned - had become legendary."


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 09, 1999

HOUSTON - Azurix Corp., an affiliate of Enron Corp., announced
the initial public offering of 36.6 million shares of its common
was priced today at $19 per share. The stock will trade on the
New York
Stock Exchange under the symbol "AZX."

The managing underwriters are Merrill Lynch & Co.;
Credit Suisse First Boston; Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette;
Incorporated; Banc of America Securities LLC; Deutsche Banc
Alex. Brown;
ABN AMRO Rothschild; and HSBC Investment Banking.

The underwriters have been granted an over-allotment option
for an additional 5.49 million shares of common stock.

The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild
and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.
For over 150 years they have planed to take the world over
through money.

The former chief economist of the World Bank, Joe Stiglitz,
was fired recently.

He pointed out to top executives that every country
the IMF/World Bank got involved in ended up with a crashed
a destroyed government, and sometimes in flames with riots.
Jim Wolfensen, the president of the World Bank would not comment
on his dismissal.


Do you Yahoo!?
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 6
   Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:52:41 -0800 (PST)
   From: civl ecco <>
Subject: W- Accused Mass-Murderer Became President! Repost

Accused Mass-Murderer Became President!

Now Murder Site Pictures Click here
7/16/4 UPDATED

by Sherman H. Skolnick and Lenny Bloom

The following is an item from  Sunnyvale Ca. from the 2000

  "SUNNYVALE, CA --- Telling reporters and critics to 'stick to
the issues that matter', Republican presidential candidate
George W. Bush declined to answer questions Monday concerning
his alleged involvement in a 1984 Brownsville, TX, mass murder,
in which 17 people were ritualistically murdered and skinned.

'I will not stoop to discussing that,' said Bush during a
campaign stop at a Bay Area software-packaging plant. 'We've got
people across this country without health care, a broken
educational system, taxes that are way too high, and all you
want to talk about is something THAT MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE
HAPPENED 16 years ago? I'm sorry, but I find that offensive.'  "
(Emphasis added).

Bush, the son of a billionaire, was strangely living in the
most impoverished place in America, Brownsville; living nearby
to and also inside the headquarters of a Satanic Cult of which
he was a member.  Bush disappeared for three days during which
ALL of the other of his fellow Cult Members was slaughtered.
After he reappeared he could not explain where he had been. The
local prosecutor continued to pursue Bush, sole Cult survivor,
on mass murder charges for six months thereafter, heavily
pressured by Daddy Bush to stop the investigation. For asking
these questions the reporters were threatened with reprisals
later by Bush and thereafter have feared for their life.
Currently, as to 2004, Bush and Kerry have long been members of
a Satanic Cult, Skull & Bones (Yale).


Following the attempted assassination of President Ronald W.
Reagan, shortly after his inauguration, 1981, George Herbert
Walker Bush, as Vice President, on a day-to-day basis, until the
end of Reagan's second term, 1988, actually ran the White House.
In 1988, Daddy Bush was himself elected President, actually
Bush's third term.

In so doing, the elder Bush was violating the U.S. Constitution,
22nd Amendment, restricting the President to two terms.

During that time, and even before, Daddy Bush and son George W.
Bush, had financial and satanic cult links with the drug
trafficking from Colombia through the Brownsville/Matamoros
area. Brownsville is in the U.S. right smack on the Mexican
border above Matamoros, Mexico.

At one time Daddy Bush owned Texas Commerce Bank implicated in
the drug traffic through their branch in Venezuela. Jeb Bush
living in Venezuela with his Latino wife ran that unit, starting
about 1979. They laundered the drug proceeds from Colombia and
from there, through Mexico to the U.S. The Bush Crime Family has
for many years been business partners with the co-founder of the
Medelin, Colombia drug cartel, Carlos Lehder. [See, the website
series, "The Chandra Levy Affair".]

This was convenient to Daddy Bush having been with the CIA since
1959, through their adjunct, principally owned by the Bushies,
Zapata Petroleum, later called Zapata Offshore, still later
their interests joined with Pennzoil which by an induced
bankruptcy took over Texaco.  [See, "Oil & Honor---The
Texaco-Pennzoil Wars"  by Thomas Petzinger, Jr., 1987, G.P.
Putnam's Sons.]

The satanic cult mass-murders revolved around in the
Brownsville/Matamoros area. Among those involved were El Padrino
Cult; and located outside Matamoros, Rancho Santa Elena, having
human sacrifice chambers; and the satanic ritual sacrifices and
mind control conducted by Aldolfo De Jesus Costanzo with others.
The Bush Crime Family with their dope trafficking, Colombia
through Matamoros, Mexico/Brownsville, Texas, were interlocked
with these situations.

The ranch was reportedly involved in snuffing out dozens and
dozens of primarily Latinos useful as "mules" in the drug trade
and controlled through sexual satanic rituals and mind-control.

In the 1980s, Daddy Bush, actually running the White House, and
former head of the American secret political police, was in
perfect position to be part of the drug trafficking. The elder
Bush was the head of the South Florida Anti-Drug Project,
supposedly clamping down on drug trafficking from Colombia to

During the 1980s, U.S. drug enforcement was near totally
compromised and corrupted. A huge, heavy opus, mentioned in a
moment, tells how the top people in the elite units of U.S. drug
enforcement actually worked the other side. From time to time,
they went to parties at palatial estates in Mexico and elsewhere
owned and operated by the major drug lords. The drug police
rubbed elbows there with movie stars and big shots from
Hollywood, users as well as traffickers with dope. [In recent
years. George W. Bush, William Rockefeller Clinton, and Mexico
President Vicente Fox have visited and stayed at the estates of
Mexico's major drug lords.]

For naive, poorly informed persons to risk their neck reporting
drug lords to the drug police is both tragic and laughable. [See
that very thick book about the top drug enforcers, being for
sale and totally corrupt, "The Underground Empire---Where Crime
and Government Embrace", by James Mills, Doubleday, N.Y., 1986.]

One of those convicted of the satanic cult mass murders in the
Brownsville/Matamoros region and elsewhere was a fellow named
Lucas. When George W. Bush was Governor of Texas, he
mysteriously granted clemency to this mass-murderer. Yet, there
was no basis in law or fact for the Governor to so favor Lucas,
other than the Bush Crime Family was in business with him in
respect to the drug trafficking and satanic cult operations of
the Brownsville/Matamoros region.

With terrible-to-look-at pictures, the horrors of the one or
more satanic cults so operating in the Brownsville/Matamoros
region are detailed in a little-known, hard to locate book,
"Hell Ranch" by Clifford Linedecker.

By 1999, some reporters had attempted to question George W. Bush
as to some of the foregoing, while Bush was planning to run for
President in the U.S. 2000 Election. As the head of an
investigative group and Founder/Chairman, since 1963 of the
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Skolnick began
relating, on various radio talk shows, the problems the
reporters were having in confronting George W. Bush with his
apparent complicity in the satanic cult mass murders in the
Brownsville, Texas area.


(click on picture to open)






Mr.Skolnick's reports, as head of his investigation and research
group, are listed at a more extensive
archive is also
listed and archived as Middle-Finger News

Do you Yahoo!?
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page.

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Message: 10
   Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 22:29:04 -0800 (PST)
   From: brad <>
Subject: THE TRUTH ABOUT SEPT 11: Message from Gerard Holmgren

great compilation !
Please pass this around.


compiled by Gerard Holmgren

Last updated Nov 10 2004. earlier version posted at

The following compilation presents documents and research from
sources demonstrating that the events of Sept 11 were planned
and carried
out by the US govt and its agencies. This compilation is my own
creation and
it cannot be assumed that the individual authors of the research
necessarily agree with each other on all details.

The compilation is divided into three main sections.

1) "Let it happen on purpose" evidence (LIHOP).

This presents research which takes as its founding assumption
that we are
basically being told the truth about which planes were hijacked,
where they
went and who hijacked them, and goes on to demonstrate that even
if this
were true, then the govt and its agencies must have known about
beforehand, and must have taken active steps to deliberately
allow it to

2) "Totally self inflicted" evidence (TSI).

This section demonstrates that the LIHOP evidence only scratches
surface, and that the govt claims about which planes were
hijacked, were
they went and who hijacked them is total fiction, and that the
govt and its
agencies must have organized the entire event.

3) Background and historical evidence.

This section does not present direct evidence of govt
specifically in the events of Sept 11, but demonstrates that the
of "Islamic terror", both real and imaginary, has been
deliberately built up
by successive US govts and agencies for more than two decades,
in the
interests of creating an enemy in the minds of the population.
It also
demonstrates that behind the scenes, the US govt and its
agencies actively
co-operate with their alleged Islamic enemies, and that there is
historical precedent for the govt and its agencies having an
active policy
of committing or deliberately allowing terrorist attacks against
their own
people for the purpose of furthering this kind of agenda.

Before presenting the evidence, lets briefly summarize the
basics of the
claims made about Sept 11 by the govt and the media..

American Airlines flight 11, a Boeing 767, tail number N334AA,
with 92
people aboard,including the hijackers, was hijacked by 5 Arab
men, while on
route from Boston to LA. It was known to be hijacked by 8.25 AM
or earlier,
and hit the Nth tower of the WTC at 8.45, or according to some

United Airlines flight 175, a Boeing 767, tail number N612UA,
with 65 people
aboard,including the hijackers , was hijacked by 5 Arab men,
while flying
the same route as AA 11. It was known to be hijacked at about
8.55 AM and
hit the Sth Tower of the WTC at 9.03.

The towers later collapsed due to fire and /or impact damage.

American Airlines flight 77, a Boeing 757, tail number N644AA,
with 64
people aboard,including the hijackers, was hijacked by 5 Arab
men while on
route from Dulles airport (DC) to LA. It was known to be
hijacked at about
8.55 and hit the Pentagon at a time which in different sources,
between 9.38 and 9.45.

United Airlines flight 93, a Boeing 757, tail number N591UA,
with either 44
or 45 people aboard ( depending upon which sources you use ),
including the
hijackers, on route from Newark (New Jersey) to SF , was
hijacked by 4 Arab
men. It was known to be hijacked about 9.45, and crashed in PA
at a time
which varies from 10.00 to 10.10, depending on the source, after
passengers attempted to take back control of the plane from the

As we'll see in section 2 , (TSI) none of this is true, except
for the fact
that the towers collapsed, and we will demonstrate that this was
controlled demolition.

But for the purposes of Section 1 (LIHOP), lets assume that
these claims are
basically true. The LIHOP section will demonstrate that the govt
must have
deliberately allowed the attacks to happen.

The Web pages below have been backed up. If any links are dead,
the backed
up page can be mailed on request.Some of the links below
information. The duplicates are included as insurance against a
source link disappearing.



If one accepts the story as above, then the airforce must have
been stood
down in order to ensure the success of the attacks.

It has become popular mythology in the media that fighter jets
scrambled to intercept the hijacked planes. This is completely
untrue as the
following research shows.

1.1.1 Guilty For 9-11:Part 1. Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers, by Illarion
Bykov and
Israel, 14 Nov 2001

1.1.2 Guilty for 9/11 Mr. Cheney's Cover up -- Part 2 of Guilty
For 9-11, 20

1.1.3 9-ll:Ho hum, nothing urgent, by George Szamuely, Research
by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel, Jan 2002

1.1.4 Frequently asked questions on 9/11
Planes "did scramble " on 9/11,they just " arrived late "

1.1.5 Scrambled Messages, by George Szamuely, 12 Dec 2001

1.1.6 Russian Air Force chief says official 9/11 story

Scrambling of fighter jets to intercept stray aircraft is a
Here's an example of how routine it is.

1.1.7 Jet Sent to probe Fla. Gov. Plane. Netscape news. May 15

The proceedures were already in place before Sept 11 2001.
It happened 67 times in the 10 months between September 2000 and
June 2001.

(Items 1.1.9 to 1.1.11 are alternative sources for the same

1.1.9 CBS News. Scrambling to prevent another 9/11 Aug 14 2002
1.1.10 ABC News Jets on high Alert. Aug 13 2002.
1.1. 11 Military now notified immediately of unusual air traffic
events. Aug
12 2002

It is impossible to believe that such a total and systematic
failure of
routine air defence proceedures was simply due to incompetence.
And even if
one were to propose this, why has there been no inquiry into
this aspect of
Sept 11, and why has not one official been sacked or even
reprimanded for
criminal negligence ?

I have seen bigger inquiries into car crashes at race tracks.
1. 2 The complicit behavior of G.W.Bush

An examination of the movements of Geroge W. Bush on the morning
of Sept 11,
and the subsequent lies told by Bush, the govt and the media to
try to cover
up his movements demonstrates that Bush had prior knowledge of
the attacks ,
pretended to know less than he did once they began, and
conspired to ensure
that nothing was done to minimize or prevent them.

It has become common mythology in the media that George W. Bush
was already
at Booker Elementary School when he learned of the first WTC
crash. This is
a lie.

1.2.1 Guilty for 9-11 Section 3: Bush in the open by Illarion
Bykov and
Jared Israel.

This is not the only lie which has been told about his movements
morning. See how many times the story has changed.

1.2:2 Sept 11 attacks- evidence of US collusion by Steve Grey.
(Read the section called "A tangle of lies")

1.2.3 Bush gets tangled in his lies Part 1. A strange press
By Jared Israel and Francisco Gil-White Sept 25 2002.

1.2:4 Bush Gets Tangled in his 9-11 Lies, Part 2:
White House Cover-up Creates More Problems than it Solves
by Jared Israel and Francisco Gil-White [7 October 2002]

Bush claims to have seen the 1st WTC impact live on TV while at
school and to have thought at the time that it was an accident.
We know that
this is a lie - a) because he hadn't yet arrived at the school
when it
happened. b) because the first impact was not broadcast live. No
footage of
it was shown until the following day

1.2:5 The President as Incompetent Liar: Bush's Claim that he
Saw TV Footage
of 1st Plane Hitting WTC
Comments by Jared Israel [Posted 12 September 2002]

Why did the President - after being told "America is under
attack" continue
to listen to schoolchildren reading for another 25 minutes ? Why
was he
cheering, smiling and joking even as it was known that at least
one more
hijacked plane was on the loose ? View the TV footage which
proves treason
at the top level.


Clinton was impeached for lying about an affair. Bush is lying
about where
he was, what he was doing and what he knew during the crucial
period between
8.45 and 9.45 A.M. on Sept 11.


In the first few hours after the attacks, it was reported on US
TV networks
that investigators were already looking into huge volumes of
insider trading
on airline stocks in the weeks leading up to the attacks.
Investigative and
regulatory authorities could easily find out who placed these
apparently attempting to profit from foreknowledge.
Why has this story since completely disappeared? More than two
years later,
we see no sign of any inquiry. If the executive director of the
CIA had
previously managed the firm which handled much of the trade, are
we expected
to believe that authorities can't find out who was responsible?
they don't want to know - or at least ,don't want us to know.

Mystery of terror `insider dealers', by Chris Blackhurst, UK
independent 14
Oct 2001

Was an urban rescue team sent to New York the night before the

Attorney General, John Ashcroft was warned in July 2001 not to
commercial anymore.

Ashcroft flying high. CBS News July 26 2001.


San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown received a travel warning on
Sept 10.

Willie Brown got low-key early warning about air travel. San
Chronicle Sept 12 2001


National Security Advisor Rice and WhiteHouse spokesman
Fleischer lied in
saying that nobody had ever conceived of planes being used in
this manner.
Their statements are in this article,

Bush Was Warned of Hijackings Before 9/11; Lawmakers Want Public
Inquiry ABC
News May 16 2002

when the 1994 extract from Time magazine, quoted in article
demonstrates that the potential problem had been recognized for
And there are other examples of this possibility having been
recognized prior to Sept 11.
1.3.7 "Omens of terror." by David Wise Oct 7 2001

In article 1.3.6 Rice also lied in saying that any threat had
overwhelmingly perceived as being overseas. The statement she
made is in
this press briefing.
1.3.8 Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Dr.
Condoleezza Rice
The James S. Brady Briefing Room May 16 2002 . 4.10PM EDT

But this is the truth about the memo to which she refers.

1.3.9 August memo focused on attacks in the U.S. by Bob Woodward
and Dan
Eggen.Washington Post staff writers. May 18 2002. page A01.¬Found=true

1.3.9 Former top German Cabinet Minister rejects official story
of 9 11
Interview with Andreas von Buelow. Tagesspiegel Jan 13 2002.


In spite of the magnitude of the attacks, and the fact that even
official story recognizes catastrophic failures of intelligence,
trying to gloss over the similarly catastrophic failures of
standard airline
security and air defence proceedures, the White House has fought
tooth and
nail against any serious inquiry into Sept 11. Even the watered
inquiries which have taken place so far have been bitterly
opposed by the
White House and only conceded due to tremendous public pressure.
They have
been almost completely restricted to the issue of "intelligence
prior to the attacks, leaving the glaring issues of the air
force stand
down, and Bush's complicity and subsequent lies, as well as the
trading unaddressed.

Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes CNN Jan 29 2002.

Bush,GOP blast calls for 9/11 inquiry. CNN May 17 2002

Daschle: Bush, Cheney Urged No Sept. 11 Inquiry Reuters newswire
UK May 26

Bush and Cheney Block 9-11 Investigation By Mike Hersh Oct 24,
2002, 2:22pm

Bush Was Warned of Hijackings Before 9/11; Lawmakers Want Public
Inquiry ABC
News May 16 2002

1.4.5 Bush opposes 9/11 query panel. CBS News. May 23 2002.

1.4.6 9/11 Panel asks what briefers told Bush. White House
retreats on
independent probe.
Dana Priest and Dana Milbank. Washington Post Sept 21 2002. Page

1.4.7 White House refuses to release Sept 11 info. by Frank
Davies Miami
Herald May 5 2003

Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush by Gail Sheehy Aug 22 2003

F.A.A. Official Scrapped Tape of 9/11 Controllers' Statements
By Matthew L. Wald NY times. May 6 2004.

The evidence in section 1 demonstrated that even if we
uncritically accept
the govt claims about 19 Arabs hijacking 4 planes and
deliberately crashing
them, we have overwhelming proof that the govt must have known
about the
attacks beforehand and been deliberately complicit in allowing
them to
happen. As strong as this evidence is, it only scratches the
surface. The
following evidence will demonstrate that the official story of
hijackings is total fiction.

2.1 The Fictitious Hijackers

Even without any direct documentation, some critical thinking
about the
story of the hijackings reveals it as an absurdity. In the event
of a
hijacking, the crew has only to punch in a four digit code
accessible from
several different places, in order to alert ATC (air traffic
control) to a
hijacking. No such distress code was received from any of the
hijacked planes. We are expected to believe that hijackers took
over a plane
by the crude method of threatening the passengers and crew with
but somehow managed to take control of the plane without the
crew first
getting a chance to punch in the hijacking code. Not just on one
plane - but
on all four. This alone is almost impossible. Then we are
expected to
believe that all four pilots were able to navigate the planes
to their targets, in spite of their training being restricted to
Cessnas and
flight simulators, that with the exception of the plane which
was allegedly
brought down by the passengers, they were able to exhibit
piloting skills in being able to hit small targets accurately at
high speed,
and that none of the hijackers in any of the four groups got
cold feet about
committing suicide in such a horrible fashion. In a miraculous
the ringleader's luggage was somehow left behind at the airport,
and was
found to contain instructions to the hijackers. This has the
credibility of
a cartoon script. Nevertheless, there is solid documented proof
that no such
hijackings took place.

If 19 Arabs hijacked the planes, why are there no Arabic names
on any of the
passenger lists? If they used non-Arabic aliases, which of the "
innocents "
on the lists are alleged to be the hijackers?

Passenger and crew list for AA 11 (allegedly first WTC crash.)

AA 77 (allegedly Pentagon crash)

UAL 175 (allegedly 2nd WTC crash)

UAL 93 (allegedly Pensylvannia crash)

The perplexing puzzle of the published passenger lists. By Gary
North. Oct
13 2001.

2.1.6 STILL No Arabs On Flight 77 By Thomas R. Olmsted, MD. June
23 2003.

If they are alleged to have been using non- Arabic aliases (19
Arabic men got on board using non-Arabic ID, with 100% success
rate ? ), why
did the FBI claim that they were traced through the use of
credit cards to
buy tickets and rent cars in their own names? By what means were
the false
IDs traced so quickly to their real IDs ? Why, nearly 3 years
later is their
no confirmation of which names they are alleged to have actually

If 9 of the alleged hijackers were searched before boarding, as
claimed in
this article

why is there no airport security footage of them? Where is the
security footage of any of the 19 ? Were they invisible? How did
(allegedly) get on board with knives, guns, and electronic
guidance systems,
while being searched, but somehow avoiding security cameras and
not being on
the passenger lists?
What aliases are they alleged to have been using when they were
if they were not using aliases, why are they not on the
passenger lists?

There are numerous media reports that some of the alleged
hijackers are
still alive.
(Some of the links from 2.1.8 through 2.1.18 are alternative
sources for
similar stories)

Hijack "suspects" alive and well. BBC News. Sept 23, 2001

7 of 19 FBI identified hijackers located after WTC attacks. by
Dick Fojut
March 4 2002

Hundreds dying as US missiles and bombs hit Afghan villages.
Muslim Media
October 2001

Still alive? FBI mixed up true identities of perpetrators. by
Christopher J.
Petherick American Free Press.

Seven of the WTC hijackers found alive!

Tracking the 19 hijackers. What are they up to now? At least 9
of them
survived 9/11.

Six men identified by FBI as dead hijackers are still alive. By
Syed Adeeb.

Banks enlisted in trailing terrorists. Albuquerque Tribune

Revealed: The men with stolen identities. UK Telegraph news. By
Harrison. Sept 23 2001.

Alleged hijackers alive and well. World messenger

Doubts emerge over identies of hijackers in US attacks. Islam
online Sept
20. 2001.

In spite of all this, the same 19 names and faces of the alleged
have been consistently pushed through the mainstream media ever
since the
FBI first "identified" them.

According to this article
FBI Agent: Hijackers probably used gas. by Adam Tanner.

the FBI now claims that the hijackers used gas to subdue the
passengers and
crew. If they used gas they would have been affected themselves
- unless
they had masks. The story gets better all the time. They somehow
got on
board with masks, gas, guns,knives and electronic guidance
systems, in spite
of being searched, didn't show up on the airport security
cameras, and were
not on the passenger lists. They left flight manuals in Arabic
in rented
cars outside the airport ( last minute brushing up on the way
there, about
how to fly the things! ) and then exhibited breath taking
displays of
skilled piloting. Just to make sure we knew who they were, their
were conveniently found in spite of fiery crashes which
incinerated the
planes and occupants. So they got on board with false IDs but
used their
real passports ?

If the hijackers of AA 11 went on a 25 minute killing and
threatening spree
before gaining control of the cokpit, then why was no distress
code sent
from the plane? Why had the plane already turned off course
before the
hijackers got into the cockpit?

2.1.20 9/11 Redux: (The Observer¹s Cut) American Airlines Flight
Reexamined By David L. Graham

2.1.21 Media Published fake passenger lists for American
Airlines flight 11.
By Gerard Holmgren. May 16, 2004

If the mythical Arab hijackers really were on the planes and
security systems failed due to incompetence ( not once but 19
times! ),
where is the major inquiry? I have seen bigger inquiries into
doping scandals.

The question arises " then who were the suicide pilots ? "
Nobody - because
we will now demonstrate that the objects which hit the Pentagon
and the WTC
were not passenger jets.
2. 2 The Pentagon hoax

It is alleged that that American Airlines 77, a hijacked Boeing
757, crashed
into the Pentagon. This is clearly not true. A Boeing 757 has a
wingspan of
125 ft and a length of 155 ft. The tail height is about 40 ft.
The hole in
the Pentagon wall was about 40 ft wide, about 25 ft high, and
only the outer
ring of the building - about 40 ft deep - collapsed. And yet
there is no
sign of any aircraft debris - either inside or outside the
building. And no
damage to the lawn outside. A giant plane has supposedly passed
through a
hole many times smaller than itself and then vanished without a

This photo of the damage to the Pentagon wall

proves that whatever crashed into the pentagon was not AA 77.

For a quick overview of the impossibility of the official story

2.2.3 The amazing Pentalawn.

For a full physical analysis of the crash scene

Physical and mathematical analysis of Pentagon crash. by Gerard
Holmgren Oct

Eyewitness evidence does not confirm a large passenger jet
hitting the

Did AA 77 hit the Pentagon? Eyewitness accounts examined. by
Gerard Holmgren
June 2002


2.3 What hit WTC towers?

They are alleged to have been AA 11 and UA 175, both Boeing
767's. A close
viewing of the videos reveals that neither object was a Boeing


2.3.2 The 9/11 video footage of the planes striking the WTC was
fake. By
Scott Loughrey

Given that a close examination of the 2nd WTC crash video
demonstrates that
it cannot be a real plane, but the incident was shown live, here
is the
documentation that realistic looking objects can easily be
edited into a
live broadcast in real time.

2.3.3 Lying with Pixels. By Ivan Imato MIT's Technology review.

2.3.4 Having demonstrated that none of the objects which hit the
buildings were the planes alleged by the govt to have been
involved , then
where did those planes go? Official aviation records records say
that AA11
and AA77 did not exist .

"What really happened to American Airlines Flights 11 and 77 on
Sept 11,
2001. by Gerard Holmgren Nov 13 2003.

If one were to use media reports to support the existance of AA
11, one
would have to suggest that there were two such flights that day.

Flight 11 - The Twin Flight - by Woody Box

Although official aviation records confirm that UA 93 and UA 175
did exist,
they also indicate that the planes never crashed. On the date
that this
compilation was last updated , both aircraft were still
registered as valid.

Go to the FAA aircraft registry

and do an "n number" search for N591UA ( UA 93 on Sept 11) and
N612UA (UA
175 on Sept 11). Why is neither plane listed as destroyed? In
addition to
the video evidence establishing that UA 175 did not hit the WTC,
this would
indicate that UA 93 is not what crashed in PA.

2.4 What was shot down in PA?

The mystery of the PA crash (allegedly UA 93) is less well
understood than
the other three planes. Nevertheless, the aircraft registry
search as above
indicates that the UA 93 did not crash.
There are also indications that whatever did crash in PA was
shot down.

What did happen to Flight 93? by Richard Wallace. The Daily
Mirror sept 13,



2.4a Are phone calls from planes, of the type allegedly made by
on Sept 11 possible ?

Project Achillies Report Part 1. Jan 23 2003 by A.K. Dewdney.

Preliminary low altitude cellphone experiment.


Project Achillies Report Part 2. Feb 25 2003


This article concerns the economics of airphones. Note that it
several times to the competition for business from cellphones
and that all
such references take it as given that cellphones do not work
while the plane
is in flight.

Permanet,nearlynet and wireless data. by Clay Shirky March 28


2.5 The World Trade Centre Towers and the WTC 7 building were
brought down
with controlled dmolitions.

According to the official story, the WTC towers collapsed due to
combination of fire and impact damage. The research below
reveals this as a
physical impossibility. In addition, the media doesn't like to
talk so much
about the identical collpase of WTC 7 - a 47 story building
which was not
hit by anything. Apart from Sept 11, 2001, no steel framed
skyscraper has
ever totally collapsed from fire. On Sept 11, it allegedly
happened 3
times - all three buildings collapsing miraculaously straight
down so as not
to damage any of the valuable nearby real estate.Why was the
debris rushed
away for recycling before any examination could be held? Why
were expert
opinions indicating a controlled demolition quickly suppressed ?

2.5.1 In Curious Battle: An expert recants on Why the WTC
collapsed by John
Flaherty and Jared Israel Dec 26, 2001.

For a series of engineering articles and informative videos on
the WTC
collapse, see


2.5:3 Muslims suspend laws of physics by J. McMichael Nov 25
2.5:4 Muslims suspend laws of Physics. part 2 by J.McMichael

Selling out the investigation by Bill manning Fire Engineering
Jan 2002


2.5.6 A firefighter says "we think there were bombs set in the

2.5.7 Documentary footage from the scene of the WTC attacks,and
accounts from firefighters at the scene reveal serious flaws in
the official

2.5.8 Evidence of explosives in South WTC Tower collapse

2.5.9 The jet fuel. How hot did it heat the World trade Center?

2.5.10 Where's the inferno?

WTC-7: The Improbable Collapse by Scott Loughrey 10 August 2003

Although the excerpt linked below was published in Oct 2001, the
book in
question was written in 1999, and argued that the WTC was built
as a
"prepackaged ruin". It was a financial and logistical disaster
valuable real estate.

The process of creating a ruin. Business week online Oct 5 2001.
Excerpt from "Divided we stand" by Eric Darton

Steel melts at about 1540 degrees. Jet fuel (kerosene) burns at
a maximum of
800 degrees. Are we seriously expected to believe that burning
towards the top of the building ( heat travels upwards ) somehow
caused both
towers to neatly implode in a manner identical to that of a
demolition ?

Where is the inquiry? I have seen bigger inquiries into suburban
Why is discussion of the possibility of a controlled implosion
taboo? Why do authorities keep inventing ridiculous stories
about burning
jet fuel melting steel?

2. 6 Where is the evidence against Bin laden?

It has become a common myth that Bin Laden has admitted to the
attacks. This
simply isn't true.

Bin laden denies terror attacks and points finger at Jews.

Bin laden denies attacks as Taliban talks holy war. ABC news
Sept 17 2001.

Bin Laden denies being behind attacks. JS Online Milwaukee
Sentinal Sept 16 2001

Bin laden Denies US attack says paper. Middle East News

Bin laden says he wasn't behind attacks CNN sept 17 2001

Bin Laden denies role in attacks. Sept 17 2001

Taliban says Bin Laden denied role in attacks. Yahoo news Sept

Osama Bin Laden claims terrorist attacks in USA were committed
by some
American terrorist group. Pravda Sept 12 2001

Bin laden's supposed confession is based entirely upon a video
tape released
by the Pentagon. The tape is a fake,and the translation is
here is general evidence that such confession tapes released by
those doing
the accusing have no credibility. Video technology now makes it
difficult to
distinguish between a real video confession and a fake.

When seeing and hearing isn't believing. by William M. Arkin.
Post Feb 1 1999

Last word in High Tech trickery. by David Higgins Sydney Morning
Herald. May
16 2002

Here is specific evidence that the tape is a fake.

For further doubts about the authenitcity of the video and other
of a preplanned agenda to fabricate evidence against Bin Laden
Sept 11 attacks- evidence of US collusion by Steve Grey.
(Read the section called "Evidence please!")


Bush U- Turn on Bin Laden Evidence. BBC Sept 25, 2001

U.S. split on Bin Laden evidence. BBC Sept 26, 2001

If the govt was genuinely surprised by the attacks, how it did
they manage
to name the mastermind within a few hours? And yet, nearly 3
years later,
no formal charges have been laid against the accused.

2. 7 In September 2001, when Bush was threatening an invasion of
in retaliation for Sept 11, it slipped his mind to tell us that
the invasion
had already been planned before Sept 11.

"Us planned attack on Taleban" BBC News report by George Arney.
Sept 18,

U.S. Planned for attack on Al -Qaida. White house given strategy
two days
before Sept 11.NBC news. May 16 2002

US planned to hit Bin Laden ahead of September 11 By David
Rennie UK.

US Tells of covert Afghan plans before 9/11 By Bob Drogin. LA
Times May 18

After intially denying any prior warnings, the White House later
changed its
story, citing warnings of 'non-specific" threats as its
explanation for why
the invasion of Afghanistan had already been planned prior to
Sept 11. We
are expected to believe that it was so interested in Bin Laden
that it had
planned a pre-emptive war against him, but was somehow unaware
of the
specifics of the Sept 11 plot. Notwithstanding the difficulties
with this
story, it has some explaining to do in relation to
a) why the Clinton administration had already turned down an
offer for the
extradition of Bin laden in 1996 - after naming him as wanted
for the 1993
WTC bombing.
b) allegations that Bin Laden had met with the local CIA station
chief in
Dubai in July 2001 - after the US had already begun its planning
for the war
against him.
c) why key members of the Bush administration and their close
maintained business relationships with the Bin Laden family.
This leads us
on to section 3.



The new story is that they allegedly feared Bin Laden so much
that they
wanted to get him first. So why didn't they arrest him when they
had the
chance in July 2001, according to this press report?

(Note: There is a discrepency in the date of the report between
3.1.1 and
3.1.3, which at this stage, I can't explain.)

CIA agent allegedly met Bin Laden in July. By Alexandra Richard.
Figero. Oct 31 , 2001. Translated from French by Tiphiane

CIA agent alleged to have met Bin laden in July. By Anthony
Sampson. The
Guardian Nov 1 , 2001.

The CIA met Bin Laden while undergoing treatment at an American
last July in Dubai, by Alexandra Richard, Translated courtesy of
Dickson, Le Figaro, 11 Oct 2001

Here's more research indicating that the US and Islamic terror
groups are
not always the enemies they pretend to be. And that the US govt
covertly has
a close relationship with Bin Laden.

Gaping holes in the CIA V Bin Laden Story by Jared Israel

BushLaden by Jared Israel

Addition to the above article

Judicial Watch:Bush/Bin Laden connection " has now turned into a
scandal "
Statement from Judicial watch with comments by Jared Israel

Bush and the media cover up the Jihad schoolbook scandal by
Jared Israel

3.1.9 Bin laden. Terrorist monster:Take two ! by Jared Israel.
Oct 9 2001

Has someone been sitting on the FBI? Transcript of a BBC
Newsnight Report on
"the questionable links of the bin Laden Family," 6 Nov 2001
3.11 (added
comments by
Jared Israel)

Bush thwarted FBI probe against Bin Ladens, Hindustan Times, 7
Nov 2001

US efforts to make peace summed up by `oil', Irish Times, by
Lara Marlowe,
19 Nov 2001

Called Off the Trail? FBI Agents Probing Terror Links Say They
Were Told,
'Let Sleeping Dogs Lie'
By Brian Ross and Vic Walker. ABC News Dec 19 2002

After capuring one of the six most wanted Taliban leaders, the
US then let
him go. "By mistake " of course, because of "flawed

3.1.21 US let captured Taliban general go , by Rowan Scarborough
Times ,Dec 19 2002
3.1.22 Soliders say US let Taliban general go Dec 18 2002.
Taliban leader let off "by mistake". The Hindu Dec 19 2002.

3.1.24 FBI agent Robert Wright says FBI assigned to intelligence
continue to protect terrorists from criminal investigations and
prosecutions. Judicial Watch Sept 11, 2002.

Bin Laden in the Balkans - Collection of mainstream media
articles. Compiled
by Jared Israel

The Creation called Osama. by Shamsul Islam The Hindu Sept 27

Washington's backing of Afghan terrorists: deliberate policy.

Afghan Taliban camps were built by Nato.

CIA worked with Pakistan to create Taliban

Osama Bin Laden: Made in USA. by Jared Israel

U.S. Protects Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Kosovo, by Umberto Pascali.
executive Intelligence Review 2 Nov 2001

Which Terrorists are worse? Al Quaeda? Or the KLA? by Jared

Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's
Security Adviser [Posted 6 October 2001]
Ex- National Security Chief Brzezinski admits: Afghan war and
Islamism were
made in Washington

According to this news report, the US passed up a second
opportunity to have
Bin Laden extradited - in 2000/2001.
US, Afghan Forces Kill 17 Taleban in Restive South by Sayed
Salahuddin Al
Jazeera June 5 2004.

3.2 In 1962, the joint chiefs of staff approved a military plan
to commit
terrorist acts against the US and frame Cuba.The plan was never
implemented but it makes interesting reading.

Friendly Fire -- Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize
U.S. Cities
to Provoke War With Cuba, by David Ruppe, ABC News Nov 7 2001

Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962, The
National Security
Archive, 30 Apr 2001

Northwoods - a plan for terror to justify war. Comments by Jared

Scanned images of the actual document.
3.2.4 Page i
3.2.5 Page ii
3.2.6 Page iii
3.2.7 Page 1
3.2.8 Page 2
3.2.9 Page 3
3.2.10 Page 4
3.2.11 Page 5
3.2.12 Page 6
3.2.13 Page 7
3.2.14 Page 8
3.2.15 Page 9
3.2.16 Page 10
3.2.17 Page 11
3.2.18 Page 12

US military schemes- ominously like 9/11.

If such tactics were considered normal and acceptable practice
by the
Government in 1962, what evidence is there that things have

Henry Kissenger is reported to have advocated a similar strategy
in 1992


my addittions....



flight 93 (or was it) backtracking tail #'s the 2 591's;article=67307;title=APFN


Message: 12
   Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 11:30:00 -0600
   From: "Teacher of YHVH" <>

Please review this draft and give us your comments.  There are
several new concepts presented.


            The question that needs to be asked is -- Where is
Israel today?  While most people would agree as to the location
of Reuben, Gad etc.  The question of Israel’s two most important
tribes, Joseph and Judah needs to be explored in detail.

The historic position is that the Queen of England is ruling
over the House of David and that consequently England is Judah.
Others will undoubtedly state that Germany is also Judah and
still others will state that Ireland and Scotland are Judah
also.  We also need to include Canada, the United States, New
Zealand and Australia as part of this discussion.

            The conclusion whatever it is must be plausible and
fit into several bible verses and be consistent with knowledge
as we know it today in 2004.

            The first possible conclusion that England, Germany,
Scotland and Ireland are all Judah is manifestly absurd.  If
that is true then Ephraim and Manasseh have no part in any of
those countries.  Considering that the emigration of peoples
from England to: -- Canada, the United States, NZ and Australia
came from England, if we posit that England was ever Judah we
would have a tall wall to climb in explaining how “Joseph was a
fruitful bough” meaning  that England was most probably Joseph,
meaning both Ephraim and Manasseh.

            Most will agree that Germany is Judah due to its
eastern location in Europe and its historic eastern position
during the encampment of Israel.  We agree with that conclusion

            England requires an exegesis to explain the current
state of the House of Israel.    Some claim that Queen Elizabeth
is the not only the current monarch to sit on the throne of
Westminster but that she is also the logical descendant to sit
on the throne of the House of David.  If the throne of David is
considered to be the forerunner of the throne of Judah then that
conclusion is false because it would mean that Judah is not only
England but also the United States, NZ, Australia and Canada.
If that were true then where did Ephraim and Manasseh go?

            If we can posit that the Throne of Westminster is
actually an extension of the Throne of David then the current
situation would make much more sense.  Why -- because then
England could be Joseph, meaning some combination of Ephraim and
Manasseh and its historic colonies could be either Ephraim and
Manasseh.   Ireland and Scotland are not to be considered
historic colonies of England because there were not large
emigrations from England to either Ireland nor Scotland.

            We believe that England was actually the depository
of the House of Joseph – that the United States was the
repository of Ephraim.  After Ephraim left England, then England
was Manasseh.  Later emigrations to Canada, New Zealand and
Australia were also of the families of Manasseh.

FROM EPHRAIM.  See 1 Sam. 17:12.

Let us examine this position in light of scripture and modern
day known truth.

1.      "Although virtually no one has noticed it, Yahweh has
left the identity of modern Israel in the most obvious place one
could imagine -- in the very name of our great nation! Our
nation is the only nation in the world directly named 'company
of nations'!  Not only that, but Manasseh was to become a great
nation, and only one modern nation is known as being 'great' in
its very name -- Great Britain!    The official name of Great
Britain is of course the United Kingdom -- a single great
nation. The United Kingdom and the United States. A nation and a
company of nations.  To any who have believed that the United
States is Manasseh this requires some adjustment in thinking.
If the reader will withhold judgment until all the evidence can
be considered, it will be seen that the United States is
Ephraim, this understanding makes many times more sense than
believing our nation to be Manasseh! "The important thing to
grasp is that the United States fits both the type and the
biblical interpretation of  “a company of nations.”

2.      "The ending of this seven times 360 period of 2520 years
punishment marks the emergence of Ephraim alone as a separate
nation in its own right -- apart from any other Israelite
nations!" (p.112). Doudna continues: "It was not until the seven
times were finished that Yahweh allowed Ephraim to rise to
national greatness. It was our nation which has had to wait 2520
years to receive the blessings, and it is also our nation which
has received those blessings, abundantly, filled to the brim and
running over.  The "House of Israel" were taken to Assyria in
722 B.C., from where they never returned home to Israel.  7
times 360 times = 2520.   From 718-715 B.C. to 1803 A.D., the
year of the Louisiana Purchase, was Israel allowed to achieve

3.      In 1803, Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon negotiated the
United States’ purchase of Louisiana from France. With two
strokes of a pen, a fledgling nation barely a generation old
doubled in size overnight and became one of the largest nations
in the world.  The Louisiana Purchase, approved by treaty in
April of 1803, is called the most significant real estate
transaction in the history of civilization. The over 800,000
square miles of land—bought at a cost of about four cents per
acre—would eventually be cut into all or part of fifteen
American states: Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, North
Dakota, Texas, South Dakota, New Mexico, Nebraska, Kansas,
Wyoming, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Colorado and Montana.

4.      The house of Israel was a company or union of UNequal
members, none of whom were independent.  This is similar to the
50 United States. It does not fit Great Britain nor the British
Commonwealth. The British Commonwealth has only been a loose
confederation of states with a Queen as a nominal head of state.
Britain has always been one great nation. Whereas the British
Commonwealth is a collection of scattered, independent,
satellite nations around the world under the authority of the
single great nation Britain. The United States is an assembly of
fifty united states for the most part, united geographically, as
was the house of Israel anciently. The United States began with
thirteen states. When we reached the West Coast we had 'filled
up' our land with forty-eight states, perhaps paralleling the
forty-eight cities for the Levites in ancient Israel. Then we
added two more to reach a 'fullness' of fifty, or five times the
number in the house of Israel of old [and the Jubilee number!].
The United States is the company, fullness, assembly, or
convocation of states that Ephraim was to become" (ibid., p.87).

5.      On the other hand, if Ephraim were the nations of Great
Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.,
then when the prophecies of Hosea speak of Ephraim "calling to
Egypt" or "going to Assyria," which of those nations would be
meant? (Hos.7:11). If Ephraim were composed of widely scattered
nations, the prophecies of Hosea would be inexplicable; it would
be impossible to determine to which "part" of Ephraim they
applied, or how they could possibly apply to every "nation" of
Ephraim! Obviously, the prophecies directed toward Ephraim in
the Bible are directed to ONE UNITED COUNTRY, one sovereign
nation, UNITED TOGETHER -- as Ephraim was historically, and as
the United States is, today!  The very words of the U.S.
Constitution reveal our national identity!  The Constitution
begins, "We the people of the United States, in order to form a
more perfect union . . ."

6.      The U.S.A. -- A Union of "Nation-States" Ephraim was to
become a united company or assembly of peoples. Isn't it
interesting that the United States is famous around the world
for being the "melting pot" of the nations? The United States
has more emigrants from more diverse locations, than any other
nation on earth! This is both a strength, and a fatal weakness.
The prophet Hosea foretold this condition would describe Ephraim
in the last days! Hosea wrote, "Ephraim MIXES with the nations;
Ephraim is a flat cake not turned over [white on one side, baked
black or brown on the other side!]. Foreigners sap his strength,
but he does not realize it. His hair is sprinkled with gray, but
he does not notice" (Hosea 7:8-9).

7.      The United States began with thirteen colonies, and a
flag of thirteen stripes and thirteen stars. Ephraim was the
"thirteenth tribe" of ancient Israel! Mere coincidence?
Ephraim's very name means "double fruit." It is the United
States which exploded onto the world scene, becoming a world
power in the days of Theodore Roosevelt at the turn of the
century, and the twentieth century has been hailed as "America's
Century," and world peace "Pax Americana." In a very short time,
historically speaking, the United States grew, burgeoned, with
rippling muscles, and grew past his older brother Manasseh, yet
they are united by language and cultural ties unlike that of any
other separate nations on the face of the earth! They are true
brothers, sometimes arguing, squabbling, fighting, but
back-to-back against any common enemy from the outside!

8.      The Greatness of Ephraim
Jacob prophesied that the younger brother, Ephraim, was to be
greater than his older brother, Manasseh. Manasseh, the
firstborn, was the older brother. Which nation is older -- the
United States or Great Britiain? That fact alone should tell us
that Great Britain was the older brother, Manasseh, which was to
be "great," and even has the word "great" in its name, unlike
any other country on the earth today! But what about the United
States? Is it greater than Great Britain, even as Ephraim was to
be greater than Manasseh? Let's face this question honestly and
squarely, without pride, pretence, or hypocrisy. The United
States is the wealthiest nation in the world in terms of
resources, business and assets, and gross national product --
although we have also become the world's biggest debtor nation
by far due to our sins and living beyond our means during the
past decade. We comprise only six percent of the world's
population, and yet we control over 40 percent of the world's
wealth! We are the breadbasket of the world. Our gross national
product is over $5 trillion dollars annually. Either California
or New York could be the world's fifth or sixth richest nation
in the world. The state of Illinois produces more than the
entire continent of Africa! The eight industrial states from New
York to Illinois produce as much as the Common Market, the
Soviet Union, or all of Latin America, Africa, most of Asia
except Japan, and the Middle East combined! Gred Doudna writes
concerning the greatness of America, versus that of Great
Britain: "Jacob plainly, clearly, says Ephraim was to be greater
than Manasseh.

9.      The United States is greater than Britain by far.
Britain is now no more than a second-rate power on the world
scene. It is the United States which is the greatest and most
powerful nation the world has ever seen. "Younger Ephraim was to
be greater than older brother Manasseh. This alone, apart from
anything else, should conclusively settle the question of which
is Ephraim and which is Manasseh" (p.89). Ephraim's national
wealth and prosperity in the End Time was prophesied by Hosea.
The prophet foretold, "Ephraim boasts, 'I am very rich; I have
become wealthy. With all my wealth they will not find in me any
iniquity or sin'" (Hos.12:8). It has been the United States
which has soared to the status of the richest of nations during
the end times -- not Great Britain. The comparison in national
wealth is meaningless -- there is no comparison. The economy of
the United States has been the engine that has driven the free
world since the end of World War II. It has led to postwar
recovery of the entire Western World. Further, there is no
comparison in military power between the two nations in the last

10.  Hosea prophesied of Ephraim -- or the United States of
America -- "When Ephraim spoke, men trembled; he was EXALTED in
Israel. But he became guilty of Baal worship and died. Now they
sin more and more; they make idols for themselves from their
silver, cleverly fashioned images, all of them the work of
craftsmen" (Hos.13:1-2). Some have suggested that since the
United States is obviously greater than Britain, when Ephraim
was prophesied to be greater, can be explained by the fact that
Ephraim was to be a company of nations, whereas Manasseh was to
be the greatest single nation. But that is NOT WHAT THE PROPHECY
SAID! Jacob plainly said, without equivocation: "Nevertheless,
his younger brother will be GREATER than he" (Gen.48:19). Now
notice the time sequence of Jacob's blessing. Manasseh he
mentioned first, that he would be great. THEN he mentioned
Ephraim would be greater than his brother. Timewise, therefore,
we see that Manasseh was to shoot to greatness first, even as
Great Britain did. But then, later, his younger brother Ephraim
was to shoot past him, and surpass him in greatness, wealth, and
military might! This is just what happened! Britain became a
great country, and colonizer, first; but then America suddenly
grew up, burst her bonds, and became the economic, industrial,
and military colossus of the world -- the greatest UNITED STATES
the world had ever seen in all its history! What an amazing,
incredible fulfillment of Jacob's prophecy, uttered almost 4,000
years ago, shortly before his death! In Genesis 35:11

11.  Yahweh told Jacob that his progeny would become "a nation
and a community of nations." Notice which came first -- the
single nation. Then the community of nations, or "united
states," were to follow. Again, this is exactly what history
records. The single nation -- Great Britain -- came first
historically and was great, and Britain "ruled the waves," the
British pound was the international currency, and the "sun never
set" on the British Empire. But then the "company of nations" or
"united states" followed, and surpassed the greatness of the
British Empire at its height. After World War II, no nation and
no empire could compete with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! It
ruled the sea lanes of the world; its currency, the dollar, was
the foundation of international trade. Thus Ephraim, the United
States, surpassed his older brother, Manasseh, or Great Britain.

12.  It was all prophesied long ago! Says Gred Doudna: "The
British Empire used to rule the seas and the world, but Yahweh
is concerned with the end-time in Bible prophecy, the time we
are living in, the time the Bible was written for. That's now --
not 100-200 years ago or more. To explain Britain supposedly
being Ephraim by saying that Britain was at one time greater
than the United States, that she used to be greater in the
1800's, is entirely unsatisfactory. What about now? Prophecy was
especially written for the twenty-first century, not the
eighteenth or nineteenth. One of the strongest and most
persistent objections to the whole 'Anglo-Israel' theory is this
fact of Britain's ignoble decline and current second-rate
status. Yet it confirms modern Israel's true identity and the
truth of Jacob's words if we but realize that our nation, the
United States, is Ephraim!" (p.90). Population Explosion! One of
the tremendous blessings Yahweh promised the descendants of
Israel in the end-times was great fertility and fruitfulness,
the blessings of the womb (Gen.17:6, 22:17, Deut.28:4).

13.  Jacob referred to Joseph as a "fruitful vine near a spring,
whose branches climb over a wall" (Gen.49:22). The descendants
of Israel in the End Time were to be "as the sand of the sea"
(Isa.10:22). "Who can count the dust of Jacob, or number the
fourth part of Israel?" (Numbers 23:10). The population of
Britain is about 60 million. The population of the United States
is 270 million -- about four times as much! The prophet Hosea
indicated that of all the Israelite nations, Ephraim was to
become the most fruitful; "even though he thrives ["be
fruitful," KJV, "flourishess," Tanakh] among his brethren,"
Yahweh foretold, "an east wind from the Lord will come, blowing
in from the desert; his spring will fail and his well dry up.
His store house will be plundered of all its treasures"
(Hos.13:15). "The more they increased, the more they sinned
against me," Yahweh foretold (Hos.4:7, Tanakh). These Scriptures
show that Ephraim was to be the MOST FRUITFUL of the tribes of
Israel -- the MOST POPULOUS! The only nation descended from
ancient Israel which can truly fit this description today in the
United States!

14.  Ephraim -- "Doubly Fruitful" If the United States is NOT
Ephraim, the most populous, "doubly fruitful" Israelitish nation
-- then who is? Fruitfulness, flourishing population, can also
refer to the rate of growth. The growth rate of the United
States has been nothing short of phenomenal -- from virtually
nothing to 270 million in only 200 years! During that time
Britain has grown from 15 million to 60 million -- four times.
But the United States has grown from a population of 3,270,000
in 1784 to 270,000,000 in the same length of time -- an
exponential population growth of nearly 70 times over! No
country in history has, like the United States, literally come
from out of nowhere, and literally EXPLODED in population growth
and power, both military and economic! Truly, the United States
-- modern "Ephraim" -- has experienced a dramatic population
increase. Truly it has lived up to its name -- and is "DOUBLY
fruitful"! Vast Natural Resources Promised Recall that Yahweh
promised outstanding natural resources and blessings to the
descendants of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, with Ephraim
receiving the "double portion" as the "birthright son" of the
two. This promise of the choicest gifts of heaven above, of the
deep below, of the everlasting hills and valleys, and most
fertile fields, and precious metals, has been fulfilled nowhere
like it has in the United States. Yahweh also promised national
greatness, and prestige and honor among the other nations.
Again, this promise has been fulfilled nowhere as much as in the
United States! Yahweh said of Isaac's descendants, "May Yahweh
give you of heaven's dew and of earth's richness -- an abundance
of grain and new wine. May nations serve you and peoples bow
down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of
your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed
and those who bless you be blessed" (Gen.27:27). Although these
blessings would accrue to all the children of Israel, as the
primary inheritor of the BIRTHRIGHT, they would accrue to
Ephraim most of all!  For we read in I Chronicles 5:2, "the
rights of the FIRSTBORN belonged to Joseph.

15.  Balaam prophesied of Israel, "How beautiful are your tents,
O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel! Like valleys they
spread out, like gardens beside a river, like aloes planted by
the Lord, like cedars beside the waters" (Numbers 24:5-6).
Isaiah was inspired to prophesy of Ephraim, "Woe to that wreath,
the pride of Ephraim's drunkards, to the fading flower, his
glorious beauty, set on the head of a fertile valley -- to that
city, the pride of those laid low by wine" (Isa.28:1). A land of
hills and mountains, lakes and rivers, and fertile vast valleys,
Ephraim is characterized. What land fits that Biblical
description more than the United States? The KJV translates this
passage "fat valleys," the Living Bible has "rich valleys."
Either way, no nation on earth has richer, fatter, more fertile
and vast valleys than the United States of America! "Fat
valleys" is a symbol of rich agricultural bounty. Of the two,
the U.S. and Britain, which is known as the "breadbasket of the
world"? Of the two, which is known for its abundant wine
production? Britain is famous for its ales and beer, and
Scotland for its whiskey, but the United States is world famous
for its wines -- especially California wine!

16.  The United States has such world renown agricultural
valleys as the Mississippi, San Joaquin, San Fernando, Oregon,
Ohio, Cumberland, Shenendoah, etc. This passage in Isaiah 28:1
also speaks of the "flower" of Ephraim's "glorious beauty." What
nation on earth is more famous for its "glorious beauty" and
natural scenery than the United States?   From sea to shining
sea, from the redwoods and Sequoias of California to the
majestic waters of Niagara Falls, to the Blue Ridge Mountains of
Tennessee to the Mojave Desert, from the Grand Canyon of the
Colorado to the paint pots and geysers of Yellowstone, from the
Grant Tetons of Wyoming to the towering granite spires of
Yosemite, from the Everglades of Florida and the Texas Big Bend
Country to the waters of Waikiki, Hawaii, you name it -- no
country on the face of the earth can compare with the glorious
beauty of Ephraim -- the United States of America! We sing the
song, "O beautiful for spacious skies, for ambers waves of
grain; for purple mountain majesties, above the fruited plain --
America, America, Yahweh shed His grace on thee; O crown thy
good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea!" We sing the
song, "Yahweh bless America, land that I love; stand beside her,
and guide her, with the light from the light from above." We
sing, "This land is your land, this land is my land, From the
Gulf Stream waters, to the New York island, this land is made
for you and me." But as we sing these inspiring, rich, bountiful
songs, little do we realize that we are singing the songs of
Ephraim -- the youngest son of Joseph, who was to inherit the
blessings of the FIRSTBORN! The "glorious beauty" of Ephraim in
the glorious and awe-inspiring beauty of the United States!

17.  Yahweh has bequeathed North America to the children of
Joseph and to Ephraim in particular! The United States has the
Great Plains, the Mississippi River system, the Great Lakes --
the finest breadbasket and grazing land, commercial water base
and drainage system of the whole world. The Great Plains are the
greatest area of useful land in the world. Half the fresh water
of the world is contained in the Great Lakes system.
Incalculably rich deposits of iron ore, coal and limestone lie
along this great waterway. In this region was erected the
world's greatest steel industry that helped make America the
strongest and richest nation on earth. The famous words of
Abraham Lincoln express the truth: "We have been the recipients
of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these
many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers,
wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have
forgotten Yahweh. We have forgotten the gracious hand which
preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and
strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the
deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were
produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.
Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too
self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and
preserving grace, too proud to pray to the Yahweh that made us.

18.  "It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the
offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for
clemency and forgiveness" (quoted in Ascent to Greatness,
Raymond F. McNair pg.196). Hosea the prophet further describes
the blessings that would come to Ephraim as the recipient of the
blessings of the firstborn of Israel, and then to all Israel.
Yahweh says of Ephraim, "I have seen Ephraim, like Tyre, planted
in a pleasant place" (Hos.9:13). What nation on earth has a more
"pleasant place" than the United States? What mercantile city
today more resembles ancient Tyre, the mercantile hub of the
ancient world, than New York City? Here again are further
allusions to the identity of modern Ephraim -- the United
States! Why were the vast, farflung resources of North America
left virtually untapped and unused for millennia until the
arrival of the Anglo-Saxon descendants of ancient Jacob, or
Israel -- the peoples of Ephraim, and Manasseh? Was it all
"manifest destiny," as our forefathers believed?  Moses was
inspired to write: "When the Most High gave the nations their
inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries
for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel"
(Deut.32:8, NIV). Yahweh reserved the choicest portions of the
earth for the birthright tribe of Israel. He gave the beautiful
North American continent to the sons of Joseph -- Ephraim the
part belonging to the United States, and Canada the portion He
reserved for Manasseh, and some of the children of Reuben.
Interestingly, it was Joshua -- an Ephraimite -- who led the
children of Israel into the Promised Land.

19.  Today America is a new "Promised Land" of our time.
Millions of foreigners strive to emigrate here, legally or
illegally, regarding this fair land as the "last best hope for
mankind." Interesting, also, that Joseph was the brother that
was "separated from his brethren" (Deut.33:16, KJV). Modern
Joseph, also, is "separated" from his brothers -- other
Israelitish nations -- by the Atlantic Ocean! Only Ephraim, and
a portion of Manasseh, are located on the North American
continent, thus "separated" from their brother nations in
northwestern Europe! Hosea says of Ephraim, "like a wild donkey
wandering alone" (Hos.8:9). Balaam said of Israel, "I see a
people who LIVE APART and do not consider themselves one of the
nations. Who can count the dust of Jacob, or number the fourth
part of Israel?" (Num.23:9-10). When Ephraim was born, Joseph
gave him that name, saying, "It is because Yahweh has made me
FRUITFUL in the land of my suffering" (Gen.41:52). Like his
father Joseph, Ephraim has been fruitful in the land of his
affliction or early suffering. The early colonists in North
America underwent extreme privation and troubles, before the
foundation was laid for a new land, a new nation.

20.  The exploits of the voyagers on the Mayflower, most of whom
perished en route to the New World, and the harrowing
difficulties of the Pilgrims, and the settlers at Jamestown, in
a sense duplicate the earlier sufferings of their forefather
Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers, and cast into
the dungeon of Pharaoh and virtually forgotten there. On the
other hand, Manasseh means "Causing to forget." When he was
born, Joseph said he named him that, "Because Yahweh has made me
forget all my trouble and all my father's household"
(Gen.41:51). Notice how this name reveals the nature of
Manasseh. Britain, the older of the two sons, has truly
"forgotten all his father's household" -- and even his national
identity, despite all the evidence around them! There are the
historical records and legends of Jeremiah bringing the king's
daughters to Ireland, where Princess Tea married into the royal
line already established by early Israelites. There was the name
of Tara, the ancient Irish capital, meaning "Torah." There was
the Stone of Scone, or Jacob's Pillar Stone, and its traditions
and history. There were the royal genealogies, which trace the
British monarchy back to the line of King David! There was the
very name "British" itself -- which is Hebrew for "Covenant
man." And, the very name "Saxons," which derives from "sons of
Isaac." Over the centuries, Yahweh caused ancient Israel to go
into captivity. While there, they eventually lost their true
identity, being far removed from the land of Palestine. Yahweh
later released their captivity, and led them to their new
inheritances, in Western Europe, the British Isles, and the New
World. He blessed them, and caused them to become great. But
Manasseh, despite all the legends, history, and evidence, lost
the knowledge of his own identity, and "forgot" who he really
was, just as his name implies! Here then is more evidence that
Manasseh is Great Britain, and Ephraim the United States of

21.  These Biblical allusions would fit perfectly to two
peoples, both descended from Joseph, both dwelling apart as he
did from his brethren -- who was "separated from his brethren"
(Deut.33:16, KJV) -- dwelling apart from the Old World countries
-- in the island of England, and in the "New World," the Western
hemisphere! The "Coastlands of Ephraim" The prophet Isaiah was
inspired of Yahweh to write, "Ephraim is MY FIRSTBORN" (Jeremiah
31:9). He was to dwell in the "north lands" and "the ends of the
earth" (verse 8). He was to dwell in the "isles afar" (v.10),
and the "coastlands" (Isa.49:1, Tanakh). What description better
fits the United States, with the longest habitable coastline of
any nation? It is in the northern hemisphere; it is "far off"
and at the "ends of the earth" from Jerusalem; and it is a long
and valuable "coastland." No other land can combine all these
qualifications, like the United States -- modern Ephraim! When
Yahweh scattered His people in 718-721 B.C., he drove them among
the peoples of the earth; "yet in DISTANT LANDS they will
remember me," He foretold (Zech.10:9). He prophesied of them,
"Stand silent before me, coastlands, And let nations renew their
strength" (Isa.41:1). Did not the United States, free from the
yoke of European wars and oppression, and the weakening
influence of pagan religion, receive a NEW BIRTH in a NEW LAND
of pristine opportunity and magnificent wealth -- free from the
stifling influences of paganism and heathen customs?

22.  Yahweh literally brought His people Ephraim to "distant
lands," and "coastlands." The same Hebrew word yam is translated
"sea" and "west." Therefore, the "islands of the sea" or
"coastlands of the sea" could just as readily be translated as
"coastlands of the west." Needless to say, the United States is
a "coastland of the WEST"! -- far west of Jerusalem! Isaiah
writes, "Look! These are coming from AFAR, these from the NORTH
and the WEST, and these from the land of Sinim" (Isa.49:12,
Tanakh). If you draw a line due north of Jerusalem to the North
Pole, and due west, and followed both of them till they
intersected, the section of the globe carved out would include
Europe, and North America -- the portion of the globe which
includes most of the Israelitish nations of the earth -- The
United States, Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark,
Finland, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, and France! Hosea the
prophet wrote, "Ephraim feeds on the wind; he pursues the east
wind all day . . ." (Hos.12:1, NIV). The east wind blows WEST.
Thus Ephraim was prophesied to move to the WEST of Jerusalem.

23.  The United States lies in part due west of modern day
Israel and Jerusalem! Yahweh says of His firstborn son Ephraim,
"How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over,
Israel? . . . I will not carry out my fierce anger, nor will I
turn and devastate Ephraim. For I am Yahweh, and not man -- the
Holy One among you. I will not come in wrath. They will follow
the Lord; he will roar like a lion. When he roars, his children
will come TREMBLING FROM THE WEST" (Hos.11:8-11, NIV). When we
look carefully at a map of the globe, we find that the Northern
hemisphere and the western hemisphere -- North America -- most
perfectly fulfills the description of "coastlands" afar off to
the north and west of Jerusalem! To be candid, any reference
which can apply to Britain applies with even more forcefulness
to the United States! And to the far northwest from Jerusalem,
we come to America's 49th state -- the state of Alaska, the
largest state of all! In ancient times, Manasseh was divided
into two parts -- one part dwelt on the other side of the Jordan
river, and one part went with Ephraim, and settled near them.
Isn't it interesting that in modern times, too, part of Manasseh
chose to remain in England and Britain, while many others chose
to come to the New World, and settled in Canada, near modern

24.  The parallels are too striking to ignore! In ancient
Israel, west Manasseh's southern border was Ephraim, and
constituted the longest border between any two tribes of Israel.
Even so, today modern Ephraim (the United States) still lies to
the south of Manasseh (Canada), and the border between the two
peoples is the longest unfortified, friendly border in the
world! No passports are required to cross between the two
countries. When Joshua gave each tribe its territory in ancient
Canaan, we read, "There were towns belonging to Ephraim lying
among the towns of Manasseh, but the boundary of Manasseh was
the northern side of the ravine and ended at the sea. On the
south the land belonged to Ephraim, on the north to Manasseh.
The territory of Manasseh reached the sea . . ." (Josh.17:9-10).
Isn't it also interesting that today the western borders of
Manasseh and Ephraim STILL terminate at a western sea -- the
Pacific Ocean? Greg Doudna points out: "West Manasseh had 'ten
portions' of Canaan (Josh.17:5). Canada has ten provinces. West
Manasseh's land area was larger than that of Ephraim's. Canada
occupies a larger land area than the United States.

25.  No geographic, social, or racial barriers separate our two
nations. We speak a common language. We are each other's best
trade partner. We are just like brothers" (p.96). Moses said of
Joseph's descendants, 'Such are the ten thousands of Ephraim,
and such are the thousands of Manasseh' (Deut.33:17). The
populations of the United States and Canada are about
270,000,000 and 30,000,000 respectively -- a ratio of about ten
to one -- just like the ratio or proportions used by Moses!
Could anything be more striking? The 2,520 Years of Punishment
The leader of the ten-tribed northern kingdom of Israel was the
tribe of Ephraim, whose capital city was Samaria. The
ten-nationed kingdom went into exile in 718 B.C. by the
Assyrians (I Kings 17). They were to be "punished seven times"
for their sins (Lev.26:18,21,24,28). A "time" equals a year in
fulfillment of prophecy (Rev.12:6, 14-16). A promise to Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob and "Joseph." And it is our nation which has
received these blessings! Writes Gred Doudna: "The ending of
this seven times period of 2520 years punishment marks the
emergence of Ephraim alone as a separate nation in its own right
-- apart from any other Israelite nations!"   Doudna continues:
"It was not until the seven times were finished that Yahweh
allowed Ephraim to rise to national greatness.  It was our
nation which has had to wait 2520 years to receive the
blessings, and it is also our nation which has received those
blessings, abundantly, filled to the brim and running over. "At
first Ephraim was just one of Israel's thirteen tribes.

26.  After the split with Judah, Ephraim took its place as
leader of the ten-tribed house of Israel. In the centuries
following the captivity, Ephraim became particularly allied with
his older brother Manasseh, as Jacob had predicted, and together
they grew and prospered in Britain. "Britain before 1800 was
Joseph -- both Manasseh and Ephraim combined. Why was Britain so
great before 1800? Partly because Ephraimites were still there
-- they had not yet migrated to America! "At this time of the
ending of the prophecy of the seven times period, the final
separation occurred in the process of several millennia. Yahweh
set Ephraim apart as a sovereign and independent nation,
signifying this by giving Ephraim the choicest land in the
entire world on the very year ending the seven times period.
"After this no further split or separation was possible. Ephraim
was now by itself -- one indivisible nation.  This is why the
United States is one nation today, not many divided and
conflicting, independent nations as it could have been. The
history of the growth and preservation of the United States is a
story of Yahweh's hand in history. "The separation of younger
Ephraim from Manasseh occurred almost 200 years ago.  The
British nation continued as Manasseh and maintained its position
throughout the 1800's as a great empire, as the fledgling United
States struggled to survive, expand, produce, build, grow, and
prosper in the new Promised Land. And prosper it has! "One day
Britain woke up to realize her empire was gone, her prestige
vanishing, and that she was no longer great. At the same time
the United States grew until it found itself the greatest nation
ever in history! "Manasseh had been surpassed by younger
Ephraim!" (pp.113-114). ----

27.  Ireland and Scotland.

Lets review Ireland and Scotland from a distant perspective.
Would any of you state that the people of Ireland and Scotland
were similar to the people of Germany?  I think not.  They
simply don’t have the same temperament nor appearance.  Germans
tend to be larger people than the Irish and the Scotch.
Generally fairer.  Many Irish and Scotch have fair skins with
dark black hair.  Some have red hair.  That is not typically
German.  If Germany is Judah then Ireland and Scotland are
probably not.

Let us review the two captivities.  The House of Israel was
captured by the Assyrians in 715-718 B.C.  The House of Judah
was captured by the Babalonians in 586 B.C – a difference of 129
to 132 years.  Israel was captured first and it started its
movement first.-- Judah came later!  Judah came later!  It needs
to be emphasied because this fact seems to explain many
characteristics that we see today.  While we do not know exactly
how long Israel was in the Assyrian captivity we can assume that
it was 15-20 years or so.  So Israel still started its movement
before Judah was even captured.

The classical position, namely the British-Israel position, is
that Ireland is part of Judah is as follows:

The kingly line of Judah (Genesis 49:10) reached Britain when a
daughter of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah before the fall of
Jerusalem, arrived with Jeremiah in 569 B.C. This princess,
Tea-Tephi, married the king of Ireland, who also happened to be
a descendant of Judah through Zarah, Judah's younger son
(Genesis 38:30), and so both branches of the kingly line were
established as the Royal House of Ireland. This kingdom was
transferred to Scotland and then to England with James I (James
VI of Scotland) in 1603. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britian,
therefore is a direct descendant of King David and recipient of
his throne." (D. Olinger, _British Israelism_, Bob Jones
University Press)
Based upon  Virgil’s Story of Troy and the History of the
British Kings by Geoffrey.  Brutus and his dad were royalty from
Troy and they escaped to Rome. Where his dad was killed by
Brutus in a hunting accident. The son crossed to Greece and
freed Trojan slaves and ships and sailed to Hibernia. where
their brothers were already ruling. Then they sailed to New Troy
that became London. At the same time, The Keltoi were migrating
west from the Carpathians Mountains. Now the Tribe of Dan that
sailed before the fall (what fall)??? was already in Ireland as
the Tuatha de Dannan .
So the base is established waiting for the fulfillment. This
happened when the Kumri (Keltoi) left Assyria. Then The Tribe of
Dan found Ireland. The Sons of Zarah went from Egypt to Troy to
Spain then finally to New Troy. All that was missing was the
Sons of David.

Judah’s story is in Genesis 38. Judah had the twins,  Pharez and
Zareh.  Zareh had the scarlet thread wrapped around his wrist
that first appeared, yet Pharez was the first born of  the two
twins.  In 1 Chr. 2:55 we are told that the Shelites were the
scribes that Christ told us to be aware of.  Review the word
Kenites in this passage, and Strongs’s #7014 and 7017.  This is
the same group that controlled the Sanhedron court along with
the Phrasies.  This is further indication that at least some of
Judah’s descendants were Canaanites.

Another important point is that Shela would have had the limited
“Birthright” of Judah in that Shelah (the Canaanite) was alive
when the twins were born.  See Genesis 38:5.  Sheleh was
supposed to have been the sperm donor for Tamar, Shelah’s
sister-in-law.  Tamar deceived Judah because Judah lied and
refused to give Sheleh to her.  Sheleh was still Judah’s oldest
child regardless of how Pharez and Zareh came on the scene.  The
point is that Sheleh (a Canaanite)  had the right to his
father’s inheritance as the first son of his progeny and that
Pharez was NOT the legitimate successor to Judah even thaough
Pharez and Zereh were pure Israelites..

So apparently even though one of King Zedekiah's daughters was
married to the High Zarahite King of Ireland about 583 BC.  The
land still had been inhabited by the tribe of Dan.  This is why
there is the confusion in describing Ireland.  The Irish are
essentially Danites even though there may have been some
Judahite royalty living there.


These are the sons of Dan after their families: of Shuham, the
family of the Shuhami. These are the families of Dan after their
families.  Numbers 26; 42.

Groups derived from Dan were historically somehow linked with
the Gothic forces that descended mainly from Gad. Danites were
also found together with the Nephtalites of Naphtali .
In Biblical Times the Tribe of Dan had been divided into three
(or more) different sections. One section had been in the
northern Galilee (Joshua 19; 42) and neighbored Gad. Later part
of this section moved with other Israelites to Scythia. The
Damnae in Serica (east of Scythia), were also called "Dingling"
and were linked to the DANGALAI" whose name means
"DAN-OF-GALILEE". They had been neighbors of the Goths (from
Gad) of Gadrosia in Ancient Eastern Iran. The DAMNAE of Scythian
Serica were named similarly to the DAMNONII of Scotland (who
lived besides the northern River DON of Scotland) and the
DAMNONES of DANNONIA which was the name given to Devon and
Cornwall. DANNONIA in Britain was named after the Tribe of DAN.
The Tribe of Dan was recalled in the Children of DON in Welsh
legend and the Tribe of DANA who came to the British Isles
(according to Irish tradition) from the Land of Israel via
Greece and Scandinavia. The area Damnonia in southern Britain as
well as being alternatively called Dannonia was also known as
"Defenia". The name "DEFENIA" is similar to that of DAPHNIA
which was the former place of DAN in the Land of Northern
Israel, and is also a name associated by the Talmud with the
Lost Ten Tribes.
            In Scotland the Damnonii (of Dan) adjoined the
Gadeni probably of Gad. Somewhat to the south (in Northern
England) according to Ptolemy was the city of Danum which area
was later to be occupied by Danes from Denmark.  In this case we
see the possibility of a group of Celtic culture descended from
Dan who gave their name to the city of Danum being followed by
Scandinavians who were also descended from Dan and settling in
the same area. We have come across similar phenomena several
times in this study.
            Danes from Dan were recorded together with the
Naphtali in Scythia. From Scythia the Danes (moving via Sweden)
conquered Denmark. The Danes and the Norwegians formed the
Vikings who invaded England. The Danes settled in the northeast
of England and the Norwegians in the northwest. They also
conquered and settled in Ireland and in parts of Scotland.
            Danes from the Israelite Tribe of Dan invaded
Denmark at about the same time as the Naphtali moved in large
numbers into Norway. The Tribe of Dan was represented by a snake
or by a lion. Other accepted symbols of Dan were a pair of
scales, an eagle, and a dragon. Many members of Dan settled in
Denmark, in Ireland, in Wales, England, and the U.S.A. where
40-50 million people have Irish ancestry. The symbol of a snake
was once worshipped in Ireland; a lion represents Denmark and
England, Wales has a dragon on its flag, and the U.S.A. has an

Considering that Dan had invaded Denmark, a neighbor of
Scotland, across the North Sea, and that Dan was established in
Ireland, it is most probable that Scotland was primarily Dan
even though they may have been some monarchy from Judah.  I
believe that Dan was the second most number of people migrating
and that few in Judah actually migrated west.

28.  12 November 2004       Buddy Johnson  423-626-2172
Russell Walker  434-376-7778


Message: 13
   Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 14:14:21 +1300
   From: Misty <>
Subject: L A Citizens Grand Jury condemns govt role in 9/11

To: <>

From:           Jeff Moebus <>
Date sent:      Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:52:04 -0800 (PST)
Subject:        [LouisianaLibertarians] Los Angeles Citizens
Grand Jury
Preliminary Findings on The Terror Event of September 11, 2001


Demands Immediate Release of CIA Inspector General’s
Report, Cheney Counter-Terrorism Task Force & War Game
Records, Pentagon Evidence Seized by FBI & Suppressed
9/11 Report of “broadly inaccurate accounts by several
civil & military officials”

Los Angeles, Oct. 31 – In findings issued today, the
Los Angeles Citizens’ Grand Jury condemned the 9/11
Commission’s official version of the events of
September 11, 2001 as “physically impossible,
untenable, contradictory, implausible and fraudulent”
and called for the release of several documents
specifically naming officials responsible for 9/11,
being withheld until after the election.

Citing evidence that at least 8 of the 19 alleged
suicide hijackers reported themselves alive after 9/11,
that the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7 came
down not from fires from the planes but controlled
demolition explosives which require weeks to prepare,
and Administration managed “war games” (including a
field training exercise scenario covering multiple
hijackings and a plane going into a building) that were
actually happening on 9/11 as causing air traffic
controller confusion & lack of fighter response, the
nation’s first Citizens’ Grand Jury on 9/11 unabashedly
concluded 9/11 was “an inside job” that demands “legal
prosecution, civil liability and political
condemnation” around the world.

According to the nation’s first Citizens’ Grand Jury on
9/11, the US government must immediately release the
CIA Inspector General’s report on 9/11, which assigns
blame to certain high level officials but whose release
is being suppressed by new CIA Director Porter Goss
until after the election, according to published
reports.  Goss is reported to have been having
breakfast on the morning of 9/11 with the Pakistani ISI
“money man” himself, General Mahmud Ahmed, who had
wired $100,000 to the alleged head-hijacker Mohammed

LA’s Citizens’ Grand Jury also issued a demand that the
records of the Vice-President’s Counter-Terrorism Task
Force and preparation and co-ordination of the
emergency exercises/war games the Vice President was
overseeing on 9/11 be released as they may well have
contributed to the lack of fighter response to the

In addition, the Citizens' Grand Jury demanded that the
FBI release all surveillance videotape and related
evidence being withheld bearing on the flying object
which hit the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11. Evidence
presented to the Jury suggested that due to the absence
of debris from a 60-ton 757, limited damage to the
Pentagon, an “implausible” flight pattern and lack of
skill of the alleged Arab hijacker pilot, possibly a
missile or a remote controlled drone actually hit the
Pentagon instead of American flight # 77 which was last
tracked over Ohio by air traffic controllers.  The Jury
chose to delay a finding on the Pentagon, pending
further deliberation of eye witness reports and
surveillance documentation.

Acknowledging vast resources and unacknowledged
evidence ignored by the 9/11 Kean-Hamilton Commission
Report, the Los Angeles Citizens’ Grand Jury rejected
the official version of 9/11 labeling it “a propaganda
fabrication designed to favor the unleashing of
aggressive war, while hiding the activity of a
treasonous cabal of high-level elected and appointed
civilian U.S. government and military officials, and
private and/or contracted third parties and rogue
agents under their known or unknown direction yet to be
determined who both actively prepared, promoted,
organized, assisted, fomented, and/or passively favored
the September 11 attacks and supported the cover-up
that followed”.

The Citizens’ Grand Jury, which had begun its
deliberations on Saturday, October 23 with a large
public meeting in the Bob Hope Patriotic Hall near the
Los Angeles Civic Center, refuted the claims of the
9/11 Commission Report on several detailed points.
They decided to evaluate the attacks as a crime by
considering “motive, means and opportunity” which on
several counts were beyond what Osama bin Laden and 19
suicide hijackers could have accomplished unaided.
Noting in particular the lack of fighter response for 1
hour and 40 minutes when “67 times in the year prior to
9/11 by following established procedures when planes
went out of communication or off course, the system
worked perfectly” and fighter planes were usually
scrambled within 15 minutes.

In addition, they noted the fate of WTC building 7, a
47-story building housing the DOD, IRS and Security and
Exchange Commission, among others, which has generally
been ignored in press reports.  At 5:20 pm on 9/11, it
collapsed into its own footprint – characteristic of a
controlled demolition - without being hit by a plane or
debris from the falling Towers and with minimal fires
that allegedly could have been easily extinguished.
Jurors viewed a video of the WTC Leaser, Larry
Silverstein, who said he and the fire department in the
afternoon of 9/11 agreed to “pull it” which is a
controlled demolitions industry phrase that means to
demolish through the use of pre-placed explosives. They
concluded the liklihood of a controlled demolition of
WTC7 was beyond what Osama bin Laden and 19 hijackers
could have done unaided, which further suggested 9/11
was an inside job.

The Citizens’ Grand Jury is composed of 25 average
Americans of diverse ethnic, national, religious and
professional backgrounds – including a 9/11 family
member, a private investigator, a medical doctor, a
college student, a therapist, an educator, the director
of personnel and training for a major union, an author
on the holocaust, and a retired forensic investigator.
They issued today’s findings after several days of
consideration on the language of the findings, adding
extensive demands for withheld evidence.

The Citizens’ Grand Jury heard evidentiary
presentations from 9/11 researchers Jim Hoffman and Don
Paul, authors of Waking Up From Our Nightmare: The 9/11
Crimes in New York City, Webster Tarpley, author of
George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography and the upcoming
911 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA and Barbara
Honegger, former White House policy analyst and author
of the October Surprise  who broke the story of the
“numerous emergency response exercises/’war games’ that
have been officially acknowledged to have been carried
out on the morning of September 11, 2001 under the
various directions of Vice-President Cheney, the
Pentagon/Joint Chiefs of Staff, NORAD (Air Force), the
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO, staffed mainly by
Air Force/military and CIA personnel), and FEMA”
featured in depth in Michael Ruppert’s  best selling
Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American
Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.

The Grand Jury also viewed photographs and film clips
including Senator Mark Dayton testifying before a
Senate committee reviewing with Commissioners Kean and
Hamilton NORAD’s “lies” regarding the 9/11 timeline
calling for accountability for the “unbelievable
negligence”. They also viewed taped and/or written
testimony from David Ray Griffin, author of The New
Pearl Harbor on the 9/11 Commission’s Omissions, Mike
Ruppert summarizing the war games excerpted from the
Canadian best-selling documentary with Barry Zwicker,
The Great Conspiracy, and researchers Nafeez Ahmed,
author of The War on Freedom: How and Why America Was
Attacked Sept. 11, 2001 and Paul Thompson, author of
The 911 Terror Timeline.

The findings of the Los Angeles Citizens’ Grand Jury
represent the most detailed and thorough refutation of
the US government’s official account of what allegedly
happened on 9/11 ever formally issued by a people’s
fact-finding body.  Formal presentation of Findings and
References will follow their next deliberation
scheduled for mid-November where they will address
other questions, including specific responsibilities of
US government officials and persons in the private
sector pivotal to the events of 9/11.

“It is the hardest thing in the world to confront,”
explained Citizens’ Grand Jury convener, Lynn Pentz,
“that members of our own government are responsible for
perjury, treason and mass murder of their own citizens
as well as citizens from 82 other nations around the

“Given our political and judicial systems have refused
to deal with the reality of 9/11,” she explained, “We
the People must now be responsible for our
representatives’ lies, their war on our freedoms, their
terrorizing tactics, the death and destruction they are
waging in our names, their bankrupting of our nation
with their endless war for profit and global hegemony,
and for our allowing the increasing rise of a police
state here in America - all rationalized by the
official story of 9/11 and the politicians and media
who have exploited it. The Citizens’ Grand Jury has
shown we are way past begging for the unanswered
questions to be answered.  We know a lot of the answers
and they are not pretty.”

Ms. Pentz is a well-known southern California activist
of the international 9/11 truth movement, and
co-founder of, the host organization of
the LA Citizens’ Grand Jury.  Ms. Pentz participated in
both the International Citizen’s Inquiries in San
Francisco and Toronto and attended the 9/11
Kean-Hamilton Commission Hearings in New York which she
declared were “appalling to any citizen committed to
finding the truth and assuring accountability for what
actually happened”.

After presenting well-verified evidence to the 9/11
Commissioners of the Administration’s bogus Orange
alerts, Silverstein’s ordering the destruction of WTC7
which “housed the People’s business” (ie: 200 open
investigations of securities fraud), and evidence that
many of the alleged hijackers were still alive after
9/11, Pentz says, “she then knew that they knew and
chose to cover up the truth instead of reveal it.”

She even showed two Commissioners, FBI Director Robert
Mueller’s statement to CNN that there is “no legal
proof to prove the identities of the suicidal
hijackers” and his April 19, 2002 admission, ”In our
investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of
paper – either here in the United States or in the
treasure trove of information that has turned in
Afghanistan and elsewhere – that mention any suspect of
the September 11th plot.”

“None of this (and so much other) evidence, and none of
the connecting of the obvious dots that point to
government complicity, were even referred to in the
Commission’s Report.  So, its now incumbent on the
People to take back their government by not settling
until the real perpetrators are held accountable and
the systems that allow such abuses have real citizen
oversight so these egregious abuses of public trust
cannot happen again.”

Several such efforts are happening nationally.
Activists in New York have just filed a petition with
state Attorney General, Elliott Spitzer, with an
unprecedented Citizens' Complaint Demanding a Criminal
Inquiry into the 9/11 Crimes as part of their “Summer
of Truth” campaign.  San Francisco’s Stanley Hilton
represents 400 9/11 family members in a suit charging
government complicity in the events of 9/11.
Grass roots demonstrations are continuing and legal
actions are
beginning to move forward.

According to Webster Tarpley, a key witness in the
proceedings, “With today’s release of findings, the Los
Angeles Citizens’ Grand Jury has taken a giant step
beyond the unanswered questions of 9/11, towards
positive determinations of what really happened and who
was responsible. On the eve of the US Presidential
elections, these findings represent a qualitatively new
phase in the people’s campaign against the US
government’s Big Lies about 9/11.”

“We call on citizens here and around the world to have
your own Citizens’ Grand Juries, review the evidence
and decide for yourselves”, said Ms. Pentz. “Then, we
must all, demand our governments hold the real
perpetrators of 9/11 criminally, civilly and
politically responsible. In the meantime, we must do
the hard work of confronting ‘the enemy is, in part,
us’ and not settle until we have truly cleaned house”.


Given the failure of the House Subcommittee on
Terrorism and Homeland Security (May 2002), the
House-Senate Joint Intelligence Community Investigation
(December 2002), and the United Kingdom Government
dossier (October2001), the Final Report of the National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
(also known as the Kean-Hamilton 9/11 Commission Report
(July 2004), to establish the truth and create
accountability about the tragic events of September 11,
2001, the Los Angeles Citizens’ Grand Jury convened on
October 23, 2004 in the County of Los Angeles, State of
California, USA and hereby returns the following
findings on October 31, 2004:

I. That the official account of the events of September
11, 2001 is physically impossible, untenable,
contradictory, fraudulent, and ignores vast bodies of
relevant and pertinent evidence. It must, therefore, be
rejectedas a propaganda fabrication designed to favor
the unleashing of aggressive war, while hiding the
activity of a treasonous cabal of high-level elected
and appointed civilian U.S. government and military
officials, and private and/or contracted third parties
and rogue agents under their known or unknown direction
yet to be determined who both actively prepared,
promoted, organized, assisted, fomented, and/or
passively favored the September 11 attacks and
supported the cover-up that followed.

II. Concerning the official story elaborated by the
9/11 Keane Commission Report of July 2004, the UK
Government dossier of October 2001, and statements by
US and UK government officials and echoed by the
mainstream media, we find:

    A. That given significant evidence exists that as
    many as eight of
the names of the alleged hijackers identified by the
FBI shortly after the attacks, are the names of
individuals who have publicly claimed to still be alive
after 9/11, and the Government has not proven that ANY
of the 19 names of the alleged hijackers were on any of
the flight manifests of any of the four planes, and no
physical evidence of any of their bodies’ remains have
been reported found at any of the attack sites,
evidence linking the specific identities to the
incidents appears – at best – planted to assure
association but implausible; the government’s assertion
that the alleged 19 hijackers operated without being
detected by official surveillance is untenable, and
evidence is strong that the alleged hijackers –
whatever their identities and whatever their
involvement - acted in coordination with a faction
within the government itself. The alleged hijackers
were, therefore, in all probability, expendable double
agents and/or patsies.

  B. The government’s assertion that the four
  supposedly hijacked
airliners were taken over and piloted by the four
accused hijackers is highly implausible. The planes
were in all probability guided to their targets by some
form of remote access or remote control.

    C. The government’s assertion that the failures of
    air defense were
caused by the fog of war is absurd. Air defense on
9/11/2001 was in all probability intentionally
sabotaged by an Inside Cabal of treasonous high-level
civilian government and military officials who intended
the actual hijack alerts to be initially confused with
at least five emergency response exercises going on
that morning.

    D. The government's assertion that the Twin Towers
    of the World
Trade Center collapsed as a result of the impact of
aircraft and of the subsequent fire is physically
impossible. The fall of the Towers cannot be explained
without the hypothesis of a controlled demolition by
some form of explosion.

    E. The government’s assertion that World Trade
    Center 7 collapsed
at 5:20 PM EDT on September 11 purely as a result of
fire is physically impossible, ignores the taped
admission of Leaser Larry Silverstein that he and the
fire department agreed to "pull it" and given it
collapsed into its footprint in the manner of a
controlled demolition that takes weeks to prepare
further suggests an “inside job”.

    F. The government’s assertion that United Flight 93
    crashed because
of actions by the hijackers or because of a struggle in
the cockpit is implausible. All evidence points to the
hypothesis that it was shot down by a US military
aircraft and/or by the detonation of an onboard bomb.

    G. The government’s inordinate delay in the
    establishment of a
Commission to investigate the events of 9/11, their
subsequent omission of significant evidence and refusal
to address accountability; its refusal to investigate
insider trading of American Airlines and United
Airlines put options; the wholesale seizure and
destruction of evidence, the systematic intimidation of
witnesses by the FBI, and a series of other incidents
point unmistakably to an attempted cover-up on the part
of certain factions of the US government and

    H. The dossier issued by the Government of the
    United Kingdom and
the 9/11 Kean-Hamilton Commission Report should be seen
as cover-ups and, therefore, as

    I. Given that certain individuals and institutions
significantly profit from the events of 9/11 and the
ensuing “endless war on terror” that followed, and
individuals who failed to do their appointed jobs,
demonstrated significant incompetence and/or obstructed
justice were not held accountable after gross failures;
does hereby reflect motives for the crimes of 9/11, and
they should be criminally investigated, held
accountable for civil liability and politically

III. We the People, acting through the Los Angeles
Citizens' Grand Jury, hereby demand the following seven
key pieces of evidence:

    A. The FBI, National Reconnaissance Office and all
    other agencies
of the US federal government immediately release and
publish in full, with no redactions, omissions, or
alterations, the videotapes and satellite imagery shot
between 9 AM and 12 Noon Eastern Daylight Time on
September 11, 2001 by all surveillance cameras within
two miles of the Pentagon and by any and all
surveillance satellites bearing on the same area,
including but not limited to the videotapes shot by
cameras at all gas stations and the Sheraton Washington
Hotel. These tapes were seized by the FBI on or shortly
after 9/11, and only 5 frames of one tape have been
made available to the public.

    B. The Report on Responsibility for 9/11 issued by
    the Inspector
General of the Central Intelligence Agency and
currently suppressed by CIA Director Porter Goss at the
behest of the Administration be immediately released in
full to the public, with no redactions, omissions,
alterations, or deletions.

    C. Any and all documents generated by and in
    relation to the entity
variously referred to as The Office of National
Preparedness (ONP) and/or The Office of National
Preparedness “Counter-Terrorism Task Force" created by
George W. Bush by Presidential Order on May 8, 2001,
and overseen by Vice President Richard Cheney, be
immediately released and published in full, including
the full text and any secret protocols of that
Presidential Order with no redactions, omissions,
deletions, or alterations. The Citizens' Grand Jury
demands the results of a complete and thorough search
of the files of all 46 federal agencies, including but
not limited to the Office of National Preparedness,
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the CIA,
NORAD, the NRO, and the Department of Defense, whose
Counter-Terrorism Preparedness and Consequence
Management Activities Pertaining to Domestic (on U.S.
territory) Terror Attacks, which, according to press
reports, were made subject to oversight and
coordination by Vice President Cheney under the
auspices of the above named Presidential Order; that
all of these agencies and any other(s) also overseen by
Vice President Cheney under the May 8, 2001
Presidential Order release all logs, documents, and
other records relevant to the said Cheney
"Counter-Terrorism Task Force." This demand
specifically also includes the full and un-redacted
text of all drafts as well as any final report of the
Cheney "Counter-Terrorism Task Force" which, according
to press accounts, was scheduled to be completed and
delivered on or about October 1, 2001.

     D. All US federal government agencies release any
     and all
documents, records, logs, and all otherinformation
regarding any and all war games, drills, emergency
response exercises, maneuvers and related activities
either held on and/or planned in advance for September
11, 2001 and the week before and after that date, be
they headquarters, staff, computer and/or other
simulation, field training, or live-fly exercises,
pertaining to any and all exercises taking place on or
about September 11, 2001, or in the time immediately
previous and/or subsequent to that date, including but
not limited to:

1. Amalgam Virgo

2. Vigilant Guardian

3. Vigilant Warrior

4. Northern Vigilance

5. Northern Guardian

6. Tripod II, New York City

7. Drill at the National Reconnaissance Office,
Chantilly VA

    E. The Justice Department immediately release and
    publish in full,
with no redactions, omissions, or alterations the 60-70
page monograph Supplement to the 9/11 Kean-Hamilton
Commission Report produced by the Commission’s
investigators, which has been withheld for two months
by Attorney General Ashcroft’s Justice Department,
dealing with the “movements of the hijacked airliners
and the response or lack of response of the government”
and “revisits other subjects in the Commission’s final
report of July – telephone calls made from the hijacked
airplanes, airline security and orders issued that
morning by President Bush and VP Dick Cheney”…”also
finds shortcomings in the Transportation Security
Administration”. First revealed in the New York Times
Oct. 31, 2004, the Commission has drawn from this
“unpublished part of the inquiry and quietly asked
inspector generals at the Departments of Defense &
Transportation to review what it had determined were
broadly inaccurate accounts provided by several civil
and military officials about efforts to track and chase
the hijacked aircraft on September 11”.

     F.  The Inspector Generals of the Departments of
     Defense and
Transportation immediately release and publish in full,
with no redactions, omissions, or alterations’ their
research and findings regarding the 60-70 page
Supplement to the 9/11 Kean-Hamilton Commission Report
for, as David Barnes, spokesperson with the Dept of
Transportation said, “if the reviews found wrongdoing,
the Inspector General could recommend administrative
penalties or ask federal prosecutors to begin a
criminal investigation”.

    G.  The FBI, FAA, NORAD and the Dept of
    Transportation release and
publish in full, with no redactions, omissions, or
alterations the contents of all black boxes retrieved
from the four crash sites of September 11, 2001 and all
records of ground-to-cockpit communications of the
allegedly hijacked American Airlines flights #11 and
#77 and United Airlines flights # 93 and #175.

IV. Henceforth, the tragedies of September 11, 2001 and
the ensuing anthrax attacks be related to as crimes
where motive, means and opportunity be considered and
appropriate criminal, civil and political penalties be
pursued commensurate with the preponderance of evidence
of perjury, treason, mass murder, and high crimes
against humanity, where appropriate.

V. An Independent International Truth Commission will
be quickly convened and empanelled to refute the
fabrications, falsifications, omissions, and
distortions of the Final Report of the National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United
Statesalso known as the Kean-Hamilton 9/11 Commission
Report, and to establish the evidentiary basis for a
truthful, objective, and accurate account of those
events that inflicted death and injury to citizens of
83 countries on September 11, 2001 and have been used
to justify an illegal war on a sovereign nation, Iraq,
and on Afghanistan.

       We, therefore, call upon statesmen, thinkers,
investigators, artists, scientists, jurists, academics,
humanitarians, religious leaders, activists and other
eminent personalities from around the world to form an
Independent International Truth Commission dedicated to
truth, accountability, re-examination of lost liberties
justified by the official story of 9/11 and further
intending to prevent unproven assertions about 9-11
from moving the world ever closer to “endless war”.
This Independent International Truth Commission should
be convened by the Los Angeles Citizens' Grand Jury on
9/11, the presenters to the Citizens’ Grand Jury, and
its conveners,, in collaboration with
concerned citizens around the world at various sites
internationally, as yet to be determined.

VI.  We the People, expressing as the Los Angeles
Citizens’ Grand Jury on 9/11, its Presenters and
Conveners, do hereby agree to re-convene to review
further sworn testimony and evidence to determine if
sufficient evidence exists of probable cause to indict
specific individuals of the crimes on and cover-up
surrounding September 11, 2001 and to publish its
findings; and do further hereby encourage Citizens’
Grand Juries to be formed throughout the world to
demand truth and accountability that will lead to
re-claiming liberties and stopping the “endless war on
terror” rationalized by the events of September 11,

The draft text of this indictment was presented and
agreed to by the Los Angeles Citizens’ Grand Jury on
October 23, 2004; modified in the spirit of
thoroughness and clarification from October 24-31, 2004
and approved by members of the Los Angeles Citizens’
Grand Jury, the Presenters and Conveners on or before
October 31, 2004.

Contact: Lynn Pentz (818) 784-3623


Message: 16
   Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 19:23:53 -0800 (PST)
   From: "m.e. onullder" <>
Subject: Uncovering the Hidden Elite Controllers & Hidden
Agendas-Who is George W. Bush?

Uncovering the HiddenElite Controllers & Hidden Agendas

Who is George W. Bush?


He grew up as a very rich child with powerful parents. He
partied from high school until he was 40 then went cold turkey
on drugs and alcohol. His business career was marked by
mediocrity or failure that nonetheless resulted making him
millions of dollars thanks to the political allies of his
father, who happened to be the US President. He was elected 46th
governor of Texas mostly because of his family name and his
dad’s cronies. He found God and became a Christian. Now, George
W. Bush is the 43rd president of the United States.

The Bush administration is a combination of Cold War warriors,
big business bureaucrats and ideologues, harvested from the
Ford, Nixon and Reagan governments. As veterans of past
Republican administrations their thinking reflects a bygone era,
particularly with respect to social policy, the environment and
nuclear defence. Many of Bush’s appointees are pals from his
days as Governor of Texas, or are members of influential insider
think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the
Centre for Strategic and International Studies. This article
provides a brief analysis of the key players in the ‘Bush team’,
their backgrounds, their policies and their likely agendas over
the next four years.

                President George Walker Bush

Bush’s name is a familiar one in the ranks of America’s top
leadership: George W. Bush is the oldest son of George Herbert
Walker Bush, the 41st president. The only other set of
father-son presidents came early in US history when John Quincy
Adams, son of the second president, John Adams, became the sixth
president in 1825. Bush Jr. attended Eastern elitist schools, in
this case Andover Prep, and Yale. According to a Newsweek
profile, he “went to Yale but seems to have majored in drinking
at the Deke House.” He became a member of the secretive Skull &
Bones society in 1968.

George W. Bush joins a recent parade of state governors (Carter,
Reagan, and Clinton) who have moved up to the highest office in
the country. Bush was elected Governor of Texas in 1994. He and
his brother Jeb Bush (elected in Florida in 1998) were the first
brothers to be simultaneous governors since the Rockefellers.
Before becoming Governor of Texas, George Bush was involved in
the Texan oil scene, where he founded an oil company, Arbusto
Energy, Inc. (Arbusto is the Spanish word for bush.) The company
floundered in the early 1980s when oil prices dropped. Fifty
investors, who were mainly family friends, sunk millions to help
bail the company out. Nearing collapse, Arbusto was purchased by
Spectrum 7 Energy Corporation in September 1984. Despite a poor
track record, the owners made Bush Jr. the president and gave
him 13.6% of the parent company’s stock.

The Spectrum 7 oil firm company was owned by two staunch
Reagan/Bush (dad was then vice president) supporters, who were
also involved with the Texas Rangers. After working on his
father’s successful 1988 presidential campaign, Bush assembled a
group of partners that purchased the Texas Rangers baseball
franchise in 1989. He sold his stake for $14.9 million – while
Texas governor. Not bad, considering his initial investment was
$600,000 of borrowed money. Speaking after the sale, Bush told
the Fort Worth Star-Telegram: “When it is all said and done, I
will have made more money than I ever dreamed I would make.”

In 1986, the Harken Energy Corporation bought Spectrum 7’s
180-well operation. In 1990, Harken Energy was granted a
contract to drill for oil off the coast of the Gulf state of
Bahrain, shunting aside the oil giant Amoco, even though the
company had no experience in offshore operations. Suggestions
that the Bahrain government was attempting to curry favour with
the US president, George Bush Snr, were denied.

A Harken Energy director was invited to participate in private
White House briefings on Middle East policy, and in May 1990
Harken learned that Washington was considering an oil embargo of

In June, Bush Jr. conveniently sold 212,000 of his Harken
shares, raking in more than $848,500. In August, US intelligence
agencies, in full propaganda mode, reported that Iraqi troops
had invaded Kuwait and the value of Harken’s shares dropped 25%.

During the 2000 presidential election campaign, various
allegations about Bush’s past misdemeanours surfaced. They
include: an alleged conviction for drunk driving; an allegation
that Bush halted investigation of a campaign contributor’s huge
funeral home company; that he pulled strings to avoid Vietnam
and got favourable treatment; and that he used drugs, then tried
to cover it up.

During his campaign, President-elect Bush made a big point of
travelling around the country and lecturing youngsters on
staying celibate, sober and drug free. At one thank-you banquet
for his campaign staff, Bush reportedly spoke to a lady, who by
a brief comment she made, indicated she was a Christian. She was
with her 16-year-old son. Bush asked the son if he was a
believer, too. When the son answered that he didn’t think so,
Bush asked “Do you mind if I tell you how I came to know Christ
as my Savior?” Bush then pulled up a chair and witnessed to the
boy for 30 minutes, even leading him in the sinner’s prayer.

And as governor of Texas, Bush attacked his predecessor for
allowing leniency toward first-time drug users, and pushed a no
tolerance policy that sent casual cocaine users to prison.
During his campaign, he proclaimed that drug users “need to know
that drug use has consequences.” In answer to questions about
drug use, Bush says it doesn’t matter what he did “in his
youth,” because the question is “have you grown up” and “have
you learned from your mistakes.”

The 43rd president of the US is an unwavering proponent of trade
liberalisation and a strong US military. Although he has pledged
to curtail the use of US military power for purposes short of
major wars, he is forging ahead with the US ballistic missile
defence shield, following in the hawkish footsteps of his
father. Shortly after his inauguration, George W. Bush told
reporters: “We will work to defend our people and our allies
against growing threats of missiles, information warfare, the
threats of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. We will
confront the new threats of a new century… we will begin
creating the military of the future – one that takes full
advantage of revolutionary new technologies. We will promote the
peace by redefining the way wars will be fought.”

During his presidential campaign, Bush worked to silence his
critics. Not since Richard Nixon has a major presidential
candidate been so quick to prevent the free speech of his
opponents. When asked about one critical web site, Bush told the
press, “There ought to be limits to freedom. We’re aware of this
site, and this guy is just a garbage man, that’s all he is.” His
campaign reportedly bought up over 200 anti-Bush domain names
including “” and “” before the
presidential election.

Colin Powell: Secretary of State

More- Elite Controllers & Hidden Agendas


Message: 17
   Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 18:03:40 -0800
   From: "t r u t h o u t" <>
Subject: FOCUS: MSNBC Vote Fraud Video (Must See)

FOCUS: MSNBC Vote Fraud Video (Must See)


Message: 18
   Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 19:27:04 -0800 (PST)
   From: "m.e. onullder" <>


Extracted from:
The Soviet UFO Files
Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain.
By Paul Stonehill
Director of the Russian Ufology Center

Unidentified Flying Objects UFOs - have been sighted over the
territory we know today as Russia since the days of antiquity.
For centuries people have seen objects in the sky that they
could not identify, and many of them have recorded sightings,
which could not be explained away as meteors, planets, stars, or
weather balloons.

Some of the most interesting information concerning UFO
sightings is still locked away in the secret archives of the
state. Occasionally, the guarded vaults do open up, either by
the passing of history or chance, and information leaks out.
Recently declassified documents of the Russian Ministry of the
Interior, dating back to the beginning of the 19th century,
reveal some interesting UFO sightings from the Russian Empire.

Among them is a very unusual report to the Tsar from his Third
Department of the Chancellery (the former title of the secret
police). The report describes certain extraordinary light
effects observed in the sky by the inhabitants of the city of
Orenburg, and corroborated by the police and military, during
the night of December 26,1830. Other reports mention the
appearance of UFOs over Ustyug on January 30, 1844, as well as
sightings from 1846 and 1847.

Secret files aside, the Russian history of UFO sightings dates
back thousands of years. In the Russian north, near the Arctic
Circle, there are ancient stone monuments that were reputedly
built at the same time as Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids.

Smaller in size, the spiral "labyrinths" of the White Sea are no
less enigmatic. They can be found on the Solovetski Islands, and
throughout the area known as the Tersk Shores in the southern
portion of the Kola Peninsula. One of the labyrinths lies near
the ancient Umba, near the Lesnoi settlement. UFOs have
frequently been sighted over the area by the Saami hunters
(reindeer-breeders and descendants of ancient nomadic tribes).
Similar double-spiral labyrinths have been found throughout the
ancient world, in Egypt, China, and Scandinavia; even more
amazing is the fact that the same labyrinths were depicted on
ancient Minoan coins! As we shall see, Russia is very similar to
that labyrinth: full of secrets, enigmas, and mysteries.


In AD 904, the Russian Prince Oleg began his campaign against
the Greeks. He marched out of Kiev in the direction of
Constantinople, with a huge force of men, pushing on by horse,
ship, and, apparently, "flying apparatuses." Upon his arrival
Oleg discovered that the Greeks had fortified the strait and
closed up their city. Oleg disembarked upon the shore and
ordered his troops to beach the ships.

The resultant battle with the Greeks raged for many weeks,
becoming too prolonged for Oleg's taste. In the hope of inducing
a swift conclusion he commanded his troops to make wheels, which
they attached to the ships. When the wind was favorable, they
spread the sails and bore down upon the city from the open
country. According to the chronicles, the Russians launched
"horses" into the air that were well equipped and "colored
golden." From these the warriors threw fiery arrows at

However, to ascend into the air for the purpose of destroying a
city the Russians would have to have been in possession of a
level of technology that they definitely did not possess in AD
904. Where did the Russians borrow such horses? Who was
interested in aiding them to conquer Constantinople? The
emperors Leo and Alexander both made peace with Oleg, and after
agreeing to pay the tribute and mutually binding themselves by
oath, they kissed the cross. They invited Prince Oleg and his
men to swear an oath likewise. According to the religion of the
Russians, the victors swore by their weapons and by their deity
Perun, as well by Volos, the god of cattle, and thus confirmed
the treaty. His people called Oleg "the wise." He was still a
pagan ruler, but one that apparently had powerful friends.

Another curious manuscript that reveals the existence of UFOs in
ancient Russia was discovered in Kazan University, and
researched by Moscow historian, M.D. Strunina.

The manuscript tells the story of a boy named Yasha, who, while
collecting berries one day in the forest, suddenly encountered a
stranger, clad in white clothes, next to him. The stranger
introduced himself as Timofei, and placed Yasha in a giant
"copper cauldron," from where some unknown force ascended them
both to Heaven. Yasha spent three years there. Timofei taught
him different sciences, as well as "magic." Then the boy was
returned to Earth, in the same "cauldron," at the same spot in
the forest. Timofei gave him two coins as a present, one golden,
the other made of silver. Researchers have made comparisons
between folk tales and contemporary knowledge.


In AD 921, the Caliph of Baghdad, Al-Muktadir, sent Ibn Fadlan,
an Arabian chronicler, with an embassy to the King of the
Bulgars of the Middle Volga. Ibn Fadlan wrote an account of his
journeys with the embassy. According to this account, during the
very first night spent in the palace of the Bulgar king, Ibn
Fadlan witnessed very strange celestial phenomena.

Just before sunset, the horizon became bright red, and from
above came a deafening low rumble. Ibn Fadlan raised his eyes to
the sky and saw two fiery-reddish clouds moving above him, which
continued to merge and then separate during the course of the
sighting. The chronicler described incredibly vivid human - and
horse-like shapes inside the clouds. He also saw weapons in the
arms of the beings within the clouds as if they were engaged in
a battle.

The Arabs were terrified by these incredible phenomena and knelt
down in prayer, but the Bulgars explained the "riders in the
sky" as Jinni (in Moslem legends, a supernatural being who can
take human or animal form and influence human affairs); the
"faithful" ones against the "unfaithful".

Were the "horses" observed by Ibn Fadlan and his companions the
same ones that came to the aid of Prince Oleg in his battle to
conquer Constantinople some 15 years before?


The Robozero sighting is the most famous UFO case in the history
of ancient Russia. Yuri Roszius and other Russian researchers of
paranormal phenomena have studied it extensively. The event
occurred "in the year 171" (that is, the year 7171 from "the
creation of the world") which corresponds to the year 1663. The
details of this amazing and enigmatic event have been preserved
because of the efforts of the Archeological Commission.

It published a collection of its historical acts in 1842, among
which was an authentic 17th century document signed by Ivan
(Ivashko) Rzhevsky, a "laborer," in which he bore witness to a
remarkable event. According to Rzhevsky's testimony, on August
15, 1663, between 10:00AM and noon, a "great noise" resounded
over Robozero Lake (located in the Vologda Region, about 80
miles southwest of Belozersk). From the north, out of a clear
sky, appeared a huge flaming sphere not less than 130 feet in
diameter. From its fore-part emitted two "flame" beams, about
"20 sazhens ahead of it" (a sazhen is about seven feet). From
its sides poured bluish smoke. This huge ball of fire, its
height like that of a modern 15-story building, hovered over the
lake. The phenomenon was observed by a multitude of people who
had gathered for mass at the parish church, situated on the lake

The "great noise" occurred just as the thanksgiving singing had
begun. Terrified by this noise, the people emerged from the
church, but upon seeing the "frightful sight" they went back
into the church and "prayed to the Lord and the Virgin Mary with
tears and weeping." Shortly afterwards "the great flame and the
two smaller ones vanished," but it reappeared on two or three
more occasions, moving in a westward direction (seemingly
becoming brighter each time) before finally dimming and
disappearing from view a full hour and a half later. Peasants
were sailing in a boat on the lake at the time, but the
scorching heat forced them to the bank. They saw that light from
the unknown object had penetrated the water and reached the
bottom of the lake-"about four sazhens down" (28 feet). They saw
"fish fleeing from the flame toward the shore."

Rzhevsky's story was corroborated by another eyewitness, a
peasant by the name of Levko Fedorov, and he also received
written confirmation from the local priests that "such a token
was observed on that date." Only then did Rzhevsky report the
occurrence to his superiors. However, despite providing a
detailed description of the phenomenon, Rzhevsky does not offer
any subjective interpretation of it. Others have tried to
interpret the Robozero phenomenon. Russian astronomer D.
Svyatski, in his book "Astronomical Phenomena in Russian
Chronicles," claims that the eyewitnesses saw pieces of a
meteorite that flew apart after an explosion - but this does not
account for the sighting of the people in the boat approaching a
hovering body? Others have tried to explain it as ball
lightning-but there was no storm or rain that day. The life span
of lightning is short. Its diameter is no more than three
feet-certainly not 130 feet.

Yuri Roszius analyzed Rzhevsky's report and came up with a fresh
interpretation of the sighting. His detailed analysis included
the study of one interesting episode related by eyewitnesses.
The document notes a change in the outer appearance of the
object: an increase in its brightness when it came into view for
the third time. For some reason this change preceded the start
of the object's progressive movement westward. In modern times,
such an increase in brightness could be attributed to the
firing-up of cruise engines (an increase in its thrust). Is it
by chance that the object's brightness increased before its

Mankind did not possess such advanced technology then, but it is
feasible that the population of Robozero was being observed by
an alien civilization. To this day no known scientific theory
has explained the phenomenon.


Russian researcher Valentin Krapiva has compiled a series of UFO
sightings from antiquity that appear in the Russian chronicles.
In 1028 there was a serpent-like sign in the sky, so big that it
could be seen throughout the Russian lands. It terrified the
natives who fled in terror. The UFO hovered ominously for over
two days.


In the Russian Far Fast, an area of frequent UFO activity
throughout history, a fiery pillar appeared from the ground and
rose several miles into the sky Lightning lit all around the
pillar, and it was accompanied by a thunderous noise. The locals
believed it to be a sign from God.

1317 TVER

In December 1317 a strange circular UFO plagued the city of Tver
for over a week, before eventually moving northward and out of
sight. The circle, which was bright green and emitted a
pulsating red glow at its center produced three rays: two
pointed eastward, and one westward.


During the course of January, at night over most areas of Russia
numerous witnesses observed "fiery pillars," similar to those
sighted in 1111, that extended from the ground toward the sky
Some people also sighted a "heavenly arc." Yet others saw
horse-like flying entities, equipped with "lanterns."


Three objects appeared in the sky on June 14, 1403. They were
"sun-like," and they emitted blue, green, and crimson rays. They
formed a pattern that was something "like an arc." The last
object was cross-like, great in size, and it appeared to remain,
pulsating, at the heart of the moon. It hovered there for over
an hour before disappearing.


A giant bright, spherical object flew over St. Petersburg on
July 30, 1880. The UFO was accompanied by two identical craft,
only smaller in size. The flight of the UFOs was noiseless, and
they were observed over the city for three minutes

Do you Yahoo!?
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page.

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 19
   Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 19:37:29 -0800 (PST)
   From: "m.e. onullder" <>
Subject: It All Started In Waco

It All Started In WacoFrom Israel Shamir


Dear friends,

Here is an interesting and important piece on the subject that
refuses to die: the Waco tragedy. Men, women and children
surrounded by ruthless gunmen sent by the state - this image was
brought forth during the

Zionist siege of Nativity Church, and now again, when the
Mammonites besiege Baghdad. This piece is written by Tom
Mysiewicz, an American journalist who tripped on the
'do-not-mention-Jews-but-as-martyrs-and-saints' third rail in
1993, and found himself homeless, wifeless, destitute in the
wilderness of Oregon. Still, he survived, and came back to
writing. The commentary is written by Dr Henry Lindner, an
inquisitive mind. It appeared on

Togethernet, our no-censorship discussion group. (You can
subscribe to it by writing to


Israel Shamir

It All Started In Waco
By Tom Mysiewicz

Few overseas may realize it, but the prototype of the current
war-disinformation campaign was tested in the U.S. in 1993. And
it worked.

Look for a replay in Iraq.

1993...a curious year in the U.S...the first attack on the World
Trade Center, the attack by Federal authorities on a religious
group in Waco, Texas (near the ranch of George W. Bush), and--of
minor import--the year I was run out of the journalism business.

The massacre of nearly 100 men, women and children of the Branch
Davidian Sect (an offshoot of the Seventh Day Adventist Church)
in Waco reportedly started with a complaint to the U.S. Justice
Department by the ADL-related Cult Awareness Network.

At once, the new concept of "embedded" journalism was put into

Journalists were segregated and kept apart from the action on a
so-called "carnival hill"--too far away to really see what was
going on. These reporters dutifully reported what they were told
at government press conferences and virtually no mainstream
media voices contradicted them.

Part of this was due to the fact that Bill Clinton was
president, and many Democratic reporters felt a need to be loyal
to their party, and part was due to the increasing corporate
centralization of media control. Among the accusations howled
daily by this crowd--ALL of which later turned out to be false:

*David Koresh was a polygamist and child molester

*Children had been molested at the church (previously ruled out
by Texas officials)

*A substantial tunnel network existed on church property

*Koresh had .50-Cal. machine guns

*Koresh had .50-Cal. armor-piercing ammunition

*Koresh had either biological or chemical weapons

*Koresh planned to overthrow the U.S. Government

(Some decent conservatives termed this as "demonization".)

After passing several opportunities to peacefully arrest the
"cult" leader, the Feds launched a 300-man shooting assault on
the church, including 20-mm cannon fire from a helicopter.
Koresh was wounded and several Federal agents were shot,
although it has been argued that the killings were from friendly
crossfire. A 51-day siege of the church (now termed a
"compound") was launched. Razor wire was strung around the
church, loud music and lights were put on every night, power and
water were cut off, food was denied those inside, and Red Cross
representatives were not allowed inside to check on the welfare
of the children.

While constantly reassuring Americans through the "embedded"
reporters that the situation would be resolved peacefully, and
even allowing some of the children to have milk and eventually
allowing a small number of Davidians to come out (these were
later given stiff Federal prison sentences, despite assurances
to the contrary, and defense experts mysteriously died while
preparing vital defense evidence)the Federales apparently had
other ideas.

After about a month, I recall my wife telling me--after she had
heard that others trying to leave the church and surrender had
been driven back by stun grenades and gunfire--"they're going to
kill those people."

"No way," I replied. After all, the "embedded" reporters said
all Koresh wanted to do was to make a prophesy and unlock a "key
to scripture" and he would come out.

Well, my wife was right. One day (well before the deadline
Koresh had been given) there was a massive assault with armored
cars and Delta Forces. The rest is history. Most of the church
members were either burned to death or shot at close range. Only
a few survived, and these were jailed also.

I am constantly reminded of Waco when I hear the current stream
of cynical outright lies about prisoner shootings, uprisings and
the like in Iraq. True, Saddam Hussein may be a bad man to some,
but how many leaders could resist using "weapons of mass
destruction" (if they actually had them) when two thirds of
their country was in the hands of an invading force? The
"embedded" reporters say Saddam has got to be the most evil man
that ever existed--just like David Koresh was briefly. Koresh
and Saddam were both wounded in the initial attack. I'm only
afraid we may get the same ending in Baghdad.


From: "Henry Lindner"
Subject: Why Waco?


Tom's piece got me doing some research. Below are some pieces
that I've found on the web that help to give some background and
meaning to the US Gov't attack on the Branch Davidians in Waco
in 1993. I was still a part of the Matrix in 1993 and had no
idea what was happening.

It All Started In Waco


Message: 21
   Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 21:13:35 -0800 (PST)
   From: "S.T.Ill Freeman"
Subject: Message from Hitler's Granddaughter??!

The Webfairy <webfairy@t...>
Date:  Thu Nov 11, 2004  5:35 pm
Subject:  Message from Hitler's Granddaughter??!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [BATR] Message sent to redirect email address
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 22:25:07 -0000
From: SARTRE <BATRgroup@f...>

Guess Halloween lasts longer this year. Who's brave enough to


Valerie Summers LittyLid@y...

I am Hitlers granddaughter. The future of America is a stake.
of the conditions of my birth 6/6/51, which is a 666 day, and
of my bloodline which is known as the top satanic bloodline in
world, World War III was planned around me even though I have no
tendency towards crime or war.

Hitler was a Satanist. I am not. Under a Satanic system, Hitler
was a

Letters in "Hitler" add up to 666

H /107 I /108 T /119 L /111 E /104
R /117 107 + 108 + 119 + 111 104 + 117/ 666.

The Strange, Mysterious Eternal Allure Of Adolf Hitler
Author Unknown

His goal was to institute Satans One World Order plan in
defiance of
Gods plan. Hitlers energy is still on earth because he invented
a 666
computer that uses artificial intelligence, and has the mind of
Hitler, to work in his absence. The Rothschilds family manages
Hitler agenda in his absence, but they are criminally insane
which is
why the world is in such disarray.

Because of the conditions of my birth, I have had access to the
chambers of the world elite who planned the one world government
HAS overthrown America. (Details are documented on my website:

I was being framed for what turned out to be 9-11, and I
the planned terrorism in 2000 in a letter to Janet Reno. (The
is on my website.) There are references to airplane crashes in
International Criminal Court complaint on my site.

I live in San Diego, and if you recall, several of the
lived here, and had an FBI informant living with them.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that 9-11 was an inside job
Bill Clinton and both George Bushes being active conspirators.

Stanley Hilton, a top official who worked for former
candidate Bob Dole, has also documented the inside connection.

Audio Interview with Stanley Hilton

The Hilton Lawsuit:

I was a public school teacher for over twenty years, and I did
the version of history that all Americans have been taught, and
I did
believe it. It was not until I uncovered a plot to murder many,
blame me for the crimes that I began to study history under a
light. What I discovered is that all American textbooks are
but propaganda tools for the New World Order (NWO).

Both World Wars were planned events, and Americans were tricked
supporting them.

Three World Wars are planned. We are presently in World War III.

Books on the topic

New World Order by Ralph Epperson

Unseen Hand by Ralph Epperson

Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs

For example, lets take Hitler and what we have all been taught
him versus what I have discovered to be the truth:

Hitler WAS one-eighth Jewish. What most people do not know is
WHO his
Jewish relatives were. Hitler was a Rothschild. I am a
Rothschild as
well. The Rothschilds are the international banking family who
made their fortune by planning and conducting wars through stool
pigeon politicians. Hitler turned against them because they used
German Jews to destroy the German economy. He had them murdered
because they were Rothschild agents whether they knew it or not.
does not excuse his behavior, but it offers insight into how
War II began.

Was Hitler a Rothschild?

Illuminati Pawn Hitler Didn't Want War

Makow - Did Rothschild Write The Protocols Of Zion?
Lucifer Triumphant, Mankind Enslaved
By Henry Makow PhD

Because of my bloodline, I am in contact with the Rothshcilds,
have learned their plans. In my dealings with them, I have
their coded language, and have been able to prevent genocide on
grand scale. They plan to depopulate the world by 90%.

The planet does not have enough food, water, or oil to sustain
global population for more than 25 years.

The Rothschilds always plan ahead. They planned the three World
in the 1700s.

In 1999 and 2000 they had planned to annihilate 250 million
Americans. I was able to thwart that plan, but unless all
defend their homeland, Americans are in grave danger.

Thirst for Justice

Concentration Camps in America

The Coming American Holocaust

The Rothschilds have controlled American politics since the
assassination which they orchestrated.

They choose our political candidates by controlling the money.

Since they plan ahead, they have already chosen the two
candidates for 2008. They are Hillary Clinton DEMOCRAT, and
Schwarzenegger, REPUBLICAN.

Hillary Clinton is a mass murderer Marxist-terrorist whose
I have documented on my website.

Hillary 2008 Already in Gear

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the meglomaniac son of a Nazi killer
and has
proven to be his fathers son.

Both Arnold and Hillary are committed to the destruction of
and the slaughter of Americans.

It is time to take back America. Since they have begun their
for the next election, it is time to fight fire with fire and
to plan for the next election as well.

Big plans begin with small actions.

What can you do?

Since most politicians and both major political parties are
controlled by the genocidal monsters, it is imperative that
abandon en masse BOTH parties to break the stranglehold.

America 2004 is Germany 1930:

1. If you are a Democrat or Republican, change your registration
Independent, Libertarian, America First, Green Party, or another
party. If you are not registered, register as an Independent,
Libertarian, or other party.

2. Organize to eliminate computerized voting which is designed
throwing elections. Demand that your community require
for everyone at the polls. Do not allow your state to issue
licenses and other identification to non-citizens. I can drive
Mexico without a Mexican license, why cant non-citizens drive
their drivers license from their home country?

Votergate Movie:

Evote Articles:
Diebold CEO in Ohio 'Committed to Delivering Election to Bush'

Illegal Immigration experts

Videos: Immigration: Threatening the Bonds Of Our Union
Part I
Part II -- Treachery and Treason in America
Part III -- Conquest of Aztlan
The Mexican ID Attack

3. Get involved in solving the illegal immigration problem which
an organized movement to divide and conquer. La Raza, for
has the stated goal to take back American states and return them
Mexico. Politicians who refuse to fight illegal immigration are
stooges who want American jobs out sourced and American jobs to
replaced by illegals because the NWO plan includes turning over
jobs to corporations which they control. Slave labor is the
Bush Wants To Legalize MILLIONS Of Illegal Aliens -Powell

4. Get informed. My website contains a wealth of information,
and the
website book list is a recommended reading list. Commit a half-
to one hour a day to learning about the conspiracy. One book can
passed around to an entire neighborhood. If everyone bought one
entire libraries can be created overnight.

5. Organize community meetings, using your Neighborhood watch
networks. Hold block parties to plan how you will combat the
law that is planned. Other topics to plan: Efforts to recall
politicians who support illegal immigration or NWO agenda. One
that is successful is the model used by the John and Ken Show on
out of Los Angeles. It is called Political Human Sacrifice.
someone can study how they organized their radio warfare. They
have a website.

6. Realize that the media does not tell the truth because they
corporations owned by agents of the Rothschilds and begin to
establish networks to get the truth out to your neighbors.

The Control of the American News Media

7. Identify homegrown candidates to replace the compromised
politicians, and begin to create a network whereby you are not
obligated to raise and spend millions of millions of dollars
that go
into the hands of corporations only to deliver preselected
politicians to steal from you and your children.

Election cost $1.2 billion:

8. Distribute this email to at least 25 other people, and ask
recipients to distribute to at least 25 other people. If you do
know 25 people on the web, do a search for people who live in
state, and email it to your fellow statesmen.

Americans, does Awe Dude! represent you?

Or does this represent you?


Valerie Summers

Overthrow of America: The Hitler Plot


(NOTE: Zionists have nothing to do with traditional Mosaic Jugahism... 
are to Israel what the Illuminati are to America... and like in America 
must be resisted by the Jewish people, because the Zionists believe in the 
TALMUD, and not the TORAH!!!

Message: 24
   Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 21:35:54 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Israeli Police to raise alert to 'war level'

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Former Russian Chess Champ Kasparov Tells West Not to Ignore
Putin’s “March to Dictatorship”
Under President Vladimir Putin Russia is going to turn into an
authoritarian state, ex-world chess champion Garry Kasparov said
on Thursday.


Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 5:45 PM
Subject: Israeli Police to raise alert to 'war level'

Freedom America NOW E-List - News and Views >From New Babylon
The beast is loose in Bethlehem and the rats are in the corn.
Look up... for your redemption draweth nigh!
++++++Jesus Christ is the Answer, Check it out.++++++

Police to raise alert to 'war level'

Israel Police prepared to hit the highest level of alert–
essentially signifying a state of war - Thursday night, as
preparations for Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's
funeral continued in Cairo and Ramallah.
Police said that at 6 a.m. Friday the force will go on Operation
Alert Level D – the last time used two years ago prior to
America's invasion of Iraq and following threats made by Saddam
Hussein that he will launch missiles against Israel.
Under the new alert level, all members of the Israel Police will
be called up for active duty, including cadets and policemen
currently on vacation.
Police said that their biggest concern is that the tens of
thousands of Palestinians who flock to mosques for prayers on
the last Friday of Ramadan will begin to riot and may attempt to
breach military checkpoints and enter Israel.
Arafat's funeral is scheduled to take place at around the same
time that Palestinian worshippers flock to the Temple Mount and
other mosques for prayers.
On Thursday police raised the level of alert to level C. One
scenario police have discussed is the possibility that thousands
of Palestinians will grab Arafat's body and begin to march
towards Jerusalem for burial on the Temple Mount.
Senior police officers said they have given orders to officers
in the field to "give Palestinians room and to try to avoid
confronting with them when it is not necessary."
Police chief Insp.-Gen. Moshe Karadi ordered district commanders
to step up security operations and to increase police presence
in heavily-populated areas with an emphasis on Jerusalem and its
The Prisons Service also went on high alert and special elite
units were deployed to different security detention centers to
prepare for possible riots among the some 4,000 Palestinian
security prisoners held in Israeli jails. Guards were ordered to
avoid contact with the prisoners and to give them room to mourn
their leader.
Internal Security Ministry Gideon Ezra cut short a trip in
Europe to return to Israel to oversee police preparations for
Arafat's funeral.
Meanwhile Thursday, a group of settlers from northern Samaria
were detained for questioning after they allegedly punctured the
tires of Palestinian vehicles near the village of Silat A-Dahar.
No one was injured in the incident.
"There are men – now in power in this country – who do not
respect dissent,
who cannot cope with turmoil, and who believe that the people of
America are ready to support repression as long as it is
done with a quiet voice and a business suit."
..Former New York Mayor John V. Lindsay

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
..Josef Stalin (1879-1953) Communist leader of the USSR



The Americans are Trapped! Mujahideen Have Them Exactly Where
They Want Them!
By: dit on: 11.11.2004 [04:55 ] (974 reads)

The plan was successful; the Americans are now on the two roads
just where the Mujahideen wanted them to be. The Mujahideen are
currently controlling 70% of the city, not the Americans, as
mainstream news is reporting.

In news just in, the tactical decision taken by the Mujahideen
to open up two roads leading to the city centre has turned out
to be very effective.

According to sources close to the Mujahideen, as a result of
heavy shelling on civilian neighborhoods all around the
perimeters of the city, a decision was made to move the battle
into the center of town by opening two main roads that lead into
Fallujah central.

The first road opened was “Nisan 7", which is 17 -20 meters wide
and stretches from the rail network north of Fallujah, passes by
the Al-Mualimeen zone, on to Nisan 7 to Al-Forqan Mosque and
ends in the Al-Shuhada neighborhood. The second road opened was
“Tharthar Street”, which is 15 -18 meters wide extends from
railway station, from where the Americans are handling forward
control, passes through the Al-Ghuaifi neighborhood and ends at
Officers neighborhood. After opening the two roads, Mujahideen
made a tactical withdrawal from! the city’s perimeters to permit
the Americans to enter the two roads. The plan was successful;
the Americans are now on the two roads just where the Mujahideen
wanted them to be.

The Mujahideen are currently controlling 70% of the city, not
the Americans, as mainstream news is reporting.

As of this filing, fierce fighting is now underway in the
Al-Shuhada neighborhood, with the Mujahideen having retaken
Al-Ghuaifi, Al-Mualimeen, and Al-Askari neighborhoods. American
snipers are now absent except on some roof tops on the two main

According to Mujahideen sources and first reported by Quds
Press, the Al-Golan, Al-Mualimeen, and Officers neighborhoods
have now been completely cleared of occupations forces and Iraqi
flags have been erected on buildings in these areas. (JUS)

(Oh GOD!  I'm going to be SICK!!!  I can just see this SETUP
NOW... The phony TALMUDic Israelis are going to come 'RESCUE'
our kids that THEY SETUP for MURDER!!!  I don't want our kids to
die for sure, but I sure as HELL don't want Amerika FOOLED some
more by these SATANISTs we've sent laser guided bombs to!  I can
just hear the phony 'christian' evangelists now...

It's either this, or Satan boy Bush Jr. HAS led our kids into a
TRAP others thought he would!

Either way... NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS!!!)

Created: Wednesday, November 10, 2004, at 15:58:54 EST
Do you believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding

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>FOCUS: MSNBC Vote Fraud Video (Must See)


----- Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 6:11 PM
Subject: Caller tells of World Trade Center gold movement on
morning of 9-11

From: (Mark Andrews)
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2004


On the morning of September 11, 2001, there were $167 billion
dollars in gold bars in  Federal Reserve vaults in the basement
of the World Trade Center.

Since the destruction of the twin towers, there has been much
speculation as to what might have become of all of the gold.

A female caller to the Bill Bochiers radio program on WLW,
Cincinnati (11-06-04) told of a report from her friend who
worked at the WTC. The friend said that on the morning of 9-11
she was on her way to her job at the World Trade Center, along
the route she normally took. As she turned a corner at the base
of the Center, she saw two large flat bed trucks parked at one
of the entrances. One of the trucks had already been loaded and
had its contents covered by a large tarp. The second truck was
in the process of having its bed  loaded with stacks of solid
gold bars.

Both sides of the street were lined by black uniformed troops
with machine guns who kept an eye on the operation and on the
surrounding area.

The bewildered woman kept a distance from the activity and
watched as the second truck was loaded, and its contents covered
with a tarp. The two trucks were then driven away with the
soldiers traveling along as escort.

The woman was so stunned by what she had seen that she turned
around and did not report to work that morning, which, as it
turned out, most probably saved her life when the  towers were
attacked and destroyed only about an hour later.



Freedom America NOW E-List - News and Views >From New Babylon
The beast is loose in Bethlehem and the rats are in the corn.
Look up... for your redemption draweth nigh!
++++++Jesus Christ is the Answer, Check it out.++++++,2933,132056,00.html

Privacy Experts Shun Black Boxes

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos

WASHINGTON — Some safety and privacy experts are reacting with
apprehension, others with all out condemnation over a recent
ruling by the National Transportation Safety Board (search) to
require electronic data recorders or "black boxes" in all new
cars manufactured in the United States.

"I take offense that this personal property of individuals is
now being designed by the federal government," said Jim Harper,
privacy attorney and editor of

Black boxes (search), or "EDRs" have been fitted into every
General Motors car in its 2004 line and is in a number of Ford
models — about 15 percent of all vehicles on the road today,
according to road safety experts.

EDRs are certainly not new. Information gathered on black boxes
— typically everything from speed, brake pressure, seat belt use
and air bag deployment — has already been used in determining
guilt in criminal and civil cases across the country.

Proponents, including the NTSB and road safety advocates, say
the data collected on these black boxes is valuable for studying
how accidents happen and how to make roads and cars safer. EDR
data has been used for years to fine tune air bag efficiency.
"There are men – now in power in this country – who do not
respect dissent,
who cannot cope with turmoil, and who believe that the people of
America are ready to support repression as long as it is
done with a quiet voice and a business suit."
..Former New York Mayor John V. Lindsay

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
..Josef Stalin (1879-1953) Communist leader of the USSR



Published: Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Bylined to: Reporters

Venezuela and Colombia may build oil pipeline to Pacific to
supply China

Bloomberg is reporting that Venezuela and Colombia may build a
pipeline to the latter's Pacific coast to supply oil to the
People's Republic of China.

They are also expected to discuss how to improve security on the
2,200-kilometer Venezuela-Colombia border after an incident in
September in which six Venezuelan soldiers and an oil company
employee were killed.  The incident prompted Venezuela to order
33 helicopters from Russia to guard the border.

Bloomberg says: Colombia and Venezuela will set aside border
conflicts today as their two presidents consider strengthening
economic ties, including construction of an oil pipeline that
would help Venezuela diversify export markets.

Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and his Venezuelan counterpart,
Hugo Chavez, will discuss a plan to connect Maracaibo in
Venezuela to the province of Choco, about 1,000 kilometers (625
miles) to the west on Colombia's Pacific coast, said Julio Cesar
Vera, a Colombian Mines Ministry official.

The proposal would make it possible for Venezuela to shift
exports away from the US, the buyer of more than 60% of
Venezuela's crude oil, by offering a route other than the Panama
Canal ... which can't accommodate the biggest tankers ...
according to Vera, who is in charge of oil policy at the
ministry in Bogota.  "This would allow Venezuela to connect with
Asia without using the Panama Canal ... Asian investors, mainly
China, have expressed interest in it.''

The proposed pipeline from Maracaibo to Choco would help develop
Colombia's Pacific coast in addition to making it easier for
Venezuela to sell oil to China, said Rangel.

"For Colombia this is an opportunity to develop the Choco and
outlets to the Pacific which are very scarce and poorly
developed,'' says Alfredo Rangel, executive director of the
Bogota-based security & foreign affairs research firm Fundacion
Seguridad y Democracia. "Colombia and Venezuela have very
paradoxical and ambiguous relations; economically they are very
integrated, but they share a border with many problems.''

Discussions to improve trade and economic cooperation are on the
agenda for the one-day meeting in Cartagena (Colombia) which
mark a shift for both countries, whose relations have been
marred in recent months by cross-border incursions of Colombian
insurgents and paramilitaries.  The Presidents will probably
also discuss how to improve security on their common border
according to Mauricio Baquero, head of the Americas department
of the Colombian Foreign Ministry.

Colombian exports to Venezuela ... its second largest trading
partner after the US ... surged to US$906 million in August from
$385 million in the same month a year earlier, while imports
from Venezuela jumped to $640 million from $446 million,
according to government figures.

Ivan Orellana, Venezuela's governor to the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said in an October 5
interview in Caracas that Venezuela would be willing to pay a
higher cost to ship oil to China ... where demand is soaring ...
to help it diversify oil supplies away from the US market. "This
makes lots of sense as the biggest growing markets are China and
Japan,'' said Hernando Vasquez, president of Bogota- based
oil-services company FEPCO.  Shao Ying-hun, commercial attache
at China's embassy in Bogota, said in a telephone interview that
Chinese companies had been approached for the project. She
declined to give any details.

Chinese oil demand is expected to increase 15% this year,
according top the International Energy Agency. China and the US
together account for a third of the world's oil consumption.
Nevertheless, attacks by Colombia's insurgents and paramilitary
groups might impede the project while China may find oil imports
from Russia or Indonesia more economical, according to Tim
Evans, senior energy analyst at IFR Markets in New York.
"Realistically, for better or for worse, the US and Venezuela
are going to be married ... it can be a good marriage or a bad

The US imported about 1.5 million barrels a day (bpd) from
Venezuela in the first seven months of this year, according to
the US Energy Department. State-run oil company Petroleos de
Venezuela said last month that Venezuela ships about 2.7 million
barrels of crude and petroleum products a day.

In Cartagena, Chavez (50) and Uribe may also agree on terms to
build a $170 million, 105-kilometer natural gas pipeline that
will allow Colombia to export gas to western Venezuela, where a
there's a shortage of the fuel, Colombia's state oil company
said in a statement on October 21. The two leaders signed a
preliminary accord on the project at their last meeting in July.
The pipeline would eventually allow Venezuela, South America's
biggest natural gas producer, to export gas to Colombia and
Central America once Venezuela has built pipelines from the
western part of the country to its main gas reserves in the
eastern part of the country.

Uribe (52) and his Panamanian counterpart, Martin Torrijos,
agreed on November 1 to extend Colombia's gas pipeline network
to Panama in a move that would allow Venezuela to eventually
export gas to Panama, Central America and Mexico under the
so-called Panama-Puebla plan.

Caller tells of World Trade Center gold movement on morning of


(Again, Fritz like Mark Koernke was SETUP AND IMPRISONED for
their work AGAINST the globalists.  Fritz has written MUCH on
the subject of MK-Ultra type CIA 'mind control' and his work
alerted myself and others to the 'TRIGGERS' in "The Matrix"
NOT cooincidentally, daddy SATAN boy Bush was the head of the
CIA and NOT cooincidentally having dinner with 'MANCHURIAN
CANDIDATE"  Hinkley Jr.'s brother the night before Reagan's
'assasination' attempt.
NOTHING is beyond Bush SENIORS's ambitions!)


From: Billy-Joe..Mauldin
To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 7:54 PM
Subject: Liberty survivors

Mystery Solved
For years, Liberty survivors and researchers have sought to
learn why
Israeli gun camera photography presented by Thames, Ltd.,
television and
apologist Jay Cristol on the cover of his book is blurry with
details obscured. In fact, typical gun camera photos tend to be
sharp. Why is this one so blurry, and what is the large white
area near
the starboard bow? The ship took no large hits in that area, so
it cannot
be explained as an explosion.
Forensic analyst Ken Halliwell has answered the questions. The
displayed by Cristol and others as "proof that the ship flew no
flag" is
in fact a doctored view of the ship just as she tied up at the
pier at
Little Creek, Virginia, in July, 1967, upon her return from
repairs in

A close look at the two photos, with matching points circled by
Halliwell, reveals that they are in fact almost the same picture
-- but
the "gun camera" view has been doctored to hide the flag and
identifying marks. If a viewer will look carefully, the American
flag is
flying from the stern in both pictures. Flags fly from a Navy
stern only in port; the flag flies from the mainmast at sea.
This is a
picture taken in port in July, not taken during the attack as
claimed by
the Israelis. It cannot possibly be a gun camera photo taken
during the
attack as the Israelis claim. If you look carefully, identical
groups of
men can be seen standing in identical places on the ship in both
The white "splash" on the starboard bow is a doctored image of
the tug
boat that help Liberty move to the pier at Little Creek.

Upon close inspection, one can also see in the fake gun camera
photo that
the ship is floating high in the water. When the ship was
attacked, it
was heavily loaded and floating low in the water. The docking
photo shows
the ship lightly loaded and floating high after having just
completed a
crossing of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean sea -- the
height as shown in the fake gun camera photo.

A close examination of the bow wave shows that this is also
faked. Since
the image used as "gun camera photograpy" was actually of the
alongside the pier at Little Creek, it was necessary to create a
fake bow
wave to sustain the illusion of movement. This can be seen
clearly if one
compares the fake bow wave with a bow wave of a similar ship

Clearly the "gun camera" photo is a fake.

Innocent people do not need to doctor evidence.

Click here to see the comparison.

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Message: 25
   Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 20:21:32 -0800 (PST)
   From: Pale Horse <>
Subject: Clinton / Rockefeller Connections


Ever wonder why power hungry John D. the Fourth did not have
himself appointed President during the 8 year term of Democrat
Bill Clinton? All he would have to do is to have Bill
assassinated and then the door would have been wide open for a
Rockefeller king by using his 25th Amendment. What saved Bill
from an early demise was the fact that he himself was a
Rockefeller and they don't normally kill their own.

Winthrop Rockefeller, father of Bill Clinton??

Ex-President William Clinton Rockefeller.

Winthrop was Governor of Arkansas - the state that produced Bill
Clinton. The records of Bill Clinton's father have been lost
completely -- just like Hitler -- but he fits the mold of a
Rockefeller completely especially in regards to his sexual
perversion in the White House. How could Clinton come from a
small poor State like Arkansas and reach the highest position in
the land without the help of the Rockefellers?


David Icke is absolutely correct in his statement that all 41
Presidents of the United States have been directly related to
one another. This has been confirmed by a genealogical
organization known as Burke's Pearage. William Jefferson Clinton
is the one who somehow doesn't fit the other scheme of things.
But Bill Clinton's real father was not Roger Clinton.

You see Bill Clinton was born to Virginia Dellcassidy and
William Jefferson Blythe III. At some time in the 1940's Bill
Clinton's mother either divorced William Jefferson Blythe III or
he passed on. So in 1946 when she married again, this time to
Roger Clinton, they changed the name of the boy to Clinton from

So you see the 41 President sequence of bloodline heirs to the
highest office in the United States may indeed have not been
broken. Because we really do not know who Bill Clinton's real
father is.

Yes .... there have been rumors that he is actually the
illegitimate son of Winthrop Rockefeller. But Winthrop
Rockefeller was a known homosexual and so that makes that rather
doubtful. Unless of course Winthrop was a switch hitter. I think
Woody Allen once said that bisexuality automatically doubles
ones chances of having a date on Saturday night.


Another Rockefeller owned and operated state is Arkansas.
Sizeable land, small population. You cannot be so much as a
successful dog-catcher there without the blessings of the
Rockefellers. Several terms before Clinton, Winthrop Rockefeller
was Governor. Our interviews with middle-level members of the
Rockefeller Family convinces us his proper name should be
WILLIAM ROCKEFELLER CLINTON. We feel certain, from all we know,
that Sludge Willy is the illegitimate great grandson of the
unsmiling Rockefeller patriarch.

The Rockefellers are not naive plutocrats. If there ever were
ANY documents proving that Winthrop Rockefeller fathered five
illegitimate children around the nation including the person who
calls himself "Bill Clinton", those records, if any, have long
since been destroyed.

So please, like some ninny, do not heckle us with "Where are
your documents?" Until the Rockefellers are ready to throw away
Bill and Hillary as no longer useful, they are untouchable. At
the Senate Clinton Impeachment trial, the U.S. Senators
certainly understood all this. [As an example, is it necessary
for us to point out that the so-called "Watergate Affair" was
touched off without a single document?]


Groomed since a teen-ager by the American CIA, Clinton in
the1992 Presidential election shadow-boxed with his mentor,
George Herbert Walker Bush, former head of the secret political
police. Daddy Bush has been with the espionage cartel since
1959, when they helped set him up with six hundred worldwide
affiliates for "his" petroleum drilling empire, Zapata Oil,
later, Zapata Offshore, later Pennzoil, still later,

Earlier, as Arkansas Governor, Clinton participated in the
hundreds of millions of dollars involved in the dope traffic
through the southern states, run by the American CIA, in part
through the espionage airport at Mena, Arkansas. Clinton's
partners were Daddy Bush, Ollie North, and Congressman Henry
Hyde (R., Ill.), who was also head of the CIA "black budget",
funds for covert operations including domestic and overseas
political assassinations. Return shipments of air-shipped
weapons, went to unlawfully aid the Contras in Nicaragua.

Clinton, as known to his handlers and partners, was clearly
subject to blackmail and being terrorized.

He was selected to be an Oxford College, Great Britain student
by the Rhodes Trust. As not widely known, but nevertheless true,
the Rhodes fortune is pledged to overthrow the American
Republic, to return this continent to puppet colonies, and the
American inhabitants to be subjects of the British Monarch in
London. [Visit our website series, "The Overthrow of the
American Republic".]

While in England, Clinton, a sexual predator, suffering from
having his flag up too often, priapism, raped a British woman.
He was forced to terminate his studies at Oxford and abruptly
leave Great Britain, with the proviso that he would not be
criminally prosecuted as long as he never returned. In the 1992
Presidential Election, Daddy Bush and Clinton agreed not to
bring up each other's dirty laundry. Clinton would not mention
the treasonous deal done by the Elder Bush in Paris, October,
1980, to arrange weapons shipments to Iran, in return, Iran
would refuse to return the 52 U.S. hostages from the Teheran
Embassy, until the Reagan/Bush ticket was safely inaugurated in
January, 1981. If incumbent President Jimmy Carter could have
avoided seeming to be a wimp and get the return of the hostages
right before the election, it would, to Bush, be the dreaded
"October Surprise". And Clinton agreed not to mention Daddy
Bush's treason in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Over and above the blackmailable items known as to both Clinton
and Bush, was Clinton's position with the aristocracy that
gathers each year as the Bilderberg Group. The person using the
name "Clinton" should rightfully be called William ROCKEFELLER
Clinton. Our interviews with middle-level members of the
Rockefeller Family, convinces us of the validity of our
position. Namely, that "Clinton" is the illegitimate great
grandson of old John D. Rockefeller, founder of the infamous
petroleum monopoly, Standard Oil.[Other such details, see our
website series on Wal-Mart, headquartered in Arkansas.]

Several terms prior to "Clinton", Winthrop Rockefeller was
Arkansas Governor. He was known to have fathered, throughout the
U.S., at least five illegitimate children. [The legitimate great
grandson of John D., is "Jay" Rockefeller whose wife, Sharon
Percy Rockefeller, is a top mogul of public tv and radio. We
call it National Petroleum Radio.]

Throughout his career as Governor and President, "Clinton" was
kept on a chain, by among other things, terror-tactics. A
strange one-motor airplane with an already dead pilot, somehow
eluded all the measures to protect the White House, and came
within a few feet of crashing right through President Clinton's
White House bedroom window. The White House rooftop battery of
missiles was somehow turned off that night. The plane had to be
guided, that is vectored, from accomplices on the ground, to
steer around all the obstructions and buildings in its path.
Remote controlled? Perhaps. During his Presidency, more than a
hundred of his confidants, friends, circle of friends, and such
were murdered. His Little Rock campaign chief, Jerry Parks, was
murdered, mobster-style. Various of his U.S. Marine and other
guards, who knew a lot about him, were one by one, snuffed out
in strange, so-called "accidents". His pal, Vincent W. Foster,
Jr., was murdered and explained away as a "suicide".


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