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a page full of boring and endless information about me and my life and anything else I wish to include.


The Random Thoughts Archive


Yeah, I don't know what to take of today. It was just interesting. I got up on time and feeling good for the first time in a very long time this morning. I have had no energy for the past three weeks and it has been killer with my classes and everything. For the first time this semester, I actually got to eat lunch in the cafeteria at lunch time with my friends. Having a noon class really bites that's all I have to say about that. Piano was ok today, Dr. John is getting better about picking at me, and concert practice was for once not the sleep hour. So the day was ok I guess. Whitney and I went to part of the basketball game tonight in Porter Gym. It will be nice to finally get a real arena to play in, since our gym is smaller than the gym at my school which had 250 kids. Well off to bed and then off to Florida for the safety seminar in Lakeland with Celebration folks!!